Application Requirement | Famous Acting Schools Nyc |

The Studio is open to all who apply to it with the serious intent of developing professional level skills, and who are prepared to undertake the rigorous and demanding work required to attain them.

We ask that all applicants read the following articles.

An Interview with William Esper

In this in-depth interview, studio founder William Esper talks in detail about how acting is taught at the studio, covering the skills and techniques students will learn in both the first and second years of their training. From the book The New Generation of Acting Teachers (Penguin), by Eva Mekier

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Why Study?

A few months ago a young man in his mid-twenties came to interview with me at my New York studio. He admitted that he knew almost nothing about acting; indeed he had only acted on one occasion and that was in a high school play.

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Applicants MUST also read William Esper’s book, The Actor’s Art and Craft. This is a pre-requisite for your application and we will not be able to grant an interview to anyone who has not read this book.


by William Esper & Damon DiMarco

William Esper, one of the leading acting teachers of our time, explains and extends Sanford Meisner’s legendary technique, offering a clear, concrete, step-by-step approach to becoming a truly creative actor. Esper worked closely with Meisner for seventeen years and has spent decades developing his famous program for actor training.
The result is a rigorous system of exercises that builds a solid foundation of acting skills from the ground up, and that is flexible enough to be applied to any challenge an actor faces, from soap operas to Shakespeare.
Co-writer Damon DiMarco, a former student of Esper’s, spent over a year observing his mentor teaching first-year acting students.
In this book he recreates that experience for us, allowing us to see how the progression of exercises works in practice.
The Actor’s Art and Craft vividly demonstrates that good training does not constrain actors’ instincts—it frees them to create characters with truthful and compelling inner lives.

Applicants should prepare a brief statement of intent explaining why they want to be an actor and why they wish to study at the William Esper Studio. This is included as part of the Student Application Form which should be filled out and submitted prior to their interview. Please also make sure to upload a headshot and resume as part of the application. If you do not have a headshot, please upload a current photograph of yourself.

After submitting the application, you should receive a confirmation email that it has been received. Please call us at the studio
if you do not get a confirmation.

The Admissions Interview

Final determination of acceptance will be made after completing the interview process.

Students who are unable to attend an interview in New York may request to be interviewed via Zoom.

The Studio does not accept students who are under 18 years of age.

PLEASE NOTE: We ask that you apply only after you have done all research listed above. Our interview process is not an information session. If you have any questions about the Esper Studio or the program that will help you make your decision, please contact us prior to your interview.