UNICEF Whole of Syria Humanitarian Situation Report January - June 2022

January - June 2022

Mohamed, 3 months old, is measured by a UNICEF -supported health worker in the municipality of Abbadeh village, East Ghouta, Rural Damascus, Syria, on 31 July 2022.
UNICEF/UN0682762/Johnny Shahan


  • By the end of June 2022, UNICEF had reached 7.1 million people including 4.9 million children (2.5 million girls) across 14 governorates with health, nutrition, education, and protection services as well as safe water, sanitation, cash assistance and other social protection and adolescent participation interventions and supplies. This includes 1.3 million children (687,292 girls) in difficult to access areas.
  • The nutrition situation remains a critical concern, with high inflation and increased food and fuel prices. Proxy rates of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in government-controlled areas were 0.4 per cent for boys and 0.5 per cent for girls, similar to rates in the first quarter of the year. In NW Syria, however, surveillance data shows SAM rates have increased from 1.5 to 2.0 per cent in 2022. Nutrition clinics are reporting SAM rates of 1.1 per cent in Ar-Raqqa and 0.99 per cent in Al-Hasakeh.
  • UNICEF has ensured safe water for 2,084,571 people in 2022 through the rehabilitation, restoration and maintenance of water systems, contributing to broader community resilience and early recovery. This includes 75,000 in hard-to-reach areas of Idleb and 356,317 people in NW Syria.
  • In 2022, UNICEF requires $334,430,071 to provide life-saving assistance to 9.1 million people (including 5.5 million children) across Syria according to the Humanitarian Action for Children. $111,076,786 has been made available so far, leaving a $223,353,285 (67 per cent) gap.
Syria Crisis Humanitarian Situation Report (Refugees), 1 Jan - 31 Jun 2022