Kane And Fredonia Earn High School Bowl Victories | News, Sports, Jobs - Post Journal

Kane And Fredonia Earn High School Bowl Victories

Kane Area High School defeated Southwestern Central School 75-34 in a recent Media One High School Bowl match at Jamestown Community College.

In another match, Fredonia Central School topped Frewsburg 96-21.

Aaron Mishic and Isaya Miller of Kane, and Ray Dai and Rebecca Lash of Fredonia earned Player of the Match honors.

Kane (3-1) was represented by Miller, Mishic, Kate Parana, Lilly Hultman, Brayden Byham, James Swedenhjelm, Anna Meyers, Andrea McCord, and Corabeth Hamilton.

Southwestern (1-2) team members were Matthew Lefler, Nolan Lefler, Brayden Haaksma, Sharlenna La, and Kenji Walters. This second loss eliminated Southwestern from this year’s competition.

Dai, Lash, Ben Feit, Abby Lauer, and Lacey Drennen competed for Fredonia (4-1).

The Frewsburg (1-2) team included Xander Pitts, Madasyn Lander, Aiden Haase, Mathias Sanfilippo, Claire Spielman, Grace Gilevski, Ella Fuller, and Olivia Nelson. This loss eliminated Frewsburg from this year’s competition.

High School Bowl, in its 62th year, is produced by Media One Group in cooperation with JCC.


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