The Meaning Behind The Song: Sarah Smiles by Panic! At The Disco - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Sarah Smiles by Panic! At The Disco

What the Lyrics of “Sarah Smiles” by Panic! At The Disco Really Mean


When you listen to “Sarah Smiles” by Panic! At The Disco on the surface, it’s a cheerful song with catchy melodies and bright upbeat notes. However, look closer, and you’ll realize that there’s more to the lyrics of the song. The emotion behind “Sarah Smiles” tells a much more profound story that revolves around heartbreak, loss, and hope. The Panic! At The Disco frontman, Brendon Urie, wrote this song as a tribute to his high school crush, Sarah. The song has connected with countless fans globally because of its relatable lyrics, and in this article, we’ll explore the underlying meaning behind the song.

Verse One

The first few lines of the song “It’s not a sunrise over the city, but it’s the next best thing” set the tone for the rest of the song. Urie is trying to convey that he’s not entirely happy, but he’s not sad either. He’s somewhere in the middle of it, a feeling of contentment with life, but he’s not exactly where he wants to be.

The next line of the song “I’m not afraid to keep on living” suggests that Urie has accepted life as it is and is determined to keep moving forward. This line resonates with so many of us who struggle with uncertainty and anxiety. Brendon Urie, in an interview with Billboard, said, “That’s sort of what I picture when I hear the song: keep on keepin’ on, don’t let your fears squash your progress.”


The chorus of the song is where the true meaning of “Sarah Smiles” comes to life. “She knows that it’s killing me, she sleeps with her new friends” portrays that Sarah moved on from Urie, and he’s still hurting from the pain of losing her. But, despite all of this, the one thing that makes him feel better is that when Sarah smiles, he feels like everything is going to be okay.

The lyrics “It’s worth it just to see, even if just for a while” represent Urie’s understanding that although he’s not with Sarah anymore, if she’s happy, then that’s all that matters.

Verse Two

In the second verse of the song, Brendon Urie shares a personal story about the last time he saw Sarah. He recalls that she was with her new friends, and they were laughing as they walked by. Despite being hurt by seeing her with someone else, he realized that he wanted her to be around. “And maybe it would be worth it to stick around a while.” Those lines suggest that although it hurts, Urie is willing to stay in Sarah’s life in whatever way possible, just to be around her.


The bridge of the song “You know time crawls on when you’re waiting for the song to start” represents how it feels to wait for the beginning of a concert or event. Urie uses this metaphor to illustrate how time feels when you’re waiting for something that makes you happy. He then goes on to say “So dance alone to the beat of your heart,” which means that even when we feel alone, we can still find happiness within ourselves and enjoy the current moment.


Overall, “Sarah Smiles” is a powerful song that tells a story of unrequited love, hope, and understanding. It’s a song that many people can relate to, and that’s what makes it so special. It’s also a reminder that even when things don’t go the way we want them to, we can still find happiness within ourselves and with those we love.

Brendon Urie’s personal experience with Sarah Smiles adds an extra layer of authenticity to the lyrics and allows fans to connect with the song on a deeper level. It’s no wonder that “Sarah Smiles” has become such a fan-favorite over the years.

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