Having watched the way that Kyle over-rode Summer and hired Claire as Harrison’t nanny, there’s no way that they are going to remain together. Summer will be livid and Kyle will undoubtedly find himself drawn to Claire. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but remarriage doesn’t usually work out, at least that’s been my experience. There’s always Chance waiting in the wings----if the character is recast, that is. And can you imagine how Phyllis is going to react when she gets the news? She’s a mama bear fiercely protecting her cub. I sure would not want to be on her bad side.

They’re not married anymore.


They have been divorced for months…
What was actually not only stupid but cruel to Harrison
Kyle asked how would you like Claire to be your nanny…he did not in fact ever hire Claire and she tends to listen to grandpa Victor who said NO WAY will you ever work for an Abbott
so what if she says to Kyle thanks but I can’t how will he explain to his son


NJ_SOAP_LADY says: What was actually not only stupid but cruel to Harrison
Kyle asked how would you like Claire to be your nanny…he did not in fact ever hire Claire and she tends to listen to grandpa Victor who said NO WAY will you ever work for an Abbott

It’s just another demonstration how Harrison is a prop for Kyle to use against Summer and as an enticement to reel Claire in as Harrison’s Nanny and Kyle’s boink buddy.

Kyle’s a sleaze.


yes he is


I thought they were already divorced.


Oops. I forgot. Thanks for clarifying.

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They are. I goofed. :blush:

I wasn’t thinking of things that way. I guess I’m just favouring Claire, because she’s had such a hard life and was trapped with Harrison when “the witch” held them captive. Kyle really shouldn’t have don that, in retrospect and I can feel for Summer. I think she really believes that Claire is not a good fit to be Harrison’s nanny. I’m glad you guys are seeing the forest instead of all the trees.

Claire is an interesting character who is now being set up for uninteresting job with an uninteresting man. But I still have Sally and Audra, so it’s fine.


And CW is interesting now. My thinking is Claire is being stuck into this SL to create a triangle we don’t need with Kyle, Summer and Claire. Then again if it reunites Kyle and Summer that’s fine. By Fall Claire can be at NE.

I think there will also be some drama with Victor in regards to Claire working with Harrison. If it’s written well it could be interesting, but that’s a big “if”.


summer should be with chance and kyle with claire co parenting harrison.


I agree. I saw that scene as Kyle sticking it to Summer since he knew she wouldn’t approve.


I like to see Kyle and Claire together. She would be a great mother.

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Claire in many ways is a child, she is not ready to be in a relationship and definitely not to be anyone’s mother


If Kyle goes for Claire this will not go well with Summer. And Chance will see how jealous Summer is and he will walk away. I like to see Chance with someone else.

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If Kyle goes for Claire and doesn’t go well with Summer, it wouldn’t be out of jealousy that she wants Kyle herself…no it would be out of the fact she doesn’t trust Claire and doesn’t want Claire near her son.
so IF Kyle and Claire were together, Summer can file for custody


Claire is older than Summer. Victoria and Cole had her before Summer was born. Maybe not now on down the line when everyone gets use to Claire and get to know her better.

older or not Summer doesn’t trust her, and why does she have to?