Janelle Monáe's Dating and Relationship History

Updated April 23, 2024 3 items

Who is Janelle Monáe dating? This list includes all of the celebrity women Janelle Monáe dated, arranged by most recent. Janelle Monáe relationships include fellow singers and actresses.

The list of people Janelle Monáe dated is not very long, as the performer is famously tight-lipped about her private life. Tessa Thompson is reportedly one of the former famous Janelle Monáe girlfriends. The current Janelle Monáe girlfriend is rumored to be Lupita Nyong’o. There is no Janelle Monáe wife.

Is Janelle Monáe single or is Janelle Monáe married? Find out on this comprehensive list of Janelle Monáe exes, featuring their birth places and what they do professionally.