12 Best Pat Benatar Songs of All Time (Greatest Hits)
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12 Best Pat Benatar Songs of All Time (Greatest Hits)

December 24, 2023
Best Pat Benatar Songs

I’ve put together a collection of the best Pat Benatar songs of all time, capturing the essence of her powerful voice and groundbreaking impact on rock music.

This article is an homage to Benatar’s enduring legacy, featuring the hits that have made her a timeless icon in the music industry.

Top Pat Benatar songs of all time

  • “Hit Me With Your Best Shot”
  • “Don’t Let It Show”
  • “Invincible”
  • “Everybody Lay Down”
  • “We Belong”
  • “Fire And Ice”
  • “Treat Me Right”
  • “Little Too Late”
  • “Heartbreaker”
  • “Promises In The Dark”

1. “Hit Me With Your Best Shot”

“Hit Me With Your Best Shot” is one of the most iconic songs in Pat Benatar’s discography.

It’s a rousing, defiant anthem that has become a classic rock staple.

The lyrics are an empowering affirmation of strength and resilience against all odds, while the vocals and guitars provide an infectious energy that is sure to get any listener dancing.

It’s a timeless testament to Benatar’s incredible artistry and a perfect example of why she is one of the greatest female rockers of all time.

2. “Don’t Let It Show”

“Don’t Let It Show” is a powerful and emotive classic from Pat Benatar’s arsenal of greatest hits.

An anthem for the downhearted, it is a song that captures the struggles of life with raw emotion and an energy that can’t be denied.

The lyrics are uplifting and inspirational, as Pat Benatar powerfully belts out the chorus in a passionate delivery.

The instrumentation is simple yet effective, adding to the mood of the song with its driving beat and an emotional guitar solo.

“Don’t Let It Show” is one of those songs that has stood the test of time, continuing to inspire listeners decades after its initial release.

Its lasting impact proves it to be one of Pat Benatar’s all-time greatest hits.

3. “Invincible”

The song “Invincible” by Pat Benatar has become a timeless classic and an inspiring power ballad that resonates with people everywhere.

It’s an anthem of self-determination and optimism that has struck a chord with listeners and remains relevant today.

The intense vocal delivery by Pat and the memorable chorus make it a powerful song that packs a punch.

Additionally, the track features stunning electric guitar work by Neil Giraldo, who was also involved in writing it.

Overall, “Invincible” is one of Pat Benatar’s greatest hits and a must-have on any music fan’s playlist.

4. “Everybody Lay Down”

“Everybody Lay Down” is a timeless track that showcases the heart of Pat Benatar’s legendary live performances.

The song’s electric guitar riffs come crashing in like a tidal wave, instantly transporting her audience.

It’s a powerhouse vocal melody that has become a cornerstone of her career and a top pick from her Greatest Hits collection.

The song pays tribute to freedom and unrestrained passion, encapsulating the spirit of Pat Benatar.

Singing along to this track is impossible not to do, and it remains a timeless classic that stands the test of time.

5. “We Belong”

Transitioning from “Everybody Lay Down” to “We Belong”, Pat Benatar brings a new level of emotion to her music.

With its soft guitar and gentle drums, “We Belong” is a beautiful love song that will make you feel like everything’s alright.

Benatar’s voice soars above the instrumentation and speaks of being together forever with her passionate lyrics.

It’s one of those songs that you can’t help but sing along with as it reminds us all what it means to be in love.

It’s no wonder why this track has been featured on many greatest hits albums, as its ability to make the listener feel safe and content is timeless.

6. “Fire And Ice”

“Fire And Ice” is a timeless classic from Pat Benatar’s career that has become an anthem for many of her fans.

This song is a powerful statement about the complexity of relationships, showcasing Pat’s bold vocal range and emotionally charged lyrics.

The combination of her strong voice and the guitar-driven sound makes it one of the best rock songs ever recorded.

Its urgent chorus has made it an enduring classic that still resonates with many listeners today.

“Fire And Ice” stand as a testament to Pat Benatar’s ability to write powerful songs that capture the emotion of human experiences in all their shades.

7. “Treat Me Right”

“Treat Me Right” is a classic rock anthem that has become synonymous with Pat Benatar’s iconic style.

It is a powerful song, driven by strong drum and guitar riffs, showcasing her trademark vocal style with its aggressive delivery and passionate emotion.

Its verses feature pointed lyrics about being treated right and its chorus demands respect for the singer’s choice to stand up for herself.

The song is anthemic, and its message of self-respect resonates to this day, making it one of the most beloved songs from Benatar’s greatest hits compilation.

An essential addition to any classic rock playlist, “Treat Me Right” is a timeless track that will remain popular for many years to come.

8. “Little Too Late”

“Little Too Late” is a classic Pat Benatar song that has stood the test of time.

An anthem of heartbreak and regret, its simple-yet-powerful lyrics paint a vivid picture of a relationship gone wrong.

The soulful vocals convey the emotion with remarkable clarity, and the toe-tapping beat makes it an ideal pick for any karaoke night.

“Little Too Late” is one of Benatar’s best songs, as it expertly captures the pain and longing that comes with saying goodbye to someone you still love.

It’s a timeless classic that will stay in our hearts forever.

9. “Heartbreaker”


The song “Heartbreaker” has a powerful impact on its listeners, cutting to the core of the human experience in a way that few songs can.

It’s an anthem for anyone who has experienced heartbreak, and Pat Benatar’s unforgettable vocal performance infuses it with undeniable energy.

This song is an essential piece of her catalog, and it remains one of her greatest hits to this day.

10. “Promises In The Dark”

“Promises In The Dark” is a classic Benatar single and remains one of her most enduring tracks.

It’s a track that perfectly captures her style, with its hard-hitting drums, wailing guitars, and Benatar’s powerful vocals.

The lyrics are incredibly moving, as she sings about making promises to someone in the dark.

It’s an anthem for resilience and strength that has resonated with fans for decades.

It’s easy to see why this song continues to be a fan favorite today; it is an incredible combination of power, emotion, and raw energy.

11. “We Live For Love”

Moving from the emotion and power of “Promises In The Dark” to the upbeat and energizing “We Live For Love”, Pat Benatar creates an anthem of encouragement.

The song is uplifting and inspiring, offering hope in difficult times.

Guitars drive the rhythm while Benatar’s emotive vocals soar over them.

Her passionate delivery conveys her determination to live life on her own terms and make a difference through love.

This song is a shining example of why Benatar has become one of the most beloved artists of all time.

12. “True Love”

Pat Benatar’s hit “True Love” is an absolute classic.

It delivers a powerful message of commitment and devotion that resonates with fans far and wide.

Its iconic guitar riff and passionate vocal delivery provide the perfect accompaniment to its introspective lyrics, making it one of Benatar’s most beloved songs.

“True Love” is an anthem for those who have found their soul mate, and it remains just as potent today as when it was first released.

So if you’re in the mood for some melodic inspiration, look no further than Pat Benatar’s classic “True Love”.

Pat Benatar Songs – Final Thoughts

For decades, Pat Benatar has been an iconic female rock star who continues to inspire countless generations and will undoubtedly continue to do so for years to come.

Her greatest hits serve as a testament to her talent, and her ability to evoke emotions in her listeners with every song she sings is truly remarkable.

In today’s world, her music is more relevant than ever before, and it’s no surprise that fans worldwide continue to adore her.

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Will Fenton

Will, the founder of MIDDER, is a multifaceted individual with a deep passion for music and personal finance. As a self-proclaimed music and personal finance geek, he has a keen eye for futuristic technologies, especially those that empower creators and the public.

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