A Complete Timeline Of Justin Bieber's 2015 Comeback
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Justin Bieber‘s meteoric rise to fame was an iconic one. Starting out as a YouTube sensation, his transformation over to pop icon hasn’t been an easy one. With the emergence of social media, the world got to see every single trial – and the many errors – the Biebs went through.

2013 saw the rise of Bieber’s ‘fall from grace.’ Sites like TMZ reported every single mishap the star had; from getting tattoo sleeves to having fights with the paps, to driving recklessly in his Ferrari.

His behavior went from minor teenage mistakes, to bizarre, entitled, rich kid behavior. He urinated in buckets, egged homes, was arrested for drag racing, drunk driving, and his home was raided – during which the cops found drugs.

But after the two-year downward spiral and disappointing millions of Beliebers everywhere, Justin made it his duty to reinvent himself as a person, and as an artist, and get back to the music in 2015. Check out our timeline of the resurgence of Justin Bieber, the music star, in 2015:




  • Bieber put his new cleaned up, model-esque good looks to use by appearing on the April 2015 issue of Vogue along with Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, and Ansel Elgort. They were deemed “Hollywood’s New Brat Pack.”
  • He took to Instagram this spring to tease his Zoolander 2 cameo. We still can’t wait to see that!
  • JB took another step in his hair transformation and cut off his long locks for a new, shorter ‘do.


  • Justin put his best fashion foot forward and channeled his inner golden boy at the 2015 Met Gala.
  • His good behavior continued as he finished up twelve anger management classes, which were part of his plea deal in the egg-throwing case.



  • As JB’s new music continued to light up the charts, his personal life got just as steamy. He debuted the first single, “What Do You Mean?,” from his album Purpose, a direct reflection of his growth as an artist.
  • Around the same time, Justin came under fire after posting and deleting a photo of his naked butt from IG. He soon apologized for it, claiming that he “wasn’t thinking.”
  • That same month, Justin and his ex Selena Gomez were spotted together at a hotel in Beverly Hills. Although both singers claimed to be single, Selena admitted that she will always have a place for Justin in her heart.


  • Bieber debuted his new longer, blonder do’ at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards. For the first time in five years, he performed at the big show; a medley of “Where Are U Now” and “What Do You Mean?” and emotionally broke down after.
  • He stopped by The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and admitted that his breakdown stemmed from being emotionally overwhelmed by his return to the stage and the support of his fans and colleagues. “What Do You Mean?” became the fastest selling #1 Single on iTunes.





  • Justin Bieber had one job in 2015: To reinvent and shed himself of the wild, bad boy image. With a number one album, healthier friendships, a new humble attitude, and an alleged new romance with Kourtney Kardashian, we’d say to JB – job well done.

SOURCE: E!, Justin Bieber Zone | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty, Instagram, Splash, Def Jam 

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