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Anthology of short films.
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Downside Up. 1984. FULL-HD.
A film which, by the use of a simple camera movement, explores and reviews some relationships to the ground. The viewpoint continuously orbits places, objects, people and events. The observations gradually speed up to reveal a double sided ground flipping like a tossed coin, then slow again to oscillate about the earths edge.
The earth seems to continually flip over in this special trick film by artist Tony Hill. In his own words, it's a film which "by the use of a simple camera movement, explores and reviews a number of relationships to the ground". The effect has been mimicked in pop vidoes for songs by Cabaret Votaire and Pulp.
Director: Tony Hill.
UK, 1984.
Language: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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buddhaDate: Friday, 20.01.2023, 19:37 | Message # 47
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Little Canyon. 2008. HD.
Greta's dad is moving the family cross-country, promising a California paradise and packing half the household into a dented station wagon. All that's missing is Mom. As they travel through forest, plains and desert, stopping at fast food joints, shoddy motels, and a poor substitute for the Grand Canyon, Greta gradually realizes that her family is falling apart.
Director: Olivia Silver.
Cast: Tessa Allen, Kevin Jacobsen, Aaron Refvem, Kendall Toole.
USA, 2008.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
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buddhaDate: Saturday, 21.01.2023, 03:15 | Message # 48
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Balavica / Little Darling. 2013. FULL-HD.
Two kids on top of a skyscraper, and a view of the sea. He is Tom Sawyer and she is Alice in Wonderland. Treading towards the edge and doing everything they shouldn't. In this hot summer, left under her grandma's charge, she will feel what love is for the first time in her life.
Director: Igor Mirković.
Cast: Đana Gudelj, Marko Boljat, Slavica Jukic, Petra Barbaric, Franko Jakovcevic.
Croatia, Slovenia, 2013.
Language: Croatian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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Penfield. 2011. HD.
A very laconic atmospheric Spanish short film like a Picasso painting.
Is Penfield a place? No, no such place exists. A person then? No. There is no such person.- Is it perhaps a sensation?... Something like irritation in a member that already does not exist.
Director: Isabel de Ayguavives.
Cast: Sonia Madrid, Miriam Martín.
Spain, 2011.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
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The Bathers. 2003. HD.
Set in the late 19th or early 20th century, the film opens with three upper class women and a little girl picnicing on a deserted beach. The little girl begins playing around and eventually strips to her underwear. The women tollerate this as she is only young, but eventually she pushes the boundaries by removing her underwear and swimming naked in the water. The women watch her for quite sometime, as the weather gets hotter the women secretly envy the girl. The eldest of the three women, eventually giving into temptation, strips naked and goes swimming with the little girl. The two younger women continue to watch, the younger of the two begins stripping but the older one stops her. Eventually the younger woman runs away and strips off her clothes and goes swimming with the other two. The third, and obviously most conservative of the three, watches for a while before giving into temptation. She strips naked and swims with the two other women and the little girl. The film ends with the four of them frolicking naked in the water.
Director: Elissa Down.
Cast: Ellen Cressey, Latonya Csont, Bobbie Salmon, Georgia Salmon, Rhonda Ellen Cressey.
Australia, 2003.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
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buddhaDate: Saturday, 21.01.2023, 03:18 | Message # 51
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Anthology of short films. Part 107.
Today is an extraordinary release of the Anthology of short films, number one hundred and seven. Again, there will be no titles and synopsis of the short films included in this issue. I can only say that they are all fresh, in HD and three of them are documentaries about ballet.
Enjoy watching!
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buddhaDate: Saturday, 21.01.2023, 03:19 | Message # 52
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Anthology of short films. Part 106.
So we present to your attention the next issue of the Anthology of short films number one hundred and sixth. Today there will be no titles, no synopsis of mini-movies, and there are reasons for this. This time there are 11 mini-films, mostly from Latin America, almost all fresh and in HD.
Enjoy watching!
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buddhaDate: Saturday, 21.01.2023, 03:20 | Message # 53
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Ik ben een meisje! / I Am a Girl. 2010. FULL-HD.
NL. Joppe is een mooi meisje van 13 jaar. Ze heeft een oogje op Brian. Maar wat Brian nog niet weet, is dat ze eigenlijk een jongen is.
EN. Every 13-year-old girl dreams of that nice, but hard-to-get, boy. And Joppe is no different, consulting her friend on how to ask Brian out. But just how should she tell him that she was born a boy? From a very early age, Joppe - then still called Jop - liked to wear dresses and wigs and play with Barbie dolls. Jop also preferred to be addressed as a "she" rather than a "he." Halfway through the last year of elementary school, she decided to ask her classmates to consider her a girl from then on. "It really isn't a huge problem", she says. "It doesn't dominate your life, although you are confronted by it every day." Nevertheless, this brave teenager won't let anything stop her. With a striking amount of self-confidence, Joppe explains how puberty blockers and female hormones work and how she copes with her emotions.
Winner of the Jury Award for Best Short Documentary at the Los Angeles Film Festival, USA 2011.
Director: Susan Koenen.
Netherlands, 2010.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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buddhaDate: Sunday, 22.01.2023, 20:36 | Message # 54
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Classes vertes. 2009.
FR. Jonathan, 7 ans, fait sa valise. Demain il part en classes vertes avec l'école. Mais sa maman n'a pas envie qu'il parte. Et l'amour d'une maman, c'est bien connu, ça peut faire des ravages...
EN. Jonathan, age seven, prepares his suitcase. Tomorrow he leaves for an educational schooltrip to the countryside with his school. But his mum does not want thim to leave. And the love of a mum, is well known, can do some rampage.
Director: Alexis Van Stratum.
Cast: Martin De Myttenaere, Marceau Henrard, Catherine Salée.
France, Belgium, 2009.
Language: French.
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buddhaDate: Sunday, 22.01.2023, 20:37 | Message # 55
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Bedwetter. 2008.
Dramatic short film about 10-year-old boy confronts the horror of his mother bringing a new man back to their apartment.
Director: Nat Livingston Johnson.
Writer: Zayd Dohrn.
Cast: Judy Jerome, Cole Kwiatkowski, Luke Temple.
USA, 2008.
Language: English.
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buddhaDate: Sunday, 22.01.2023, 20:51 | Message # 56
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Uniformadas / Uniformed. 2010. FULL-HD.
Margaret is a lonely but very observant girl. Everyday, she is impacted by numerous uniforming messages that try to educate her to fulfill a concrete social role. Nevertheless, Margaret has a little secret. And from the shelter of her room, she will show us the strength and the imagination with which she will overcome the established stereotypes.
Director: Irene Zoe Alameda.
Cast: Lowena McDonell, Lucía Caraballo, Pilar Torriente, Ana Hilton, Maria Cuéllar, Lucía Martínez, Lily Morett, Jessica Prado, Eugenia Savchynets.
Spain, 2010.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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buddhaDate: Sunday, 22.01.2023, 20:52 | Message # 57
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Ophelia. 2013. HD.
The forest, the dunes, the ocean. Thomas and Simon, 12 and 9 years old, pedal fast. They know she comes to
sunbathe here everyday, naked, on the beach. Away from the rest of the
Director: Annarita Zambrano.
Cast: Audrey Bastien, Léo Castell, Django Desplain.
France, 2013.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
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buddhaDate: Tuesday, 31.01.2023, 04:58 | Message # 58
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Anthology of short films. Part 108.
Today we present to your attention the first issue of this year's collection
of short films number one hundred and eight. This time we have collected
eleven mini-films, mostly fresh French ones, but there are also unusual
ancient ones from other countries.
Enjoy watching!
1. Sur la tombe de mon père. 2021. HD.
Maïne roule vers un village marocain accompagnée de sa famille et du cercueil
de son père. Demain, les hommes l’enterreront et les femmes attendront à
la maison. Mais la jeune fille ne l’entend pas de cette manière et
compte bien accompagner son père jusqu’à la dernière minute.
Director: Jawahine Zentar.
France, 2021.
1280x720 HD
2. Cloche Petite aux merveilles du pays. 2022. HD.
Cloche is an homeless and clumsy young woman.
She exhausts her companions with her blunders. They end up excluding her from their camp.
Unable to fend for herself, starving, freezing, and afraid, Cloche goes downtown.
A little odyssey begins that will change her life.
Director: Anthony Brinig.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
3. Matapang. 2022.
Mary Ann, a twelve-year-old child born from sex tourism, survives in the
slum of Angeles City, Manila. Determined to make it out, she is ready to
do anything to find her father.
Director: Léa-Jade Horlier.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
4. Des Tresses. 2022. FULL-HD.
Lili starts fourth grade at a new school and befriends Dado. As the class
photo approaches, Lili has her hair braided and Dado has her hair
straightened. It's an opportunity to look for something in each other
that they don't have, even if it means putting their friendship at risk.
Director: Leïla Macaire.
France, 2022.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
5. Petit poussin. 2020. HD.
Suffering from mutism, 12 year-old Maëline finds it hard to be accepted by
others. Sent home from the childcare centre, she has no choice but to
stay on her own with Patrick, her butcher step-father.
Director: Nadia Anebri.
France, 2020.
1280x720 HD
6. Amère. 2022. HD.
Director: Flora Djien.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
7. Ist das denn schon Liebe? 1983.
Dokumentarfilm berichtet über eine Gruppe von Jugendlichen zwischen 14 und 16 Jahren,
die während ihres dreiwöchigen Ferienaufenthaltes an der Ostsee nach
ihren partnerschaftlichen Beziehungen und ihrem Sexualleben befragt
wurden. Mit großer Offenheit berichten die Jungen und Mädchen über ihre
frühen Erfahrungen mit dem anderen Geschlecht. Ihr verantwortungsvolles
Verhalten, ihre Erlebnisse, Wünsche, Hoffnungen, Gefühle und
Vorstellungen werden behutsam mit der Kamera eingefangen und mit den
Originaltönen gut zusammen geschnitten. Briefe Jugendlicher an die
Zeitung "Junge Welt“ thematisieren die Probleme bei der Partnersuche,
mit der Sexualität und in der Partnerschaft.
Director: Helmut Kißling.
DDR, DERA, 1983.
8. Dominique Personne. 2022. HD.
Dominique is a 12-year-old teenager, reserved and far from popular. All weekend,
it's the big departmental acrosport tournament, except that this morning
Dominique has her period.
Director: Camille Pernin.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
9. Ryhti on terveyttä. 1959.
Mannerheim-liiton ryhtineuvolan valistuselokuva, päähenkilöinä kuvitteellisen Virtasen
perheen selkävaivaiset isä ja tytär. Tytär käy Mannerheim-liiton
ryhtineuvolassa tutkittavana ja saa ohjeet ryhdin parantamista varten.
Finland, 1959.
10. Nordens arkæologi. Jernalderen. 1958. FULL-HD.
Om jernalderen i norden. Filmen viser, hvordan jernmalmen udvindes og
bruges til f.eks. pløjeredskaber. Boligen er ét stort rum med mennesker
og husdyr under samme tag. Hverdagslivet er skildret med alle dets
gøremål. Bevarede kar og genstande med relieffer og udsmykning, der
fortæller om livet i jernalderen og den store historie, fremvises.
Filmen er 3. del af serien "Nordens arkæologi".
Director: Carl Otto Petersen.
Denmark, 1958.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
11. Vlekkeloos / Spotless. 2021.
When 15 year old Ruby realizes she is having her period, she doesn't want to
ask her mother to buy her period products, because she knows their
financial situation doesn't really allow it. She sets out to solve this
problem herself.
Director: Emma Branderhorst.
Netherlands, 2021.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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buddhaDate: Sunday, 05.02.2023, 04:08 | Message # 59
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Alltid på en tisdag / Always on a Tuesday. 2004.
Sanna and Moa are best friends. One afternoon a week the two girls are allowed to be home alone instead of going to After-school. It is exciting and of course they have to try everything they normally aren't allowed to do. But after a while the games become more serious and Sanna has a hard time finding a way out.
Director: Pil Maria Gunnarsson.
Cast: Frida Bergesén, Bengt Braskered, Ylva Gallon, Lukas Lönnroth, Ann-Sofie Rase, Daniel Scherp, Siri Flemming Svedmark, Elisabet Svensson.
Sweden, 2004.
Language: Swedish.
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buddhaDate: Tuesday, 07.02.2023, 05:07 | Message # 60
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Anthology of short films. Part 109.
And now we present to your attention fresh collection of short films number one hundred and nine. This time we have collected eight mini-films various countries and genres.
Enjoy watching!
1. Play Time. 2007.
8 year old Rosie would do anything to play with her older sister Miranda. But Rosie finds herself in a nasty situation when Miranda takes a game in the woods one step too far.
Director: Hana Geißendörfer.
UK, Germany, 2007.
2. Le songe. 2006.
Sally is a photographer and spends the summer vacation with her daughter and blind father in a riverside cottage. On a bright morning, as she is coming back from the market, she finds her father fell during her absence. She receives an somewhat unkindly critical phone call about her new photographic exhibition. A strange and unexpected event occurs, however : the arrival of an intruder, an angel-like child who will act on the artist as would a developer. Nurtured by the beneficial effects of the visitor, the young woman feels the need to realize a new picture.
Director: Philippe Reypens.
Belgium, 2006.
3. Madden. 2023. FULL-HD.
Madden practices mastering his high heels behind the barn. In the evening, she is expected to take care of her younger sibling. The longing for teenage life in the city collides with the obligations at home on the farm in a wonderfully beautiful and sensitive portrayal of a young girl's conflicted inner self.
Director: Malin Ingrid Johansson.
Swrden, 2023.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
4. Janek Bastard. 2017. FULL-HD.
Krzysztof, an introverted 10 year old, faces his father's decision to hide a Jewish boy from a nearby village in the family's house. As the new boy prompts the father's attention, Krzysztof develops a flammable jealousy towards the other boy which reaches a dangerous peak and leads him to an irreversible act.
Director: Muriel Naim.
USA, Israel, 2017.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
5. Red pen 2020. FULL-HD.
This is red pen story which has been converted to a child nightmares therefore the child escapes from one nightmare to another one.
Director: Mohammad Abbasi.
Iran, 2020.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
6. Sept à huit / Seven to Eight. 2011.
Episode "Puberté Précoce".
Seven to Eight is a French weekly news television program broadcast on TF1 since September 10, 2000, presented byHarry Roselmackand produced by Éléphant et Cie, the production company of Emmanuel Chainand Thierry Bizot.
A magazine featuring powerful stories that make the news, documents and exclusive testimonials from around the world.
France, TF1, 2011.
7. Das Mädchen und der kleine Junge. 2009.
Tells the story of a lawyer, who starts a discussion with a little girl, that claims to be the legal owner of the sun.
Director: Adam Janisch.
Germany, 2009.
8. Leo e Sandra. 2004. HD.
Leo is a very quiet boy who would like to introduce himself to his neighbors who studies on the opposite terrace.
Director: Alessandro Celli.
Italy, 2004.
1280x720 HD
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