
  • Loki's character arc from villain to antihero is one of the MCU's most unique and distinct, thanks to Tom Hiddleston's charisma.
  • Loki's best quotes in the MCU timeline highlight different facets of his intriguing character development, especially in moments of vulnerability.
  • Moments like Loki's poetic metaphor about love as a dagger showcase the tragic foreshadowing of his complex relationships throughout the MCU.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is filled with memorable and fascinating characters, but few get as complex a story as the Marvel God of Mischief, Loki. Loki began as a cunning villain and, over time, developed into an antihero who gradually earned his redemption, culminating in one of the MCU's most unique and distinct character arcs. In all the stages of this development, Tom Hiddleston made Loki a charming, charismatic, delightfully sarcastic, and unpredictable figure.

Unsurprisingly, as a result of all of this, Loki quickly became one of the MCU's most complex and popular characters, which eventually led to the development of his own Disney+ show, even after the former villain was killed in Avengers: Infinity War. With a selection of film appearances and two seasons of his own show, it's perhaps equally inevitable that Loki's best quotes in the MCU timeline are some of the strongest in the entire franchise, especially as they all show a different facet of his intriguing character.

Loki Season 2 Ending Explained

Loki season 2's finale is massive for the MCU as well as for the God of Mischief who's found his ultimate glorious purpose while saving the TVA.

"Love Is A Dagger."

Loki Season 1

Loki comes up with an apt metaphor when he compares love to a dagger. He describes it as a weapon - beautiful until it hurts someone, and that when a person reaches for it, they realize it isn't real. This is poetic on its own, but it also serves as a tragic foreshadowing of how Loki's relationship with Sylvie culminates in the season 1 finale. He falls in love with her and sacrifices everything to be with her, and she ultimately uses his love to betray him and banish him to another timeline. Just like in Loki's metaphor, Sylvie uses love against him and Loki is left feeling like their seemingly beautiful love was never real.

Loki's MCU Appearances



The Avengers


Thor: The Dark World


Thor: Ragnarok


Avengers: Infinity War


Loki Season 1


Loki Season 2


While it seemed like the two might romantically reconcile by the end of Loki season 2, it never happened. Eventually, the two were able to understand each other's attitudes about He Who Remains behind them, but but the flame of romance never really reignited. With Loki currently sitting alone on his throne in control of the multiverse, that may be for the best.

"We May Lose. Sometimes Painfully. But We Don't Die. We Survive."

Loki Season 1

Moments before an apocalypse destroys Lamentis, Sylvie wonders if Loki variants are defined by their ability to lose. Loki refutes this with the assertion that they are defined by their ability to survive against all odds. He is not just speaking about himself but also about Sylvie and how she managed to survive and threaten the TVA while its agents hunted her for years.

Loki's definition is further validated in the Void when he sees how the powerful Classic Loki and all the other Loki variants have survived despite being pruned and trapped with the monstrous Alioth. The quote shows how well Loki comes to understand himself and his variants over the course of the show, and perhaps also shows his motivations moving from proving he's better than others, as the God of Mischief appears to take a kind of pride in his losses.

"I Don't Wanna Hurt You. I Don't Want A Throne. I Just...I Just Want You To Be Okay."

Loki Season 1

The last thing Loki says to Sylvie in the Loki season 1 finale shows how much he's grown as a character, as seizing power and control at all costs is no longer what's most important to him, with his care for Sylvie becoming more important. Loki tries to prevent Sylvie from killing He Who Remains to protect her and the world around them, and not as part of a scheme to ensure that he gets all the power for himself. His compassion and his genuine desire to make sure she is okay show how far he has come, making Sylvie's backstabbing all the more painful to experience.

The line is a major turning point for a decade of MCU character development and change

Even though the Loki in his self-titled TV show is a different variant than the one viewers witnessed progress as a character from Thor to Avengers: Endgame, the line is a major turning point for a decade of MCU character development and change. Even when Earth-616 Loki sacrificed himself to attempt to stop Thanos, it was unclear if it was more out of self-preservation or a legitimate change of heart. This line, however, comes of an undeniably genuine.

"So I Am No More Than Another Stolen Relic, Locked Up Here Until You Might Have Use Of Me."


Part of the reason Loki is such a beloved MCU character lies in his complicated and tragic backstory and the ways in which it clearly affects him throughout his time in the franchise. When Odin reveals that Loki is the son of Laufey, king of the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, Loki is understandably angry and feels betrayed, appearing to feel as though his father never loved him. It's not true, but it's easy to see why he feels that way.

While Loki does some terrible things due to this conflict, the core of his story - a figure vying for power to prove he is worth being cared for, and to prove he deserves his place in life - is one that's easy for audiences to sympathize with. The humanity that Tom Hiddleston brings to the role makes Loki one of the MCU's most compelling characters, even in the films where he is meant to be a more villainous character.

"Now If You'll Excuse Me, I Have To Destroy Jotunheim."


Loki with a superimposed jotunheim quotation from Thor (2011)
Custom Image by Quinn Levandoski

Whether he is engaging in banter or carrying out his clever schemes, Loki always thinks he is more clever than his opponents. After letting Laufey infiltrate Asgard - only for Loki to look like the hero as he prevents Laufey from killing Odin - Thor confronts Loki about his many lies and manipulations. Loki does not miss a beat as he delivers this line with artificial politeness before blasting Thor out of Odin's chamber.

Loki's early, selfishly motivated villainy offers a welcome contrast to his later development.

The line both reveals Loki's ruthless intentions, and his self-assured underestimation of his brother, as he is not afraid to tell Thor what he plans to do next. While the later, more complex Loki is undeniably a better character, there's a simple charm to a classically villainous character who feels straight out of a Saturday morning cartoon. Moreover, Loki's early, selfishly motivated villainy offers a welcome contrast to his later development.

"I Could Have Done It, Father! I Could Have Done It! For You! For All Of Us!"


Even after all the betrayal, manipulation, and suffering that he has inflicted, Loki is still just a son who is desperate to earn his father's approval. When Loki is hanging off of the rainbow bridge, he begs with earnest desperation, trying to prove to Odin that everything he did was about proving himself to be a worthy son. Despite his villainous actions throughout the film, fans cannot help but sympathize with Loki again and feel devastated as Odin rejects his son's pleas and a defeated Loki lets himself fall into the endless void of space.

Of course, it's hard to justify attempting the destruction of an entire realm as a reasonable response to feelings of rejection. However, it's also important to remember that Loki grew up with Odin acting as a confident conqueror. To the God of Mischief, it's a reasonable assumption that the quickest path to acceptance from Odin is to show willingness and ability to conquer as well.

In Loki season 2, Loki admits that his entire invasion of New York in The Avengers was simply to get back at Thor and Odin for their perceived slights against him.

"An Ant Has No Quarrel With A Boot."

The Avengers

When Loki first arrives on Earth in The Avengers, Nick Fury tries to reason with him, emphasizing that Earth has no quarrel with Loki or his people. Loki's reply demonstrates his arrogance at this point in the MCU, viewing Earth and its people as no better than ants. It does not matter if the people of Earth have a quarrel with him, as - to Loki - he is meant to crush them. Fortunately for the people of Earth - and unfortunately for Loki - the Avengers prove that humans will not be defeated so easily.

Of course, this opening scene contrasts wonderfully with Loki's eventual character arc.

"You Were Made To Be Ruled. In The End, You Will Always Kneel."

The Avengers

Before he found redemption, Loki was a formidable and ruthless villain in Thor and The Avengers. One of Loki's most shameful and memorable villainous moments occurs in The Avengers when he forces a group of humans to kneel before him in Germany while speaking to them about how they crave subjugation. When an elderly gentleman refuses to kneel, Loki nearly kills him, with this only being prevented by the intervention of Captain America.

While fans love Loki for his charm, sarcasm, and character development, it's important to remember how conceited and power-hungry he used to be. It's easy to brush away his early actions as desperate attempts for acceptance by a scorned child, but moments like this cruel for the sake of cruelty, make it clear that Loki was never simply misunderstood. The quotation does tie into his comments about boots and ants, though, as he clearly doesn't value human life at all at this point.

Loki Season 2 Set Up Avengers 5's Most Likely Thor & Loki Reunion - But Not How You Think

The ending of Loki season 2 sets up a likely Thor and Loki reunion for Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, but not in the way many would think.

"I Can Feel The Righteousness Surging."

Thor: The Dark World

Loki taking on the appearance of Captain America and mocking him is one of the funniest moments in Thor: The Dark World. As the MCU's moral cornerstone, it's entertaining to see a less morally aligned figure joke about him, especially since it mirrors jokes the Avengers themselves have made about Steve Rogers' do-gooder nature. However, the Avengers are unable to literally transform into Captain America to do so, which does give Loki the edge when it comes to delivering comedy.

Loki has always had a sense of humor - even if it's sometimes a twisted one.

The moment also proves Loki's sense of humor. While he's usually busy conniving for the throne at this point in his character arc, Loki has always had a sense of humor - even if it's sometimes a twisted one. It may be a small feat of magic in-universe, but getting Chris Evans to come film this short cameo when he doesn't appear elsewhere in the movie is also funny in and of itself.

"Satisfaction Isn't In My Nature."

Thor: The Dark World

Loki from Thor The Dark World with stylized text of Satisfaction Isn't In My Nature

Loki says this quote in Thor: The Dark World when Thor asks him if he'll be satisfied when the mortal Jane Foster dies. The significance of this quote is not so much about the context of when it is said as it is about Loki's identity. Loki is a self-aware character but still simultaneously fails to understand himself - believing his ambition and lust for power are unquenchable.

However, it's a tragic admittance given Loki later shows that his true destiny and deepest desires aren't really to rule. Trying to do so was a misguided and undeniably morally bankrupt attempt to earn acceptance, and he finally seems to find the satisfaction that eluded him when surrounded by real friends in Loki seasons 1 and 2. Of course, that satisfaction proves short-lived.

"Trust My Rage."

Thor: The Dark World

Loki and Thor share a complex relationship. Thor loves Loki and wants to trust him, but feels as though he can't due to Loki's history of deception and ruthless grabs for power. What Thor can trust is Loki's rage. Loki genuinely loved Frigga and the rage he feels after her death is also genuine.

This anger motivates Loki to work with Thor, so they can avenge their mother's death. This is not a new feeling for Loki, though. Rage has always been one of his deepest motivators after a lifetime of being cast aside and unappreciated by the people whose approval and acceptance he craved most.

"I Didn't Do It For Him."

Thor: The Dark World

While Loki does fake his death in Thor: The Dark World--thereby blatantly deceiving his brother--there is some authenticity to what Loki says in his "final" moments. When Thor says he'll tell Odin about Loki's sacrifice, Loki says, "I didn't do it for him."

At this point, Loki has given up on his relationship with Odin. He no longer cares about gaining Odin's approval and has moved past this desire. He hasn't given up on his relationship with Thor, though. He still cares about and loves Thor in a way that he will never love anyone else. In a moment of deception, Loki is authentic regarding how much he cares about his brother. The authenticity of this scene is likely also rooted in the fact that Loki's death was originally going to be permanent.

"I Have Been Falling For Thirty Minutes!"

Thor: Ragnarok

Loki proved to be a natural fit with the more humorous tone that Taika Waititi infused into Thor: Ragnarok. One of the film's earliest and most memorable funny Loki moments occurs after Thor reminds Dr. Strange to release Loki from falling through endless portals. It is amusing - if not a little dark - to consider that Loki was falling for thirty minutes while Thor and Dr. Strange talked with one another. Loki's indignant rage is very much in character for him while also fitting the uniquely comedic tone of Thor: Ragnarok.

The scene also works to position Doctor Strange as one of the MCU's most powerful characters. While the former Sorcerer Supreme is undeniably strong in his solo movie, he doesn't interact with other, established MCU characters. Handling Loki without much effort is a great example of "show, don't tell" for why Strange is deserving of respect.

"Hurts, Doesn't It? Being Lied To. Being Told You're One Thing And Then Learning It's All A Fiction."

Thor: Ragnarok

Loki speaking to Thor before his gladiator match in Thor Ragnarok with a quotation superimposed on top
Custom Image by Quinn Levandoski

In one of Thor's lowest moments, Loki tries to connect with him, to make him understand that he knows what Thor is going through. Loki spent years struggling to grapple with the truth that he wasn't the Asgardian son of Odin and Frigga, but was instead the biological son of Laufey, the ruler of the Frost Giants. While that narrative is put on the back burner a bit after Thor, it still comes out in moments like this.

After learning the truth about Odin and Hela, Thor has his identity and his perception of the universe upended. Still bitter over the role Loki played in Odin's death and unleashing Hela, Thor doesn't take advantage of this moment of connection, even though Loki is in a unique position to understand and relate to what his brother is going through. It's understandable, as Loki still hadn't fully made his hero-turn.

"We Are Not Doing 'Get Help.'"

Thor: Ragnarok

The funny "Get Help" gag in Thor: Ragnarok is one of the movie's most hilarious scenes. Part of what makes it so amusing is that in the elevator scene beforehand, Loki makes it clear that he doesn't want to do it. Nevertheless, the next scene has Thor shouting, "Get help!" and Loki limping and pretending to look like he's on death's door shortly before Thor hurls him across the room.

10 Most Powerful Characters in Thor: Ragnarok

From Asgardian gods to fire demons to super-humans, Thor: Ragnarok features an incredible array of powerful characters.

Thor's delight at the "Get Help" gimmick and Loki's exasperation perfectly encapsulates their relationship and opposite personalities, as well as their long off-screen history together. It's also the kind of awkward brotherly moment not seen in previous movies. Loki is much more compelling as a complex character who has clearly shared good moments with his brother and not simply been miserable and yearning for acceptance forever.

"Your Savior Is Here!"

Thor: Ragnarok

Loki getting his first real taste of how good it feels to be a hero is likely critical in his future evolution into an undeniable force for good

Loki becomes an unlikely hero when he arrives on Asgard alongside Korg, Miek, and other refugees from Sakaar to help save the day in Thor: Ragnarok. Even when doing the right thing, Loki can't help but be sarcastic and take a moment to be recognized, assuring the Asgardians that their "savior" has arrived to save them. Emerging from the fog, perched on the edge of a ship stolen from Sakaar, Loki's entrance is epic, absurd, and over-the-top.

This is a moment where Loki's sense of humor definitely meshes well with the humor and absurdity of Thor: Ragnarok. However, it's also a great character moment. While the scene is intentionally played up as a bit hammy, Loki getting his first real taste of how good it feels to be a hero is likely critical in his future evolution into an undeniable force for good. Even though this isn't the same Loki that will later sacrifice his freedom for the mutliverse, it's telling and broadly applicable how positively the moment affects him.

"I Assure You, Brother, The Sun Will Shine On Us Again."

Avengers: Infinity War

In the opening scene of Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos and his minions have massacred many Asgardians, and Thanos threatens to kill Thor unless Loki hands over the Tesseract. It seems like a hopeless situation, but as Loki is about to hand over the Tesseract to Thanos, he delivers this uncharacteristically optimistic line. It is a clue for Thor that not all is as it seems, and that Loki has a plan to get them out of this deadly situation.

Loki is still using his trickery - only this time he's going to save his brother, and quite possibly the whole universe. While Loki had been leaning heroic since Ragnarok, this cemented him as someone capable of redemption. More impressive, and more tragic, is that this is an MCU death that's stuck.

While Loki is back in the MCU and has starred in the wonderful Loki seasons 1 and 2, that version of the character is a variant created by the Avengers' time-travel in Endgame.

"You Will Never Be A God."

Avengers: Infinity War

It look Loki a long time to understand that being a god is about more than power, and he proves that knowledge here.

Unfortunately, the Hulk fails to beat Thanos, as does Loki's knife trick. Loki's last words are incredibly powerful and telling, though. Loki knows how dangerous lust for unlimited power can be. In his final moments, he gets the last word in by assuring Thanos that his quest for unlimited power will be his undoing.

No matter how righteous Thanos thinks his ambitions may be, he will never be able to control the consequences of his actions and he will ultimately fail. The Infinity Stones will not make him a god, and they will not help him fix the universe - and few know this as well as Loki, who did help Thanos in his efforts for some time. It look Loki a long time to understand that being a god is about more than power, and he proves that knowledge here.

"I Know What Kind Of God I Need To Be. For You. For All Of Us."

Loki Season 2

The Loki season 2 ending culminated in the God of Mischief taking up the role of becoming a living Temporal Loom, allowing the multiverse's branching timelines to expand outward once more. Loki himself brought a quote fitting for the magnitude of this event to the finale, explaining that - after years of trying to forcibly gain control over others with his powers - he was instead going to use his abilities to ensure the freedom of others. Having finally understood himself and what he truly stood for as a result of his rogue band of allies, this is the perfect possible end to Loki's story.

With Loki season 1 having him state that "the first and most oppressive lie ever uttered was the song of freedom," this ending marks real character growth for Loki, and sees much of his story come full circle. Moreover, Loki actor Tom Hiddleston picked the line himself as one that represents Loki's growth. His choice was a brilliant one that helped endcap one of the best Marvel TV shows of all time.

Fittingly, this final line is also Loki's final line in Thor, though it takes on a new meaning and puts his full character development on dispaly.

Loki Season 2 Finale Concept Art Reveals Unused Look At Loki’s Power Upgrade

The Loki season 2 finale saw Tom Hiddleston's character grow considerably in power, and concept art for the episode reveals a new side to the upgrade.

“I Am Loki, Of Asgard, And I Am Burdened With Glorious Purpose.”

The Avengers

Loki from The Avengers with his Glorious Purpose quote superimposed
Custom Image by Quinn Levandoski

While Loki season 2 provides some fitting full-circle moments for the God of Mischief, these wouldn't exist - or at least, wouldn't exist as satisfactorily - without the early appearances of Loki putting several key character elements into play in the first place. The most crucial of these is the early establishment of Thor's brother as both obsessed with "glorious purpose" and his place in the world, and his feeling of being "burdened" by it. This is initially vital in understanding Loki's motivation as a villain, and his feelings of both being destined for better things and an eternal outsider, which play a big part in him doing diabolical things while still clearly holding some love for his family even while turning on them.

Later, however, these concepts become even more crucial to understanding Loki, explaining why he reforms but still holds some antagonistic feelings for Thor even then, and why Loki is able to show the character go from 2012 The Avengers villainy to an erstwhile antihero so quickly. This is arguably what makes the quote so great, as it works to shed light on every aspect of Loki's arc, and why he became so popular that the Marvel Cinematic Universe made him increasingly integral as time went on.

Loki Season 2 Poster
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Tom Hiddleston , Richard E. Grant , Erika Coleman , Gugu Mbatha-Raw , Sophia Di Martino , Owen Wilson , Wunmi Mosaku , Sasha Lane
Release Date
June 11, 2021
Michael Waldron

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