NPG x153640; Lord Frederick Charles Edward Cambridge - Portrait - National Portrait Gallery

Lord Frederick Charles Edward Cambridge

© National Portrait Gallery, London

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Lord Frederick Charles Edward Cambridge

by Bassano Ltd
half-plate glass negative, 4 March 1932
Given by Bassano & Vandyk Studios, 1974
Photographs Collection
NPG x153640

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  • Bassano Ltd (active 1901-1962), Photographers. Artist or producer associated with 42747 portraits.

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Events of 1932back to top

Current affairs

Sir Oswald Mosley forms the British Union of Fascists. Mosley's party - nicknamed the Black Shirts after their uniform - was founded along the lines of Mussolini's Fascist Party in Italy and called for the replacement of parliamentary democracy with a system of elected executives. During the war Mosley was interned and the BUF was proscribed.

Art and science

John Cockcroft and Ernest Walton 'split the atom'. In fact, Cockcroft and Walton's achievement was to change the nucleus of one element into another by bombarding it with protons, rather than to literally spit an atom apart. Nevertheless 'splitting the atom' has become the popular way of describing this important stage in the development of nuclear technology.


Saudi Arabia is formed by the unification of the Kingdoms of Hijaz and Nejd under King Abdul Aziz.
Iraq is granted independence from the British mandate established by the League of Nations in 1919-20.

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