Elijah Wood gets laugh out of gay rumors
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Elijah Wood gets laugh out of gay rumors

Elijah Wood is finally addressing those gay rumors. And unlike certain megabucks stars — Tom Cruise, for instance — he’s not threatening to sue. In fact, the “Lord of the Rings” star seems amused. Wood says he likes to surf the Web and look at doctored photos that put him in compromising positions with men.“There’s one that’s called elijahwoodisveryverygay, which is actually a pers
/ Source: msnbc.com

Elijah Wood is finally addressing those gay rumors. And unlike certain megabucks stars — Tom Cruise, for instance — he’s not threatening to sue. In fact, the “Lord of the Rings” star seems amused. Wood says he likes to surf the Web and look at doctored photos that put him in compromising positions with men.

“There’s one that’s called elijahwoodisveryverygay, which is actually a personal favorite of mine, it’s absolutely hilarious,” Wood said, reports World Entertainment News Network. “It’s this kind of joke Web site that maintains that they have proof that I am very, very gay in various photographs — photographic evidence (of me) holding hands with a male.”

Wood says some of the “photos” are pretty realistic. “I was actually at a film festival once... and this fan came up with a gift... I open the gift in front of all these people that I’m talking to and it happens to be a photo from one of these Web sites of me and [LOTR co-star] Dominic Monaghan making sweet love,” Wood explains.” If you didn’t know any better, it kinda looks real. These people have a lot of time on their hands and my hat’s off (to them) because it’s very good work.””

Brosnan on Bond

Pierce Brosnan is neither shaken nor stirred by the sex scenes in the Bond flicks. He thinks they’re too tame. “You’re not even allowed to show a bloody nipple,” the four-time Bond star told British GQ. “It’s pathetic. What Bond needs is a good, palpable killing sequence and a good sex scene — and it doesn’t have to be graphic, you can use your imagination.”

Brosnan, who was recently axed from the secret-agent series, also blasted his bosses for making Bond a cardboard character: “They’re too scared to take him out of the bag  too much or have a real dramatic moment.”

Brosnan, who starred opposite such Bond babes as Teri Hatcher and Denise Richards, says that Halle Berry probably was his favorite. “I think Halle is right up there,” he said. “She is just a luscious girl with such a beautiful body and she’s a good woman, too. She has a great sense of her own sexuality, so she knows it and she plays it.”

Notes from all over

A freelance photographer was arrested on the set of Brad Pitt’s latest flick, “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.” “[The pictures] can be worth a lot of money,” David Buston told the Calgary Herald. “This is only an entertainment story, but it’s a good story. I’m just a guy trying to do my job.” Photographers are reportedly being offered up to $1 million for a pic of the Hollywood hunk with Angelina Jolie. . . .Michael Jackson apparently hasn’t heard those reports that he’s having dire financial woes. The singer, who recently did some fancy financing to pay off more than $250 million in debt, also tried to buy an expensive hat. A very expensive hat. Jackson reportedly offered designer Philip Treacy more than $90,000 for a hat resembling a ship.  . . . Mariah Carey says she can’t believe she was ever married. That’s why, she claims, it wasn’t odd that in the video “We Belong Together” she used the wedding dress she wore when she married Sony head Tommy Mottola. “The wedding dress was a Vera Wang original dress from a while ago that I actually wore on a certain occasion and had it in storage and when we came up with the concept for the video that had the element of a wedding in it, I said, ‘well, I do have my old wedding dress,’” Carey told a Canadian TV show. “It’s still worth [sic] for me ’cause I can’t believe I was ever married but whatever, end of story. And I knew that we wouldn’t be able to get a fabulous dress like in two days so I just took that dress out of the storage — it has a 27-foot train and it was just all hand-beaded and stuff and so I figured we might as well get a use out of it.”

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