Updating my address in Postcode Finder
Updating my address in Postcode Finder
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Updating my address in Postcode Finder

Our address and postcode information is held in the Postcode Address File (PAF®). The changes we can make to addresses are set out in the PAF Code of Practice.

  1. The Postcode Address File is a database of all Delivery Points in the UK and is used to enable Royal Mail to deliver all mail efficiently. For this reason any building that is not capable or receiving a delivery of mail cannot be added to the file. For example, fields or agricultural buildings.
  2. The above also applies to any New Build properties. New Build properties can only be added to the file if they are capable of receiving mail and it is safe to do so. For example, no longer a hard hat area.
  3. We recognise that most Satellite Navigation systems will use the postcode for giving directions. However, the postcode is not an exact geographical representation of every property and when Navigation systems are set up they will use the centre point of a postcode to pinpoint a certain area. Unfortunately Royal Mail have no jurisdiction over how Navigation systems use the postcode for directional purposes.

If none of the above apply to your query, please complete the form online.

Please note: If you would like to make a change to property name or street name, please contact your local authority who are the statuory body for the naming and numbering of properties.

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