Arthur Darvill | Indiana Comic & Pop Culture Convention

Arthur Darvill

Multi-faceted English-born artist Arthur Darvill is best known to Whovians and genre fans alike for the role of Rory Williams, one of the Eleventh Doctor’s companions in the television series “Doctor Who.”
Darvill’s acting career began on the stage with membership at the Stage2 Youth Theatre Company, advancing to roles in large-scale, professional productions such as Terre Haute, Stacy, and Swimming with Sharks alongside future “Doctor Who” co-star, Matt Smith before making his BBC television debut on the crime drama “He Kills Coppers.” Following a role in the BBC serial “Little Dorrit,” Darvill could next be seen alongside Andy Serkis in the film “Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll,” a biopic about British punk rock pioneer Ian Dury.

Darvill began playing Rory Williams, companion to the Eleventh Doctor, in the fifth series of “Doctor Who.” He became a regular character in the sixth series. His character, along with Karen Gillan’s Amy Pond, was written out of the show midway through Series 7.

Since his stint on “Doctor Who,” Darvill was also seen on the BBC miniseries “The White Queen” as the Duke of Buckingham. Always looking to challenge both himself and his audience, 2015 saw Darvill work opposite “Doctor Who” alum David Tennant in the highly lauded BBC crime drama, “Broadchurch.”

Most recently, Arthur can be seen in the role of superhero, starring as Rip Hunter in the CW series “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” (2016-2021); as well as in the popular Netflix series Sandman (2022).

*Guest appearances are subject to change or cancellation.