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For the reboot incarnation of the character, see Andy Barclay (reboot).

"You know about Chucky and you're still alive, makes you one of the lucky few. It's a shitty club to be in."
—Andy to Jake Wheeler.[src]

Andrew William "Andy" Barclay (born November 9, 1982) is the original obsession of Chucky, who stalked and terrorised Barclay when he was only a child after his mother, Karen, purchased him a Good Guy doll for his birthday. After surviving the doll's initial attack, Andy's mother was placed into psychiatric care and he was placed into the foster system, meeting sister-figure, Kyle, and surviving yet another attack from Chucky. Years later, a teenage Andy was tracked down by the murderous doll for a final time during his time at Kent Military Academy. Growing up from the trauma of these events, Andy became a paranoid and ruthless individual who dedicated most of his time to tracking Chucky down.

During these hunts, Andy learned about Chucky's attack on a young paraplegic woman named Nica Pierce and her subsequent admission to Harrogate Psychiatric Hospital. Still relentless in his mission, Andy broke into the asylum and attempted to rescue her, only for her to be possessed by Chucky herself. In the following years, Andy continued to work with Kyle and the pair returned to Hackensack, New Jersey and worked with local teens, Jake Wheeler, Devon Evans, and Lexy Cross to sabotage his plans of mass murder. After being presumed dead following his foil of Chucky's plans, Andy was discovered to be alive and aided in Chucky's exorcism at the Catholic School of the Incarnate Lord.


Early life

Andrew William Barclay was born on November 9, 1982 in Chicago, Illinois to Bob and Karen Barclay. Tragically, Bob would pass away in approximately 1987, leaving Karen a single mother and Andy desperately missing his father.[1]

Chucky's Chicago Massacre (1988)

Birthday wishes

"I want a Good Guy to go with it."
"I know you do, Andy, but I didn't know about it in time this month to save up for it.
—Andy and his mother.[src]
Andy wakes up his mother with breakfast in bed

Andy wakes up his mother with breakfast in bed.

In the weeks leading up to his sixth birthday, Andy became enamoured by the latest toy from Play Pals Toys, the Good Guy doll, and desperately wanted one as a present. On his birthday morning, Andy woke his mother up with a hastily thrown together breakfast in bed while watching Good Guy commercials on television. The pair celebrated together before running to the living room for Andy to open his presents, Karen noticeably turning down a violent news report. Upon opening his present, Andy was disappointed to find a simple pair of jeans and a Good Guys construction set, lacking a Good Guy doll. Karen was apologetic but admitted that she had not had a chance to save up for one and despite his disappointment, Andy still understood that his mother worked hard.

Andy meets Chucky

Andy meets Chucky.

Later, Andy's mother eventually picked him up from daycare holding a large, wrapped box, and upon entering their apartment, offered it to Andy as a special birthday surprise. He quickly brought it into the living room and ripped apart the packaging to reveal a brand new Good Guy doll, causing him to yell his thanks to his mother in excitement. Karen then asked him to show her how the doll worked and Andy greeted his pint-sized new friend, activating the doll's voice, which introduced itself as Chucky. After the two laughed at the doll's high-tech antics, Andy thanked his mother for the present once again and jumped over to embrace her.

Babysat by Aunt Maggie


Manipulated by Chucky


Final showdown








