[HOWTO] Realmlist.wtf
  1. Since im seeing allot of people with wrong realmlist.wtf files i decided to make this post.

    What is realmlist.wtf ?
    This is the file that directs the client to the login server. So to speak .. it tells wow where it need to connect and to what server.

    Where to find realmlist.wtf ?
    The file is found in: X:\World of warcraft\Data\enGB\
    X = Drive you installed the game in
    World of warcraft = The install directory
    Data = The sub directory called Data
    enGB = The language of the install

    For cataclysm the file is in your root directory.
    X:\World of warcraft\

    How do i open it?
    Use your favorite text editor (example: Notepad.exe)

    What does the file look like?
    set realmlist eu.logon.worldofwarcraft.com
    set patchlist eu.version.worldofwarcraft.com
    set realmlistbn ""
    set portal "eu"
    in lines:
    set realmlist = points to the login server
    set patchlist = points to the patch server
    set realmlistbin = points to the patch and login servers shareing state
    set portal = points to the community (in my case europe)

    How should it look like for Warmane ?
    For wotlk:
    Set realmlist logon.warmane.com
    * Since Warmane does not support patching or uses a community service .. all lines (except the realmlist) can savely be deleted.

    For cata/mop:
    set realmlist logon.warmane.com
    set patchlist logon.warmane.com
    Why should you do this ?
    By deleting all but the set realmlist the game cannot autopatch and cannot register itself with the shares of blizzard. In fact the whole game doesnt point to blizzard anymore.

    Before alternating the realmlist file .. MAKE SURE you make a backup of the original file
    Example: Make a hard copy of it (windows copy/paste) and rename the file (F2) to for example ((original)realmlist.wtf)

    I so hope this little guide will help allot of players and prevents them from another 6 hours of installments.


  2. Hi there, I have previously played on a different wotlk private server and as a result have the game files already (Wotlk 3.3.5). After creating an account I proceeded to change the contents of my realmlist.wtf file. Unfortunately after I launch the game it still lists the server as a previous private server and not warmane. Any ideas on how I can get this working? Don't really want to re-download the game files...

  3. follow this guide:
    Wrath of the Lich King
    1) Go to your World of Warcraft folder
    2) Double click on your "Data" folder
    3) Double click on your enUS (or whichever language pack you're using) folder
    4) Right click on the file named "realmlist.wtf", open it with Notepad.
    5) Replace ALL of the text in this file with the following: set realmlist logon.warmane.com

    IF you still have problem then go here: http://www.warmane.com/download select "Wotlk (old)" and when the torrent start pick only "wow.exe" to download, rename it into wowWarmane.exe and place it inside your Wotlk folder then start the game from this new file

    Be sure to log-in by using your Warmane AccountName, not email address or forum nickname.

  4. May 2, 2016  
    Hi, I have the official WoW client downloaded from Battle.net. I'm trying to find realmlist.exe but there is no enGB or enUS folder on my Data folder. I used the search to find realmlist.exe but I can't seem to find it this way either. Any ideas?
    Also, should I download the Warmane client just because my normal client is Draenor? Or does it not matter?
    Thanks in advance

  5. May 2, 2016  
    Hi, I have the official WoW client downloaded from Battle.net. I'm trying to find realmlist.exe but there is no enGB or enUS folder on my Data folder. I used the search to find realmlist.exe but I can't seem to find it this way either. Any ideas?
    Also, should I download the Warmane client just because my normal client is Draenor? Or does it not matter?
    Thanks in advance
    forget about your Retail WoW, to play here or any other private servers you need to download the client from here: http://www.warmane.com/download
    they are ready-to play client, bascally it is a folder and you need to run the wow.exe inside of them, that is it

  6. May 20, 2016  
    i did exactly as you guys said here, and instead of it working, it just got a whole bunch of BAD, first the patching wouldnt start, so i fixed that by unmarking the Read-Only part of realmlist.wtf that allowed me to patch (btw realmlist.wtf was Empty except the "Set realmlist logon.warmane.com" already, i got past the patching, and it instead "installed" normal wow so now i got Launcher.exe aswell, and when i try to start WoW.exe it gives me a WoW Error and says it cannot locate the "World of Warcraft 3.3.5a (no install)" file for some damn reason, any suggestions or should i just go look for a different private server?

  7. Same here I'm having the same problem I can't find my realmlist I already searched for it in all of my folders. By the way I downloaded cataclysm from this site no previous installs of WoW from retail. Please help :(

  8. Same here I'm having the same problem I can't find my realmlist I already searched for it in all of my folders. By the way I downloaded cataclysm from this site no previous installs of WoW from retail. Please help :(
    here you cna find the guide for Wotlk, Cata and MoP : http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=290754

  9. Can someone help me please. I changed the realmlist thing but it keeps giving me this message: Data/enGB/wow-update-enGB-18273.MPQ: World of Warcraft can’t make a required change to an archive file. Be sure you have write permission for the World of Warcraft folder or try running the game in administrator mode. For more information, see: https://battle.net/support/article/6910... I don't know what to do!

  10. u cant cahnge ur realmlist in ur wow folder. copy ur realmlist file on desc, change it and then replace it in ur folder.

  11. so my client keeps telling me to login with a battle.net account and i got the realm list set to
    set realmlist logon.warmane.com
    set patchlist logon.warmane.com

    for MoP

  12. i have my game on an external hard drive...yesterday i could play the game but now it says that "data/world.mpq cannot stream required data.please check your internet connection" i mean what?
    where seems to be the problem?

  13. When i open folder enGB,there is no file realmlist,Mists of Pandaria is wow,sholud i just make my own notepad file or what?

  14. I have downloaded wow TBC, how can i login?

  15. I have downloaded wow TBC, how can i login?
    from warmane website? then the realmlist is already setted to play here.
    Just log-in by using warmane account name, not email address

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