38 Facts about the movie Hotel Rwanda - Facts.net
Kayley Moody

Written by Kayley Moody

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Rottentomatoes.com

Welcome to the fascinating world of Hotel Rwanda, a critically acclaimed film that shed light on one of the darkest chapters in human history. Released in 2004, the movie tells the gripping true story of Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager in Rwanda who risked his life to save over a thousand Tutsi refugees during the Rwandan genocide in 1994. Hotel Rwanda not only serves as a powerful testament to the resilience and courage of ordinary people in times of unimaginable horror but also brings attention to the international community’s failure to intervene. In this article, we will delve into 38 intriguing facts about this unforgettable film, including behind-the-scenes details, cast information, and the impact it had on raising awareness of the Rwandan genocide. So, grab your popcorn and get ready for an immersive journey through the heart-wrenching world of Hotel Rwanda.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Hotel Rwanda” is a powerful movie based on a true story, showing the courage and compassion of one man during the Rwandan genocide. It inspires us to stand up against injustice and make a difference.
  • The film raises awareness about the devastating impact of genocide and the importance of empathy and unity. It encourages us to learn from history and work together to prevent future atrocities.
Table of Contents

Hotel Rwanda was released in 2004

In the year 2004, the movie Hotel Rwanda was released to critical acclaim. It became one of the most noteworthy and impactful films of that year.

The movie is based on real-life events

Hotel Rwanda is a powerful drama that is based on the true story of Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager who saved hundreds of lives during the Rwandan genocide in 1994.

Don Cheadle portrays the protagonist

Don Cheadle delivers a remarkable performance in Hotel Rwanda, portraying Paul Rusesabagina with great depth and empathy. His portrayal earned him critical acclaim and an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor.

The movie tackles the theme of humanity

Hotel Rwanda explores the depths of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable horrors. It highlights the resilience and compassion of Paul Rusesabagina as he risks everything to protect those seeking shelter in his hotel.

The Rwandan genocide is a central event in the movie

The movie sheds light on the Rwandan genocide, a mass slaughter that took place over a period of 100 days, resulting in the deaths of approximately 800,000 people. Hotel Rwanda portrays the brutality and chaos of this dark chapter in history.

Sophie Okonedo plays Paul’s wife, Tatiana

Sophie Okonedo delivers a stellar performance as Tatiana Rusesabagina, Paul’s wife. Her portrayal adds depth and emotional weight to the movie, capturing the strength and vulnerability of a woman caught in the midst of chaos.

The movie received critical acclaim and multiple nominations

Hotel Rwanda received widespread critical acclaim for its powerful storytelling and outstanding performances. It was nominated for several awards, including three Academy Award nominations.

The director, Terry George, co-wrote the screenplay

Terry George, along with Keir Pearson, co-wrote the screenplay for Hotel Rwanda. George, who also directed the film, was determined to bring Paul Rusesabagina’s story to the screen as authentically as possible.

The movie was shot on location in Rwanda

In order to capture the authenticity and rawness of the story, Hotel Rwanda was filmed on location in Rwanda. This decision added to the overall impact of the film, as the audience was able to witness the actual places where these events unfolded.

Hotel Rwanda raises awareness about genocide

One of the key objectives of Hotel Rwanda was to raise awareness about the devastating consequences of genocide. The movie succeeded in bringing the Rwandan genocide to the forefront of global conversations and highlighting the importance of preventing such atrocities.

Hotel Rwanda is a gripping and emotional film

The movie is incredibly powerful, leaving viewers emotionally moved and deeply affected by the events portrayed. It serves as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit in the face of horrific acts.

Don Cheadle was nominated for an Academy Award for his performance

Don Cheadle received critical acclaim and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of Paul Rusesabagina. His performance captured the complexity and humanity of his character.

The movie highlights the atrocities of the Rwandan genocide

Hotel Rwanda does not shy away from depicting the brutalities that occurred during the Rwandan genocide. It presents a harrowing and unflinching portrayal, shedding light on the grim reality faced by countless individuals during that time.

The film’s soundtrack enhances the emotional impact

The musical score of Hotel Rwanda complements the emotional journey of the characters, intensifying the audience’s connection with the story. The soundtrack adds depth and reinforces the film’s powerful message.

Hotel Rwanda is a story of courage and sacrifice

The movie showcases the immense courage and selflessness of Paul Rusesabagina as he risks his own safety to save the lives of others. It serves as a reminder of the power of one person’s actions in the face of adversity.

The movie was honored at various film festivals

Hotel Rwanda received recognition and accolades at numerous film festivals worldwide. Its compelling storytelling and portrayal of real events resonated with audiences and critics alike.

The screenplay took years to develop

Terry George and Keir Pearson spent years researching and developing the screenplay for Hotel Rwanda. Their dedication to accuracy and authenticity shines through in the final product.

The movie had a limited budget

Despite its limited budget, Hotel Rwanda managed to create a visually striking and emotionally gripping film. This demonstrates the talent and resourcefulness of the cast and crew.

Hotel Rwanda raises important ethical questions

The movie raises profound ethical questions about the role of individuals and international institutions in the face of genocide. It challenges audiences to reflect on their own responsibilities and actions.

The film’s success inspired activism and humanitarian efforts

Hotel Rwanda inspired individuals around the world to take action and make a difference. It served as a catalyst for increased support and activism in the fight against genocide and human rights abuses.

The movie emphasizes the impact of individual choices

Hotel Rwanda highlights how the choices of individuals can have far-reaching consequences. The actions of Paul Rusesabagina and others in the film demonstrate the power of individual agency in times of crisis.

Hotel Rwanda received an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay

The screenplay of Hotel Rwanda, written by Terry George and Keir Pearson, was recognized with an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Screenplay. This nomination further solidified the film’s critical acclaim and impact.

The movie portrays the strength of the human spirit

Hotel Rwanda serves as a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit. It shows how even in the midst of unimaginable horrors, acts of compassion and courage can prevail.

The movie raises awareness about the importance of empathy

Hotel Rwanda reminds us of the critical role empathy plays in shaping our responses to atrocities. It encourages viewers to cultivate empathy and take action against injustice.

Hotel Rwanda showcases the power of unity

The film illustrates the transformative power of individuals coming together and supporting one another in times of crisis. It emphasizes the importance of unity and solidarity in the face of adversity.

The movie received accolades from international critics

Hotel Rwanda received praise from critics worldwide, earning recognition for its powerful storytelling, exceptional performances, and thought-provoking themes.

The film’s cast delivers exceptional performances

In addition to Don Cheadle and Sophie Okonedo, the entire cast of Hotel Rwanda delivers exceptional performances, contributing to the overall impact and authenticity of the film.

The movie showcases the resilience of the Rwandan people

Hotel Rwanda sheds light on the incredible resilience and spirit of the Rwandan people, who faced unimaginable hardships during the genocide. It serves as a tribute to their strength and determination.

Hotel Rwanda explores the role of the media

The film delves into the critical role that the media plays in shaping public perception and responses during times of crisis. It raises important questions about the responsibility of the media in reporting and preventing atrocities.

Hotel Rwanda serves as a powerful educational tool

The movie has been widely used as an educational resource to teach students about the Rwandan genocide, human rights, and genocide prevention. Its impact extends beyond the realm of entertainment.

The movie promotes dialogue and understanding

Hotel Rwanda encourages dialogue and fosters understanding by bringing attention to the complexities of the Rwandan genocide. It prompts viewers to engage in discussions about historical and contemporary issues related to genocide and conflict resolution.

The film’s cinematography captures the intensity of the story

The cinematography in Hotel Rwanda is masterfully done, capturing the chaos and intensity of the events unfolding on screen. It immerses the audience in the harrowing reality faced by the characters.

The movie has a lasting impact on its viewers

Hotel Rwanda has a profound and lasting impact on its viewers, leaving them with a deeper understanding of the atrocities of the Rwandan genocide. It has the power to inspire action and create a sense of urgency to prevent future atrocities.

The film confronts the international community’s response

Hotel Rwanda questions the international community’s response to the genocide and challenges viewers to reflect on the moral obligations of nations in the face of humanitarian crises.

The movie portrays the story with great authenticity

Hotel Rwanda is known for its authentic portrayal of the events surrounding the Rwandan genocide. It strives to honor the memory of the victims and survivors by presenting their stories with integrity.

The movie received numerous awards and nominations

Hotel Rwanda was honored with several awards and nominations, recognizing its impact and excellence in filmmaking. These accolades further solidify its status as a remarkable cinematic achievement.

The movie sparked international conversations

Hotel Rwanda initiated conversations around the world about the importance of preventing genocide and protecting human rights. It contributed to a greater awareness of the need for collective action against atrocities.

Hotel Rwanda continues to inspire activism and change

The movie’s legacy goes beyond its release. It continues to inspire individuals and organizations to strive for a world where such atrocities never happen again. It serves as a reminder that even one person can make a difference.

Overall, Hotel Rwanda stands as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of compassion in the face of unimaginable horrors. It raises important questions about humanity, responsibility, and the need for collective action against genocide. The film’s impact continues to ripple through time, inspiring viewers to reflect, engage, and make a positive difference in the world.


The movie “Hotel Rwanda” is a powerful and thought-provoking film that sheds light on the horrific events that took place during the Rwandan genocide. Through its gripping storytelling and compelling performances, the movie brings to life the true story of Paul Rusesabagina and his heroic efforts to save the lives of over a thousand people trapped in a hotel.

“Hotel Rwanda” serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of empathy, compassion, and the strength of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable atrocities. It highlights the need for awareness and action to prevent such tragedies from happening again. The film’s impact goes beyond entertainment, as it raises awareness about the historical events and provides a platform for discussion and reflection on the consequences of hatred and intolerance.

With its powerful message and outstanding performances, “Hotel Rwanda” continues to be a relevant and significant movie that educates, inspires, and encourages us to strive for a better and more inclusive world.


Q: Is “Hotel Rwanda” based on a true story?

A: Yes, “Hotel Rwanda” is based on the true story of Paul Rusesabagina, who saved the lives of hundreds of people during the Rwandan genocide.

Q: What is the significance of the hotel in the movie?

A: The hotel, known as the Hôtel des Mille Collines, served as a refuge for Tutsi and moderate Hutu people during the Rwandan genocide. It became a sanctuary where people sought shelter from the violence and where Rusesabagina worked tirelessly to protect them.

Q: How did “Hotel Rwanda” portray the events of the genocide?

A: “Hotel Rwanda” portrays the events of the genocide with raw honesty and realism. It shows the desperation and fear of the people caught in the violence, as well as the courage and resilience of individuals like Rusesabagina who risked their lives to save others.

Q: Did “Hotel Rwanda” receive any awards and recognition?

A: Yes, “Hotel Rwanda” was critically acclaimed and received numerous awards and nominations. It was nominated for three Academy Awards and won several other accolades for its screenplay, acting, and overall impact.

Q: What is the main message of “Hotel Rwanda”?

A: The main message of “Hotel Rwanda” is the importance of humanity, compassion, and standing up against injustice. It highlights the devastating consequences of hatred and the power of one individual to make a difference in the face of adversity.

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