Los Angeles Area Pagans & Witches Network | Meetup
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What we’re about

Welcome to the grass roots, people-powered, community calendar of events for the Witches & Pagans Community in Los Angeles!
There are several new, important differences between this and most other Meetups. The most important difference is that from now on ALL COMMUNITY MEMBERS ARE WELCOME TO CREATE AND ANNOUNCE MEETUP EVENTS - as soon as you send a request to be upgraded to Event Organizer status by sending a request to member, Krystal Rains. (click on members, and search for her name)
Due to the recent change in status/spammer ownership, there does appear to be one remaining change. It looks likes Meetup.com altered their policies regarding open calendars, such that groups started after 2014 are not able to allow all members to post events. Instead, admins can upgrade any member to "Event Organizer" status, allowing them to create, edit, and delete their own events as they like. When our meetup changed hands our page changed to the new model.
You can read about Meetup's policy here: Member Suggest Meetups. "

EVERY SINGLE COMMUNITY MEMBER can post ANY EVENT you like on the new Community Calendar - As soon as you request Event Organizer status due to the changes on Meetup.com (see above) - And you can even announce it yourself immediately the entire community without approval as well.

Here is - step by step - how to create a grass roots Meetup event on the Community Calendar:
1. Join the Community.
2. Go to the members, search for Krystal Rains and request to be made an "Event Organizer" 
3. Event Organizers may add Meetups by filling out the 'Let's Meetup and...' form
4. Meetups added by Event Organizers are turned into official Meetups immediately.
5. Event Organizer-added Meetups with a date selected will appear on the Calendar
6. Event Organizer-added Meetups without a date selected will appear only on the 'Upcoming' Meetups list on the Meetup Group's home page
7. The Event Organizer who adds the Meetup may choose to announce the Meetup to the Meetup Group's members immediately.

Finally, the community mailing list is currently moderated, but informative messages will be approved to  reach the entire community!

Please Use the Message Boards for ongoing conversations. 

These are powerful community building tools. Please use them responsibly.

This is our community. Let's nurture and care for it.

Upcoming events (4+)

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