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What's the story with the driving couch?!

So you might have seen me on the Highway or on Jay Leno's Garage so I guess you've got questions...

Well, I designed and built the Casual Lofa, for no particular reason other than sometimes, things like this just need to exist! It's based on a classic Mini (1275cc automatic) and it is fully street legal, having gone through the DVLA (like the DMV) testing process to become registered as a custom build car in the UK.

It was shipped to the US to be on the CTEK booth at the 2019 SEMA show in Las Vegas and then we just cruised around on a road trip vacation before we went back to the UK. To find out how (and maybe why) I built this and other crazy cars like it, you should buy my book ‘Grease Junkie: A Book Of Moving Parts’ here...

Edd China's workbench, covered in the usual detritus such as his book, his orange gloves, flying goggles and a Philips Penlight torch
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