ClimateViewer News • Tracking the Climate Changers
ClimateViewer News - Tracking the Climate Changers: Geoengineering, Pollution, Privacy, and Propaganda!

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Tracking The Climate Changers

Jim Lee is devoted to reporting the truth about geoengineering, pollution, privacy concerns, and propaganda in an easy to understand and relatable way. ClimateViewer News features thousands of references, timeline events, and newspapers and journals. You can monitor live weather, satellites, earthquakes, fires, and much more in real-time and view maps only found on ClimateViewer Maps!

Jim Lee, Creator of ClimateViewer News, ClimateViewer Maps, and Weather Modification History

Jim testified at the EPA’s hearing on aviation pollution in August 2015, lectured at Ed Griffin’s conference Global Warming: An Inconvenient Lie in December 2016, interviewed scientists at the American Meteorological Society's 21st Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification in 2018, and his research has been referenced on many prominent websites, including the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), Canadian Geophysical Union, MIT, Harvard, and the United Nations.

Jim is always keeping you updated with his latest videos and is determined to enact changes in laws worldwide to bring transparency and accountability for weather modification and geoengineering experiments.


See pollution, privacy concerns, weather modification & geoengineering experiments, and more. Monitor your world and view satellite imagery in real-time!


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