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Tag "blog news"

An update about the blog

Dear friends Today rather than commenting on the risks of a major war in Europe, or even the entire northern hemisphere, I want to share a few things about the blog. Minor issue: Twitter “cleaning house” There are currently two twitter accounts which claim a connection to me: The first one was run by a friend of mine. I have no idea who ran the second one. Please

Changes to the Saker blog layout and organization

Dear friends, This morning you might have noticed that there are a few changes on the blog’s layout.  Let me explain what we have done so far. First, to make it easier for visitors to get to what I personally wrote, we have re-designed the former “Analyses” section into “Saker Analyses”.  From now on, everything I write will be posted in this section which will only include my own analyses. 

Blog changes, donations, technical improvements, moderation and chats!

Lots’ of blog news today.  I will present them one by one: New homepage format: Many of you have complained about the new “thematic” presentation of the new blog’s homepage.  As I have mentioned before, there is an easy fix: bookmark instead of  This way you will always immediately see the “chronological” presentation of every single article posted.  But after discussing it with my webmaster, we have decided

Important blog and community news

Dear friends, Many of you have noticed that the blog was loading very slowly or not at all.  This is probably due to what is called a “distributed denial of service” attack but our IT team is also looking into the possibility of some script gone crazy.  In other words, we are trying to be vigilant, but not paranoid (yet).  The problem seems to be fixed but if it starts

The new Saker blog (v3) is now ready.

  Dear friends, An American saying says that “the third time is the charm”. I hope that this is true, because I am officially announcing the “new new blog v3” is now online at the following URL: This domain name was chosen by my webmaster Gevorg who came up with this idea at the time when our community was attacked on all sides. It is also a clear reply

Blog news: podcasts and donations

Since there are no news from Minsk (yet), I have decided to update you on a couple of blog related issues.   Podcasts: I hope to record the 5th podcast this afternoon or tomorrow. In the meantime, and thanks to “A”, the full transcript of Podcast #4 is available here: Saker Podcasts at Google Sites or, directly from this link: file at   Donations: Good news! I can

Short update from the Saker

Dear friends, First, I know the German and Russian Saker blogs are down. Please do not worry, we are transferring domain names and we even have fallback options. Please be patient. Second, today there are A LOT of news out of the Donbass, all of them very bad for the Nazis. So stay tuned for a SITREP tonight. Third, I cannot answers emails right now, I am way too busy.

Blog news (all of them good this time)

After a week of absolute horrors (more then I can publicly reveal), I can finally come back to report to you some very good news. First, the French Saker blog is back online, this time with a new domain name and a very good team with many (or possibly most) of those who worked for the original French Saker blog. Second, my appeal for IT help was heard and

To all my friends

Dear friends, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the outpouring of support you have shown me over the past days: thanks for the numerous emails, comments and donations. Speaking about which, I am happy to report that I now have received enough money to cover my legal costs and to pay my webmaster – so no need to send more! I cannot discuss

Blog News: banned topics

Dear friends, Some of you might now that I have banned the topic of climate change. I did not do a very good job enforcing that. I have to now add two more topics to the banned list: any discussion about the former French Saker or former Serbian Saker blogs or anybody associated with them or any entity linked in any way with any of the persons associated with them

Blog news update: short break, BIG plans for 2015 and a small request

Dear friends,Over the next couple of days I am going to try to “life the foot off the gas pedal” and only concentrate on one thing: an “end of year report” combined with an assessment of possible events in 2015.  Other then that, I will not post anything written by me.I have high hopes that by the Orthodox Nativity (January 7th) the “new new blog” or “new blog v 2.0″

Important news about this blog, its future, and its mission

Dear friends,Clearly the situation in Novorussia is rapidly turning into a full-scale war and, as Juan always reminds us, it will get much worse before it gets better again.  In this context, I believe that the “informational war” in which we are all participating is more important than ever.  In this context, I have several good news to announce about the future of this blog:1) The Vineyard of the Saker

Reply to a reader’s comment and some reflections on “spontaneous self-organization”

I just got a comment which I think warrants a reply as a separate post.  Here is this comment: Please resume publishing ukraine sitreps in your morning. The Anna News published in your evening is already old news and is not what made this site so valuable and timely. Since this is not the first time that I get that kind of comment I feel that I need to remind

Ok – moderation on, at least for the foreseeable future

Dear friends, Thanks for your emails and comments. I have to tell you that the idea that somebody could be ‘spamming’ the blog as a way to saturate it with garbage had never crossed my mind. I did wonder whether anybody in his/her right mind would actually hope to get some sales with this kind of idiotic ‘marketing strategies’, but that there could be a non-commercial intention behind this is

Sorry – comments moderation on (at least temporarily)

Dear friends, I am being spammed by some moron trying to sell tickets for Roger Waters (ironically, I have been a fan of Roger Waters all my life). I had to turn on comments moderation, at least temporarily, until this nonsense stops. Sorry about that. Please do let me know what solution you want me to adopt permanently. The Saker
