Welcome to the GI Bill Web Site | The Home for All Educational Benefits Provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs

Apply For Benefits

You are just a few steps away from finding out if you are eligible to receive Education benefits. All information can be completed online in quick and user-friendly format.

  1. Try our Application “Road Map for Success” if you aren’t sure how to get started!
  2. Apply online.

To see education claims processing timliness data at each Regional Processing Office click here.

If you don't have the capability to apply online, you can call 1-888-GI BILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) to have a form mailed to you.

You may also receive an application form at the school or training establishment you wish to attend. The VA Certifying official at the school (usually located in the Registrar's or Financial Aid office) should have the forms available, can assist you in filling them out, and will submit them to VA.

You are in a major life transition and we can help!

You successfully served our country with honor. Now you want to succeed in a career but you are unsure about what kind of a career you want to pursue or where to even begin?

You are hard working, but hard work alone is not always enough to succeed in today's job market. To go with that hard work, you need a plan. Together, we can help by providing you with one-on-one vocational and personal counseling. Together we can determine what educational and career opportunities are best suited for you. Combining your hard work with an in-depth skill profile and up-to-date career path information will launch you towards success you want and deserve in your career.

If this sounds like you, the services available in the Chapter 36 program are for you. Click here to apply for Chapter 36 and start working on your plan for success today!