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Gov't polling showed many Canadians' drug decriminalization fears

Months before B.C. sought to scale back its drug decriminalization pilot project, the federal government's own polling suggested to officials that a majority of Canadians believed the policy would lead to an increase in overdoses. 

Ahead of Paris Olympics, Canadian intelligence agency warns attendees to be on guard for cyberattacks

As athletes and officials prepare for this summer's Paris Olympics, Canada's electronic intelligence agency is warning them to also get ready for likely cyberattacks. 

Justice minister says he's 'proud' of government's record on appointing judges

The federal justice minister has written a letter to the Supreme Court’s chief justice saying he’s “proud” of the Liberal government's record on appointing judges.

A tale of two convoy trials

While Pat King's trial has more or less run smoothly and on schedule, the trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber has dragged on and been punctuated by starts and stops. They're now technically at the same stage, but even there it's expected they'll diverge.