The Meaning Behind The Song: This is Christmas by Kutless - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: This is Christmas by Kutless

The Meaning Behind The Song: “This Is Christmas” by Kutless

“This Is Christmas” is a heartfelt and inspiring song by the Christian rock band Kutless. Released in 2011, it has become a beloved holiday anthem for many listeners around the world. The song encapsulates the true meaning of Christmas by focusing on the birth of Jesus Christ and the hope and joy that He brings to the world. With its powerful lyrics and melodic sound, “This Is Christmas” reminds us all of the true reason for the season.

The song begins by reflecting on the humble circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth in a stable in Bethlehem. It beautifully paints the picture of a star-filled sky and shepherds watching their flocks, setting the scene for that holy night. As the song progresses, it highlights the significance of Jesus’ birth, emphasizing how it marks the fulfillment of ancient prophecies and the beginning of a new era of grace and salvation for humanity. The lyrics invite listeners to celebrate and rejoice in the birth of Jesus, embracing the hope and love that He brings into their lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What inspired Kutless to write “This Is Christmas”?

Kutless was inspired to write “This Is Christmas” by their deep faith and desire to share the true meaning of Christmas with their listeners. The band wanted to create a song that captures the essence of the holiday and reminds people to focus on Jesus, rather than getting caught up in the commercial aspects of Christmas. They aimed to deliver a message of hope and joy, encouraging listeners to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

2. What are some key themes in the song “This Is Christmas”?

Some key themes in “This Is Christmas” include the birth of Jesus, the joy and hope that He brings, and the significance of His coming for humanity. The song also emphasizes the importance of celebrating Christmas as a time to reflect on the love and grace of God and to share that love with others. It encourages listeners to embrace the true meaning of Christmas and to allow it to transform their lives.

3. How does “This Is Christmas” differ from other Christmas songs?

“This Is Christmas” stands out from other Christmas songs due to its sincere and profound message. While many Christmas songs focus on the festivities and traditions associated with the holiday, “This Is Christmas” directs its attention to the birth of Jesus and the spiritual significance behind Christmas. It serves as a reminder to listeners to prioritize the true meaning of Christmas amidst the busyness and distractions of the season.

4. Have other artists covered “This Is Christmas”?

While there have been no notable cover versions of “This Is Christmas” by Kutless, the song has resonated with many individuals and churches around the world. It is frequently performed and celebrated during Christmas worship services and events, further amplifying its impact and spreading its message to a broader audience.

5. What is the overall message of “This Is Christmas”?

The overarching message of “This Is Christmas” is to remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ during the holiday season. It encourages listeners to set aside the materialistic aspects of Christmas and instead focus on the love, hope, and joy that Jesus brings. The song invites everyone to experience the transformative power of Jesus’ birth and to embrace His message of redemption and salvation.

6. Can “This Is Christmas” be enjoyed by people of all faiths?

While “This Is Christmas” is a Christian song with specific religious references, its message of love, hope, and joy can resonate with people of various faith backgrounds. The song’s universal themes of celebrating the birth of Jesus and embracing the true meaning of Christmas can touch the hearts of individuals regardless of their religious beliefs. It is a song that spreads positivity and encourages reflection during the holiday season.

7. How does “This Is Christmas” evoke the spirit of the holiday season?

“This Is Christmas” evokes the spirit of the holiday season by capturing the essence of joy, hope, and togetherness. The song’s uplifting melody and heartfelt lyrics inspire feelings of celebration and gratitude, reminding listeners of the true reason for Christmas. It serves as a musical embodiment of the warmth and love that people associate with this special time of the year.

8. How has “This Is Christmas” impacted listeners?

“This Is Christmas” has had a significant impact on listeners around the world. Many individuals have found solace and inspiration in the song’s powerful message, which reminds them to center their hearts and minds on the birth of Jesus Christ during the Christmas season. The song has been described as a source of hope, encouragement, and comfort, bringing people closer to their faith and fostering a deeper connection with God.

9. Can “This Is Christmas” be considered a contemporary classic?

While “This Is Christmas” has become a beloved and well-known song in the Christian music genre, it may be too early to label it as a contemporary classic. However, its timeless message and enduring popularity suggest that it has the potential to become a cherished Christmas song for future generations. Its ability to resonate with listeners and capture the true spirit of Christmas contributes to its status as a modern-day holiday favorite.

10. How does “This Is Christmas” create a sense of nostalgia?

“This Is Christmas” instills a sense of nostalgia by evoking memories of past Christmas celebrations and traditions. The song’s heartfelt lyrics and melodic beauty can transport listeners back to simpler times, reminding them of the joy and anticipation they experienced as children during the holiday season. It taps into the collective nostalgia surrounding Christmas and helps create a warm and comforting atmosphere.

11. What role does “This Is Christmas” play in Kutless’ discography?

“This Is Christmas” holds a special place in Kutless’ discography as their signature Christmas song. It stands out among their repertoire as a unique tribute to the birth of Jesus and the significance of Christmas. The song serves as a powerful reminder of Kutless’ Christian faith and their desire to share the message of Jesus’ birth with their audience.

12. How can “This Is Christmas” be incorporated into Christmas worship services?

“This Is Christmas” can be incorporated into Christmas worship services as a powerful hymn that brings congregations together in adoration and celebration. It can be performed by a worship team or choir, with the lyrics projected for everyone to sing along. The song’s reflective verses and uplifting chorus make it suitable for communal singing, creating a sense of unity and reverence during Christmas worship.

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