Borussia M'gladbach live score, schedule & player stats | Sofascore

Borussia M'gladbach

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118k seguidores
Forma reciente
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La altura de la columna representa la dificultad del partido en ese momento, basado en las probabilidades.
Información del equipo

Total jugadores
25.8 años
Edad media de los jugadores
Jugadores extranjeros
Jugadores nacionales
Últimos fichajes
Llegadas 15
Shio Fukuda 
Jordan Siebatcheu
Maximilian Wöber
Salidas 13
Hannes Wolf
Hannes Wolf
Yvandro Borges Sanches

Fecha de fundación
1 ago 1900

Monchengladbach, Alemania
Últimos fichajes
Llegadas 15
Shio Fukuda 
Jordan Siebatcheu
Maximilian Wöber
Salidas 13
Hannes Wolf
Hannes Wolf
Yvandro Borges Sanches

Acerca de Borussia M'gladbach

Borussia M'gladbach live scores, players, season schedule and today’s results are available on Sofascore.

Borussia M'gladbach next match

We may have video highlights with goals and news for some Borussia M'gladbach matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular football leagues.

Borussia M'gladbach previous match

Borussia M'gladbach previous match was against VfB Stuttgart in Bundesliga, the match ended with result 4 - 0 (VfB Stuttgart won the match).

Borussia M'gladbach fixtures tab is showing the last 100 football matches with statistics and win/draw/lose icons.

There are also all Borussia M'gladbach scheduled matches that they are going to play in the future.

Borussia M'gladbach performance and form graph is a Sofascore unique algorithm that we are generating from the team's last 10 matches, statistics, detailed analysis and our own knowledge.

This graph may help predict future Borussia M'gladbach matches.

Current Borussia M'gladbach players

Forward: Alassane Pléa, Jordan Siebatcheu Midfielder: Franck Honorat, Patrick Herrmann, Christoph Kramer Defender: Ko Itakura, Nico Elvedi, Marvin Friedrich, Mamadou Doucouré Unknown: Manu Koné, Julian Weigl, Grant-Leon Ranos, Florian Neuhaus, Tomáš Čvančara, Joseph Scally, Maximilian Wöber, Luca Netz, Shio Fukuda , Nathan N'Goumou, Robin Hack, Rocco Reitz, Jonas Omlin, Fabio Chiarodia, Stefan Lainer, Moritz Nicolas, Jan Olschowsky, Lukas Ullrich, Tobias Sippel, Tony Jantschke, Simon Walde

The current Borussia M'gladbach roster, stats and player performance can be found on this page.

There are also statistics for each player in all competitions with all total played and started matches, minutes played, number of goals scored, number of cards and much more.

Borussia M'gladbach top scorers list is updated live during every match.

You can click on players from the roster above and see available personal information such as nationality, date of birth, height, preferred foot, position, player value, transfer history etc.

For today’s football schedule and results visit our football live score page.

Borussia M'gladbach

Información del equipo

Total jugadores
25.8 años
Edad media de los jugadores
Jugadores extranjeros
Jugadores nacionales
Últimos fichajes
Llegadas 15
Shio Fukuda 
Jordan Siebatcheu
Maximilian Wöber
Salidas 13
Hannes Wolf
Hannes Wolf
Yvandro Borges Sanches

Fecha de fundación
1 ago 1900

Monchengladbach, Alemania
Últimos fichajes
Llegadas 15
Shio Fukuda 
Jordan Siebatcheu
Maximilian Wöber
Salidas 13
Hannes Wolf
Hannes Wolf
Yvandro Borges Sanches
Forma reciente
Pasa el ratón sobre el gráfico de barras para ver los detalles del evento.
La altura de la columna representa la dificultad del partido en ese momento, basado en las probabilidades.

Acerca de Borussia M'gladbach

Borussia M'gladbach live scores, players, season schedule and today’s results are available on Sofascore.

Borussia M'gladbach next match

We may have video highlights with goals and news for some Borussia M'gladbach matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular football leagues.

Borussia M'gladbach previous match

Borussia M'gladbach previous match was against VfB Stuttgart in Bundesliga, the match ended with result 4 - 0 (VfB Stuttgart won the match).

Borussia M'gladbach fixtures tab is showing the last 100 football matches with statistics and win/draw/lose icons.

There are also all Borussia M'gladbach scheduled matches that they are going to play in the future.

Borussia M'gladbach performance and form graph is a Sofascore unique algorithm that we are generating from the team's last 10 matches, statistics, detailed analysis and our own knowledge.

This graph may help predict future Borussia M'gladbach matches.

Current Borussia M'gladbach players

Forward: Alassane Pléa, Jordan Siebatcheu Midfielder: Franck Honorat, Patrick Herrmann, Christoph Kramer Defender: Ko Itakura, Nico Elvedi, Marvin Friedrich, Mamadou Doucouré Unknown: Manu Koné, Julian Weigl, Grant-Leon Ranos, Florian Neuhaus, Tomáš Čvančara, Joseph Scally, Maximilian Wöber, Luca Netz, Shio Fukuda , Nathan N'Goumou, Robin Hack, Rocco Reitz, Jonas Omlin, Fabio Chiarodia, Stefan Lainer, Moritz Nicolas, Jan Olschowsky, Lukas Ullrich, Tobias Sippel, Tony Jantschke, Simon Walde

The current Borussia M'gladbach roster, stats and player performance can be found on this page.

There are also statistics for each player in all competitions with all total played and started matches, minutes played, number of goals scored, number of cards and much more.

Borussia M'gladbach top scorers list is updated live during every match.

You can click on players from the roster above and see available personal information such as nationality, date of birth, height, preferred foot, position, player value, transfer history etc.

For today’s football schedule and results visit our football live score page.

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