VIXEN Joined By Former Singer JENNA SANZ-AGERO At Anaheim Concert (Video) - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

VIXEN Joined By Former Singer JENNA SANZ-AGERO At Anaheim Concert (Video)

March 7, 2016

Former VIXEN singer Jenna Sanz-Agero joined the band's current lineup on stage on January 21 at the House Of Blues in Anaheim, California to perform the song "Love Is A Killer" as a tribute to the group's fallen guitarist guitarist and founder Jan Kuehnemund, who passed away in October 2013 after a battle with cancer. Fan-filmed video footage of Jenna's appearance can be seen below.

Jenna was the lead vocalist for VIXEN for twelve years (2001-2013). She is featured on several VIXEN releases, including the live recording "Extended Versions" (2006) and studio album "Live & Learn" (2007). She currently works as an entertainment attorney in Los Angeles.

VIXEN's original members were committed to reunite in 2012 but Kuehnemund's cancer diagnosis caused what was thought of at the time as a delay. Sadly, however, after a fierce battle, Kuehnemund succumbed to her illness, thus the reunion was not meant to be.

After discussing the idea with friends and family as well as Jenna Sanz-Agero, it was agreed that it was the right decision for the three surviving definitive members — bassist Share Ross, singer Janet Gardner and drummer Roxy Petrucci — to carry on as VIXEN.

Gardner commented: "We've been hearing the fans ask for this and while it will never be the same without Jan, we believe in our hearts it's what she would have wanted."

Joining forces with their JSRG bandmate, guitarist Gina Stile, VIXEN is performing at select festivals and showcase dates.

Kuehnemund was only 51 years old at the time of her death.

In 1987, VIXEN's "Edge Of A Broken Heart" single climbed the Billboard chart to the Top Ten and EMI suddenly had the only platinum-selling all-female rock band of its time on their roster.

Dubbed "MTV Darlings", the hits kept coming with "Cryin'", "How Much Love", "Love Is A Killer" and "Not a Minute Too Soon". The band earned credibility as they opened up for superstars, including OZZY OSBOURNE, DEEP PURPLE, SCORPIONS and BON JOVI, to name a few. A live performance on the "Arsenio Hall" television show sealed their credibility with the fact that these girls could play.

VIXEN's original members Gardner, Kuehnemund, Ross and Petrucci appeared together on VH1's "Bands Reunited" in October 2004 to reminisce about their start on L.A.'s Sunset Strip and their rise to fame in the late 1980s, before the onset of grunge in the early 1990s displaced metal at the top of the charts. They also took part in a short performance for the program.

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