31 Facts about the movie Taxi Driver - Facts.net
Maybelle Kempf

Written by Maybelle Kempf

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: TV Insider

Taxi Driver is a legendary film directed by Martin Scorsese and released in 1976. Regarded as one of the greatest movies of all time, it has become a cinematic classic that has deeply influenced the industry and captivated audiences for decades. The film tells the story of Travis Bickle, a Vietnam War veteran turned taxi driver in New York City, who descends into a state of madness and vigilante justice as he navigates the seedy underbelly of the city. With its gritty realism, masterful direction, and powerful performances, Taxi Driver has left an indelible mark on cinema history. In this article, we will delve into 31 fascinating facts about this iconic film, shedding light on its production, its impact on popular culture, and the trivia that makes it a true masterpiece.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Taxi Driver” is a 1976 film starring Robert De Niro and Jodie Foster, exploring themes of urban decay and isolation in New York City. It received critical acclaim and remains a cinematic masterpiece.
  • The movie’s iconic line “You talkin’ to me?” was improvised by Robert De Niro, and the film heavily influenced future filmmakers, earning its place among the greatest films of all time.
Table of Contents

“Taxi Driver” was released in 1976

Directed by Martin Scorsese, this iconic crime drama film hit the theaters in 1976, instantly becoming a cult classic.

The screenplay was written by Paul Schrader

Paul Schrader penned the screenplay for “Taxi Driver,” which is known for its gritty and intense dialogue.

The film stars Robert De Niro

Academy Award-winning actor Robert De Niro delivers a compelling performance as Travis Bickle, the troubled Vietnam War veteran turned taxi driver.

Jodie Foster plays the role of Iris, a teenage prostitute

Jodie Foster was only 12 years old when she portrayed the controversial character of Iris, showcasing her undeniable talent at a young age.

The movie addresses themes of urban decay and isolation

Taxi Driver” explores the gritty underbelly of New York City and the alienation experienced by its inhabitants.

The iconic line “You talkin’ to me?” was improvised

During one of the film’s most memorable scenes, Robert De Niro’s character Travis Bickle ad-libbed the famous line, adding to its authenticity.

The film was nominated for four Academy Awards

Taxi Driver” received nominations for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Original Score at the 49th Academy Awards.

The movie was controversial upon its release

Due to its depiction of violence and dark themes, “Taxi Driver” sparked debates and divided critics, but it eventually gained widespread acclaim.

The film’s soundtrack was composed by Bernard Herrmann

Bernard Herrmann’s haunting score perfectly captures the intensity and unease of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Martin Scorsese makes a cameo appearance

The renowned director himself has a brief but memorable cameo as a passenger in Travis Bickle’s taxi cab.

“Taxi Driver” is often listed as one of the greatest films of all time

With its powerful storytelling, exceptional performances, and striking cinematography, the movie has earned a place among cinema’s finest.

The film heavily influenced future filmmakers

Taxi Driver” has had a profound impact on the industry, inspiring many directors and shaping the landscape of contemporary cinema.

The movie explores the themes of vigilantism

Travis Bickle’s descent into vigilantism and his distorted sense of justice are central to the film’s narrative.

Paul Schrader was inspired by his own struggles with loneliness

Paul Schrader drew from his personal experiences with isolation and alienation when crafting the story of “Taxi Driver.

The film was initially given an X rating

Due to its explicit content and graphic violence, “Taxi Driver” initially received a restrictive X rating, before being reclassified as an R-rated film.

The movie’s final shootout scene is iconic

The intense and bloody shootout during the climax of “Taxi Driver” has become one of the most memorable moments in cinematic history.

The film was a box office success

Despite its controversial subject matter, “Taxi Driver” garnered commercial success, solidifying its status as a must-see film.

The movie explores the darker side of human psychology

“Taxi Driver” delves into the complexities of the human mind, exploring themes of obsession, loneliness, and the struggle for identity.

The film’s cinematography is visually stunning

Michael Chapman’s masterful cinematography captures the gritty streets of New York City, immersing the audience in the film’s atmosphere.

“Taxi Driver” has inspired countless references in popular culture

The film’s impact resonates to this day, with references and homages appearing in music, television, and other forms of media.

The movie was preserved in the National Film Registry

In 1994, “Taxi Driver” was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry, recognizing its cultural significance.

The film’s ending is open to interpretation

The ambiguous ending of “Taxi Driver” leaves audiences pondering Travis Bickle’s ultimate fate and the implications of his actions.

The screenplay underwent several revisions

Paul Schrader’s original screenplay went through multiple drafts before reaching its final form, allowing for a more refined and powerful story.

The role of Travis Bickle was originally intended for Dustin Hoffman

Before Robert De Niro was cast, Dustin Hoffman was considered for the role of Travis Bickle, but ultimately, De Niro’s portrayal became iconic.

“Taxi Driver” explores the dark side of the American Dream

The film examines the disillusionment and frustration felt by individuals who pursue the American Dream but find themselves trapped in a nightmarish reality.

The movie reflects the social and political climate of the 1970s

“Taxi Driver” serves as a commentary on the turbulent era it was made in, reflecting the anxieties and tensions of the time.

The film’s production faced budget constraints

Martin Scorsese had to work within a limited budget, which forced him to be resourceful and creative in bringing his vision to life.

The movie showcases the darker side of New York City

Taxi Driver” presents a gritty and unfiltered portrayal of the city, capturing its underbelly and portraying its societal issues.

The film received critical acclaim

Taxi Driver” was praised for its powerful performances, thought-provoking themes, and its unflinching exploration of the human condition.

The movie’s screenplay was influenced by existentialist philosophy

Paul Schrader drew inspiration from existentialist thinkers like Albert Camus and Friedrich Nietzsche, adding depth to the film’s narrative.

“Taxi Driver” remains a cinematic masterpiece

Decades after its release, the impact and legacy of “Taxi Driver” continue to resonate with audiences, cementing its status as a true masterpiece of cinema.


Taxi Driver is a cinematic masterpiece that continues to captivate audiences with its powerful storytelling, brilliant performances, and profound exploration of loneliness and societal decay. The film, directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Robert De Niro, has cemented its place in cinematic history as one of the greatest films ever made.

With its iconic characters, gritty portrayal of 1970s New York City, and thought-provoking themes, Taxi Driver remains a significant and influential film that continues to inspire and challenge filmmakers and viewers alike.

If you haven’t seen Taxi Driver yet, make sure to add it to your must-watch list. Its gripping narrative and raw emotion will leave a lasting impact and make it a film worth experiencing.


Q: Who directed Taxi Driver?

A: Taxi Driver was directed by Martin Scorsese.

Q: When was Taxi Driver released?

A: Taxi Driver was released in 1976.

Q: Who stars in Taxi Driver?

A: The film stars Robert De Niro in the lead role as Travis Bickle.

Q: What is the plot of Taxi Driver?

A: Taxi Driver follows Travis Bickle, a mentally unstable Vietnam War veteran who becomes a taxi driver in New York City. As he becomes increasingly detached from reality, he takes it upon himself to clean up the city from what he perceives as societal evils.

Q: What is the significance of Taxi Driver?

A: Taxi Driver is significant for its gritty portrayal of 1970s New York City, its exploration of themes such as loneliness and alienation, and for Robert De Niro’s iconic performance as Travis Bickle.

Q: Has Taxi Driver won any awards?

A: Yes, Taxi Driver has received critical acclaim and has won several awards, including the Palme d’Or at the 1976 Cannes Film Festival.

Q: Is Taxi Driver based on a true story?

A: No, Taxi Driver is not based on a true story. However, it was inspired by real-life events and experiences of screenwriter Paul Schrader.

Q: What is the running time of Taxi Driver?

A: The running time of Taxi Driver is approximately 1 hour and 53 minutes.

Q: Is Taxi Driver suitable for all audiences?

A: No, Taxi Driver is rated R for its violent and disturbing content. Viewer discretion is advised.

If you're fascinated by the incredible talent behind "Taxi Driver," why not explore more captivating facts about the film's legendary stars and director? Discover the enigmatic world of <Article 1>Robert De Niro</Article 1>, the versatile actor who brought Travis Bickle to life. Uncover the remarkable journey of <Article 2>Jodie Foster</Article 2>, from child prodigy to acclaimed actress. Finally, delve into the visionary mind of <Article 3>Martin Scorsese</Article 3>, the mastermind behind this cinematic masterpiece. Each of these articles offers a unique glimpse into the lives and careers of the individuals who made "Taxi Driver" an unforgettable experience.

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