Director of Sport (Week 1 - Summer Term 2024) | Posts Page
Director of Sport (Week 1 - Summer Term 2024)

It was great to celebrate Felsted Sport at the Sports Dinner on Friday 19 April with the Sixth Form pupils, parents and sports staff. The U6 boys and girls are a talented group and will be very much missed when the term comes to a close. They and the rest of the pupils can be very proud of an excellent year for sport in which we managed National success with the 1st XV being victorious at Twickenham at the end of March.

Mixed Senior Team - Badminton 1st Team 

Maitland Trophy - Abigail C

Senior Girls Team - 2nd XI Hockey 


Senior Boys Team - 1st XV Rugby 

Hunnable Trophy - Guy M-J

Malins Trophy - Charles M (Monaco Rugby 7s) Maxime G (Monaco Rugby 7s) Harry C (England Touch Rugby) Charles C (GB Ski Cross)

The U14 Hockey XI could not have come closer to winning the National Plate on Tuesday, but it finished in heartbreak as we lost out after 9 penalty shuffles having seen the game finish at 2-2. The boys and coaches should be incredibly proud of their achievement and they played so well in the final, possibly shading the 70 minutes. The players showed great sportsmanship in the end as did the Felsted crowd that travelled to support the team and despite the disappointment of losing out on the day, I hope the journey has inspired them for the coming sporting seasons.

Thank you to all those who played last weekend in chilly conditions and I urge all the pupils to take advantage of the fixtures on offer for tennis and cricket over the coming months. We had a number of late withdrawals from games that makes it impossible to run a programme for all the pupils. As the leavers will tell you, it goes past so quickly and you can’t play for the school once you have left! As Mr Gallian has highlighted it is important we are dressed correctly for fixtures and coaches and HM’s will be backing up this point over the next week in readiness for the next set of fixtures.