The Meaning Behind The Song: I, Carrion (Icarian) by Hozier - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: I, Carrion (Icarian) by Hozier


The Meaning Behind The Song: I, Carrion (Icarian) by Hozier


As a devoted fan of Hozier, I have always admired his ability to infuse profound meaning into his music. One song that particularly resonates with me is “I, Carrion (Icarian)”. Its ethereal melodies and poetic lyrics create a captivating experience that transports listeners to new emotional heights.

The Lyrics

The song begins with the lyrics:

If the wind turns, if I hit a squall
Allow the ground to find its brutal way to me
[Verse 1]
I feel lighter than I have in so much time
I’ve crossed the border line of weightless
One deep breath out from the sky
I’ve reached a rarer height now that I can confirm
All our weight is just a burden offered to us by the world
And though I burn, how could I fall
When I am lifted by every word you say to me?
If anything could fall at all, it’s the world
That falls away from me
[Verse 2]
You have me floatin’ like a feather on the sea
While you’re as heavy as the world
That you hold your hands beneath
Once I wondered what was holdin’ up the ground
But I can see that all along, love, it was you all the way down

These lyrics beautifully express the feeling of weightlessness and liberation. Hozier explores the idea that the burdens we carry in life are merely imposed upon us by society. The lines “All our weight is just a burden offered to us by the world” encapsulate this powerful message.

The Deeper Meaning

Upon further analysis, “I, Carrion (Icarian)” seems to draw inspiration from the Greek myth of Icarus. In the mythical tale, Icarus uses wings made of feathers and wax to escape imprisonment. However, his hubris leads to his downfall when he flies too close to the sun, causing his wings to melt and plummet to the sea. Hozier cleverly incorporates this narrative into the song, metaphorically comparing himself to Icarus.

Hozier likens himself to “carrion,” referencing decaying flesh, further emphasizing his vulnerability and mortality. Despite acknowledging his limitations, he finds solace in love, symbolized by the partner he addresses in the song. He says, “If these heights should bring my fall, let me be your own Icarian carrion.” Here, he expresses his willingness to risk everything for their love, even if it means facing the consequences.

Personal Connection

Listening to “I, Carrion (Icarian)” evokes a profound personal connection within me. The song speaks to the human condition—our tendency to carry burdens and the vulnerability we feel in the face of love. It serves as a reminder that even in our lowest moments and when our wings fail us, love has the power to lift us and carry us forward.


Hozier’s “I, Carrion (Icarian)” touches on universal themes of love, vulnerability, and the burdens we carry in life. Its poetic lyrics and captivating melodies create an experience that resonates deeply with listeners. This song serves as a reminder to embrace love and let it carry us, even in our most challenging moments.

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