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I regret waiting so long.


I dropped the game three times. I found it boring, monotonous, sleepy and other things. Last week I decided to give it another chance and it was one of the best choices of my life. I started the game on hard and I can't stop playing. Hours pass and I don't even notice, simply incredible. I haven't even finished it yet but it's a 10/10 for sure. I was thinking about starting to read the books, should I?

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u/Peterandre97 avatar

I did the same thing, tried playing it multiple times in the past when it released. I was too young and impatient. Now i really appriciate these kind of games, the details and effort put into this game is very rare nowadays. I started on deathmarch and have put in around 40-50hours the past couple of weeks. I also remember i gave up on the gwent game the first time i tried witcher 3, now im hunting down every gwent player and almost prioritizing it above all else. Something i regret tho is not enabling the witcher 2 simulation. Didn't understand it at first, but as i have understood now it seems like if u enable it you see more detailed things about witcher 2 when u are playing witcher 3.

u/l-FIERCE-l avatar

congratulations :]

You probably have 100+ hours left including DLC - and all of it is excellent.

I think a lot of people make the mistake of not playing on death march or at least blood and broken bones. My first playthrough I did the second easiest, which was right for me at the time. But you don't need to use a single potion, blade oil, decoction, or anything... and that's a HUGE part of being a Witcher. Like, getting killed a bunch of times by a Wyveryn, finally reading the beastiary, preparing all your potions and abilities and stuff is rewarding to finally kill the thing. Witchers are methodical in the way they approach monsters.

People often complain about the combat in this game. There are valid arguments. But part of it is that if you play on anything less than death march you are just mashing attack and dodge, and thus its boring.

u/Competitive_Pen7192 avatar

Doesn't Death March break the immersion somewhat as regular bandits wearing just a loincloth are actually a match for an elite level Witcher?

u/l-FIERCE-l avatar

I get it. Death March isn't always the answer. Finding a difficulty that punishes you enough where you have to use the game mechanics, but not so much that you give up from frustration is the sweet spot. I don't recommend this for first time players. Experience the game and make sure you finish it. Look for challenge and new mechanics on subsequent playthroughs.

I'm early in another playthrough right now on death march. Level 11 finally with my Griffin gear. Just got to Novigrad but I also spend sessions cleaning up parts of Velan.

Last night I was clearing the beaches and other question marks West of Midcopse and was getting owned by the pirates. The friggin arrows. I died many times.

  • I went on an adventure to get my enhanced hangman's venom (blade oil for humans). Just needed some missing ingredients.

  • I made sure to visit a town and enhance my sword and armor at the table and grindstone.

  • I don't have the parry arrow ability but I realized I did have the alternate Yrden sign available, and it breaks incoming arrows (among other things). I started to use that magic trap.

  • Decided on Tawny oil potion so I could set my traps and have Quen up as often as possible. Also had to rely on Swallow potion to recover health of course.

  • Went with Griffin decoction so that I could build up all resistances during these big encounters (that beach is huge).

  • I would use a variety of bombs. Almost all of them are effective on humans (I think moon dust is the only one that isn't).

It wasn't fun getting my ass kicked. But it was fun problem solving and finally exhaling and clearing out each spot. Felt like I earned it rather than just walking all over them and going through the motions.

It is so satisfying to get the slow motion finishers, dropping a guy to his knees and beheading him, as they often cap off an encounter as I breath a sigh of relief.

To your point about immersion breaking... obviously most men are no match for a Witcher, but you could argue that a Witcher steam rolling 30 men is also immersion breaking. It should be a white knuckle harrowing experience, even for Geralt.

This is all to say that proper difficulty transforms the game.

Which it isn't. Death March really isn't that hard, if you know what you're doing. And as soon as soon as you get the Mutations in BaW it's back to steamrolling again, even on DM. I love this game but that's probably my I gripe with it. Witcher 2 on Dark Mode kicks your ass regardles and I wish that was an option in Witcher 3 as well...

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u/Ancient-Wall-4515 avatar

Early on you get used to having to rely more on your potions ect, so even on deathmarch Geralt still makes quick work of bandits with the right strategy

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The books are so good. I’ve played through the games and DLC 3 times since release, but read through the books more

There are 8 books, right?

Technically yes. 2 are short stories that act as prequels, but are pretty necessary (you’ll be familiar with some of the stories if you watched the show). Then there are 5 main books that are the actual story. And then there is one that is basically its own story, but it’s still very good, although optional basically.

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u/Oojima-Shin avatar

As we grow order we will enjoy it more

u/HollowByHeart avatar

I get bored with games so quick specially if the story is just genetic and underwhelming or side quests are repetitive. Witcher 3 however, with the story and choices you can engage and approach with, plus the gameplay is fun, making builds and hunting op armors. The open world in this game is immersive and relaxing. Glad you gave it another shot and you’re enjoying it, cant wait for you to try the second expansion ( Blood and Wine ).

Same actually. Decided to sit down and play on Sword and Story. Now doing NG+ on Blood and Broken Bones. Loads of fun.

u/69uglybaby69 avatar

Same story here. Tried to play it 2 or 3 times over the course of a few years and on one occasion I got about a third of the way done with it. Tried again last week and have been hooked since. The game is beautiful and well made so I always wanted to like it, hence why I kept trying. What honestly made of the hardest for me to stick to it was the amount of controls, settings, and overall new things you had to keep track of. But it’s well worth investing the effort for sure.

u/Delicious_Series3869 avatar

Why did you change your mind on it on the 4th attempt? I’m curious to know what clicked for you.

u/Plus-Appointment5328 avatar

Now try qwent!!!

I always do this with games because I know that there is a good chance I might have just not been in the right mood. I hate to think how many games that I loved that I wouldn't have played had I not gone back and tried a few different times

u/meroOne avatar

The books are awesome once you get to the point were they actually really go for ciri. The series is written in a special way but I enjoyed it a lot. Not everyones piece od cake tbh

u/hazelhazefit avatar

Same story here. Dropped it a few times, started a week ago, cant get enough.

u/Gwinjey avatar

Witcher 2 was great too. I played that before 3 was out. I played 3 a bit but got too hung up on it not being Skyrim but too close to Skyrim so I’d just play Skyrim. 

It’s nothing like Skyrim and I used to be hooked to Skyrim. Skyrim has terrible combat which is why everyone defaults to mage or archer builds, the Witcher 3 is a lot better combat wise and story wise.

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