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Protagonists with various romance routes and vague romantic labels have always been a popular trope in fiction. Anime, however, ups the ante with its harem genre. This sitcom formula has withstood the test of time, and viewers can now consume a plethora of harem anime in case they want to see some hyperbolic gender dynamics and exaggerated attraction.

Every New Harem Anime Announced For 2024 (So Far)

2024 is jam-packed with anime of all types, and that extends to harem. Here is every airing and upcoming 2024 harem anime.

Some of the titles in this theme or genre can be rather "daring" or worse, a crass representation of harem. As such, if someone is looking to start their genre journey, they should check out these upcoming shows first since they are the best harem anime on the market.

Updated June 4, 2024 by Mark Sammut: Spring 2024 anime season is nearly at an end, and it has not been great for harem shows except for Date a Live's continuation. Save for that one sequel, the quarter's library features very few stories that fit the genre, and the exceptions are mostly fine rather than great.

Best Spring 2024 Harem Anime

Harem anime are common-ish without being overabundant. Most seasons contain at least a couple of shows that fit the genre, even if some of them might be borderline cases. Although not a full exception, the Spring 2024 season is fairly lacking in harem stories, with only three shows being full-blown representatives.

Date a Live 5 is shaping up to be the best entry in the well-liked franchise, offering a very good blend of action, drama, and romance. While one of the best harem anime ever, the fifth season does not need to be highlighted since it is unlikely to attract any new viewers. At this point, most people are either watching Date a Live or not.

Re:Monster is a dark fantasy isekai about a guy reincarnated as a goblin. Although not the main focus, the protagonist builds a (contentious) harem very quickly. Honestly, the show is, at best, entertaining trash that goes to some rather dark and uncomfortable places, although it is not presented as all that dark by the show. If that sounds enticing, give it a watch.

The season's final harem anime deserves an individual spotlight. However, before getting to that series, let's go through a couple of Spring 2024 anime that flirt with harem tropes.

  • Despite not being a romantic lead, The Misfit of Demon King Academy's Anos has a female-only fanbase.
  • KonoSuba is like the anti-harem, with Kazuma being surrounded by three chaotic (but endearing) girls.
  • The Banished Former Hero Lives as He Pleases quickly pairs its protagonists with a plethora of fantasy tropes.
  • Blue Archive the Animation consists of a male teacher and a bunch of female students (thankfully, the show has avoided romance, so far).

5 Strongest Isekai Anime Protagonists Of Spring 2024, Ranked

Mages, goblins, and slime, Spring 2024 isekai anime have it all. Here are the theme's strongest main characters of the season.

Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included

Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included trailer

While most harem anime are not risqué, Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included is particularly wholesome, surprisingly so considering the opening episode includes a reference to a love hotel. Honestly, the show might be a bit too precious for its own good at times, especially when it comes to its main girl. Now, to be fair, Towa is an angel on her first expedition to Earth, so her wide-eyed innocence makes sense from the story's perspective. Luckily for her, she stumbles upon the pleasant Shintaro, a teenager who is best described as "nice."

Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included instantly establishes Shintaro and Towa as its endgame, so much so that none of the other girls feel like genuine contenders. This foregone conclusion does make characters like Tsumugi seem a bit sad, especially since she is openly in love with her male classmate. More importantly, the show works far better when Shintaro and Towa are not the sole focus, as they can be quite bland as a duo.

Now, let's get started on the best harem anime ever...

24 Girlfriend, Girlfriend

MyAnimeList: 6.54 (Season 1)

Saki Shino Nagisa and Milika – Girlfriend Girlfriend Season 2 Episode 5
Saki Shino Nagisa and Milika – Girlfriend Girlfriend Season 2 Episode 5

Naoya is living with his two girlfriends, Saki and Nagisa, a situation his partners are not equally thrilled about. He is also stalked by another girl, Rika, who refuses to take a hint and is not afraid to break a few laws to get her way. To make matters even more complicated, Saki's friend, Shino, moves in with Naoya to try and make sure he does not hurt her bestie; naturally, she also develops feelings for the lead.

Girlfriend, Girlfriend is at its best when highlighting its characters' charming stupidity, an element heightened by Naoya's blunt and earnest nature. Saki and Rika are both capable of producing hilarious moments and tend to overshadow the more subdued Nagisa. Shino's increased involvement in season 2 was a mixed bag, but she helped keep the story moving.

23 Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs

MyAnimeList: 7.33

Trapped In A Dating Sim - Main Cast Of Game Characters Looking At Protagonist

Plenty of isekai anime lean into harem territory, but they do not always bring out the best in each other. These stories have a habit of emphasizing the most generic traits of both themes, resulting in forgettable slogs like In Another World With My Smartphone or The Fruit of Evolution. That said, exceptions exist that not only do justice to both isekai and harem conventions but also heighten their strengths. A few comedy series even manage to parody both genres quite well.

6 Best Isekai Anime & Manga Where The Protagonist Gets Married

Isekai anime and manga are known for their power fantasies, but this list breaks down the best isekai wherein the main character gets married.

While The Eminence in Shadow is arguably the most popular example and has a huge roster of female characters, Cid (the male protagonist) is so far removed from a traditional harem lead that he disqualifies the show from a recommendation. Fortunately, Trapped in a Dating Sim qualifies as a harem anime that confidently pokes fun at the theme's tropes along with isekai and otome games.

At the behest of his sister, a guy is forced to complete a dating sim he hates. Once done, he quickly dies and reincarnates as a bit-part player in the same universe he detests. Armed with the required knowledge to live a cozy life, Leon sets out to play the game while also keeping out of trouble. That does not happen, and he soon finds himself attracting unwanted attention, including landing in the middle of a harem featuring the game's heroine and villainess (who develop a surprisingly cute relationship).

22 Amagami SS

MyAnimeList: 7.29 (Season 1)

amagami ss image
Amagami SS

Release Date
July 2, 2010
Number of Episodes
Based On
Streaming Service(s)

Amagami SS offers a more relatable and grounded main character for a harem story. It's about Junichi Tachibana who has been suffering from social anxiety ever since getting stood up on a date a couple of years back. However, his luck at romance begins to turn around when suddenly, several girls start showing interest in him once again.

6 Romance Anime To Watch If You Love Spice and Wolf

Viewers who loved Spice and Wolf for its wonderful mix of romance and economics will love these recommended anime series just as much.

To add to Junichiro's dilemma, all of them are interesting stereotypes of high school girls in anime. Amagami SS is a fairly wholesome take on the often mature harem genre, and the anime generally opts against fan service.

21 Saber Marionette J

MyAnimeList: 7.38 (Season 1)

saber marionette j image
Saber Marionette J

Release Date
October 1, 1996
Number of Episodes
Studio Junio

An oldie but a goodie, Saber Marionette J is a childhood classic for a lot of millennials today. This harem anime is quite a handful as it combines several other genres, ranging from mecha to comedy. It takes place on a colonized planet far from Earth where the women are merely androids called Marionettes due to a failed expedition that killed off the female part of the colony.

Marionettes were inherently emotionless, but one day, a special boy found three unique examples who showed the ability to be empathetic. Therefore, it's up to the boy to teach the three Marionettes what it means to be human while preventing war.

20 TenPuru: No One Can Live On Loneliness

MyAnimeList: 6.73

temple anime

TenPuru is a harem anime featuring a monk and nuns. Well, they are at least aiming to go down that route. Wanting not to turn out like his lecherous father, Akemitsu joins a temple in order to become a monk; unfortunately, his new home happens to be a nunnery featuring nothing but girls around the protagonist's age. Also, as this is an ecchi show, Akemitsu's commitment to celibacy is regularly challenged.

TenPuru is a quintessential harem comedy, in the sense that the show really sticks to the genre's tropes. The characters are all fairly stereotypical, but they are bad either. Akemitsu is quite pleasant since he generally has good intentions, even if he tends to regularly make dumb mistakes. The girls are a bit more of a mixed bag since, so far, only a few of them have been properly spotlighted, but they produce their share of laughs as well.

Like quite a few harem anime, TenPuru leans heavily into ecchi territory, which is not going to be for everyone. The show loves its fanservice, and these sequences can be repetitive and uninspired. However, the anime's humor frequently hits the mark, provided a viewer does not mind banter that comes with a healthy dose of stupidity.

19 How Not To Summon a Demon Lord

MyAnimeList: 6.85 (Season 1)

How Not to Summon a Demon Lord Ω

How Not To Summon a Demon Lord is about a shut-in gamer who gets isekai'd into his own game. Instead of being a normal guy though, he assumes the role of Demon King Diablo, his in-game avatar. Sure enough, as soon as he arrives in his newfound world, he accidentally enslaves the two girls who summoned him.

However, despite being very powerful, Diablo agrees to help these girls unbind their contract, although the journey to get there might be more troublesome than expected. Leaning heavily into comedy and ecchi, this isekai anime is arguably slightly underrated, especially its entertaining first season that produces plenty of great laughs along with quite a few intense moments between Diablo and his summoners. Unfortunately, season 2 struggled to replicate its predecessor's charm.

18 Lord Marksman And Vanadis

MyAnimeList: 7.11

lord marksman and vanadis screenshot

Lord Marksman And Vanadis is one of the few harem fantasy anime that has a somewhat serious tone. The plot revolves around an ongoing territorial war in a fictional version of Europe; consequently, the series has plenty of political undertones and subplots.

The Greatest Romance Anime Of All Time (June 2024)

There are plenty of great romance anime out there. These romantic tales are sure to pull on the heartstrings of any anime fan.

At the heart of this conflict is the unfortunate Tigrevurmud. He is one of the archers of a faction whose army was decimated by Elen or Eleonora of the opposing faction. In a strange twist of fate, Tigre is spared by Elen, and thus begins the former's turbulent struggle as a defector/prisoner of war for a female general.

17 Rent-A-Girlfriend

MyAnimeList: 7.03 (Season 1)


Rent-a-Girlfriend is unforgettable, both in good and bad ways. The protagonist is a college student named Kazuya Kinoshita. The anime starts with his girlfriend suddenly becoming his ex, so he seeks comfort by rebounding in the arms of a rental girlfriend found through an app. The two quickly find themselves to be incompatible, but it is a little late for that as both of them have to fake a relationship to appease Kazuya's ill grandmother. Along the way, more colorful and quirky girls appear to challenge Kazuya's fake relationship.

If nothing else, Rent-a-Girlfriend knows how to get a reaction out of viewers, even if that response is frequently frustration. Kazuya can be infuriating since he is not really written to be cool or traditionally charming; in fact, he tends to get lost in his anxiety, which can get repetitive and tiresome when it happens for multiple seasons. That said, he is at least a memorable lead, which is not something that can be said for every harem protagonist.

Rent-a-Girlfriend loses some points as a harem since the end goal is never in question, to the point that the other girls can come across as distractions rather than contenders.

16 Rosario + Vampire

MyAnimeList: 6.75 (Season 1)


Looking for another disorderly twist in a harem anime? Why not monster girls? Rosario + Vampire explores that notion. Protagonist Tsukune Aono enrolls in Youkai Academy thanks to his stingy parents, but he soon discovers that it's actually a school for supernatural monsters such as succubi, werewolves, and vampires.

Thankfully, he falls in the company of Akashiya Moka and other monster girls who view him as a precious friend since he's the only human in the academy. It's not all ecchi situations and opportune moments for Tsukune though as he also helps the girls address the school's most glaring issues. Rosario + Vampire is one of the most popular and well-known harem anime out there, and it does feature quite a few of the genre's tired tropes and conventions; however, the supernatural twist gives it an edge over most of its contemporaries and successors.

15 A Couple Of Cuckoos

MyAnimeList: 6.92


A Couple of Cuckoos features a conservative dose of fan service, which will either be a positive or a negative depending on the viewer. Also, in a surprisingly rare change of pace from most of the genre's shows, the anime's main male protagonist arguably earns his harem. That would be the straight-A student, Nagi Umino. He was supposed to be rich, but the hospital accidentally switched him with another baby after birth.

10 Most Impractical Weapons In Anime

These anime weapons are awesome and often deadly, but they are rather impractical.

When he did turn 16, he finally met his real parents and the girl he inadvertently switched lives with at birth. The problem is, his adoptive and real parents now want him to marry the girl. Other problems arise when Nagi starts pursuing someone else he genuinely likes, and, on top of that, his adopted sister also has her eyes on him.

14 We Never Learn: Bokuben

MyAnimeList: 7.28 (Season 1)

We Never Learn Bokuben

In We Never Learn, an impoverished student named Yuiga gets a chance to be admitted to a top-ranked university on a full scholarship. However, there's one condition: he'll have to tutor the school's geniuses in their weakest subjects.

28 Most Iconic Anime Girls With Red Hair

There are a ton of iconic anime characters with colorful hair, and these are the best redheads among them.

Of course, all these geniuses are girls with dynamic and eccentric personalities, meaning it's quite a monumental task for someone like Yuiga. While there's nothing that stands out with this rom-com, it does everything decently and is generally an entertaining watch.

13 To LOVE Ru

MyAnimeList: 6.98

Motto To LOVE Ru beach scene

To LOVE Ru is a harem classic where a typical boy MC named Yuuki Rito actually has an ideal partner who's also his childhood friend. Things get complicated, however, when an alien girl from another planet lands on Earth and sets her eyes on Yuuki.

Best Comedy Anime Series On Funimation (February 2023)

Funimation subscribers have plenty of comedy anime to pick from, and these are the most hilarious shows on the streaming service.

To make matters worse, the said alien girl's sisters also want a piece of Yuuki and have uprooted themselves and now live in his house. Oh, and there's also a weapon girl who wants to kill Yuuki but also serves as a potential romantic tangent for him. But hey, Yuuki still loves his childhood friend no matter what. Sort of. Maybe.

12 The Familiar Of Zero

MyAnimeList: 7.22 (Season 1)

familiar of zero characters saito hiraga louise anime