The Meaning Behind The Song: Hasn’t Hit Me Yet by Blue Rodeo - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Hasn’t Hit Me Yet by Blue Rodeo


The Meaning Behind The Song: Hasn’t Hit Me Yet by Blue Rodeo

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Hasn’t Hit Me Yet Blue Rodeo Greg Keelor & Jim Cuddy Five Days in July October 26, 1993 Country Rock

Blue Rodeo’s “Hasn’t Hit Me Yet” is a powerful song that captures the raw emotions of heartbreak and acceptance. Released in 1993 as part of their album “Five Days in July,” the song showcases the band’s signature blend of country and rock music. Written by Greg Keelor and Jim Cuddy, the song resonates with listeners through its heartfelt lyrics and captivating melodies.

The opening lines of the song set the tone for a bittersweet reflection on a relationship that is coming to an end. The narrator acknowledges that the impending breakup is not surprising, but there is still a sense of longing and attachment. The lyrics, “You say that you’re leaving, well, that comes as no surprise. Still, I kinda like this feeling of being left behind,” capture the mixed emotions of the narrator who is both resigned to the breakup yet unsettled by the idea of being alone.

The chorus of the song repeats the line, “Hey, hey, I guess it hasn’t hit me yet.” This phrase becomes a mantra for the narrator as he tries to come to terms with the reality of the situation. Falling through a crack and losing his head symbolizes the disorientation and confusion that often accompany the end of a relationship. The narrator finds himself transfixed before a streetlight, watching the snow fall on a cold December night. This imagery adds to the overall sense of loneliness and isolation that the song evokes.

In the second verse, the lyrics hint at the narrator’s inability to see the signs of the relationship falling apart. The line, “Never thought this could happen, but somehow the feeling’s gone,” reflects the realization that the spark between the couple has faded and that one of them has grown tired of the repetitive patterns. The narrator, on the other hand, seemed to have been lost in a song, unaware of the growing distance between them.

The instrumental break in the song allows for a brief moment of respite, where the music takes center stage and amplifies the emotions conveyed by the lyrics. It serves as a bridge between the verses and the chorus and adds depth and intensity to the overall composition.

As the song reaches its conclusion, the narrator reflects on the ongoing snowfall, using it as a metaphor for the unchanging nature of his heartache. The lyrics, “And out in the middle of Lake Ontario, the same snow is falling on the deep silent water,” emphasize the cyclical nature of emotions and the continued presence of pain even in vast landscapes. This imagery is reflective of the universal aspects of heartbreak and adds a touch of melancholy to the overall sentiment of the song.

Personally, “Hasn’t Hit Me Yet” has always resonated with me on a deep level. The raw emotions expressed in the lyrics and the haunting melody have the power to transport me back to certain moments in my own life when I experienced heartbreak. The song captures the complexity of emotions that often accompany the end of a relationship, from denial and confusion to acceptance and reflection. It serves as a reminder that even though heartbreak may be painful, it is an integral part of the human experience.

In conclusion, Blue Rodeo’s “Hasn’t Hit Me Yet” is a song that beautifully encapsulates the pain and acceptance that come with the end of a relationship. Through heartfelt lyrics and captivating melodies, the band creates a poignant and relatable experience for listeners. The song serves as a reminder that heartbreak is a universal emotion and that, despite the pain, healing and growth are possible.

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