Mother’s Day card templates

Craft the perfect greeting that mom would love with Mother’s Day card ideas from our well-curated templates library that you can customize for free even without design skills.

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Printable Mother’s Day cards by Canva

While there are millions of mothers on Earth, each of them deserves to be called the best mom in the world. Let your mama or mother-figure know that and fill the world with so much love, especially on their special day. Greeting cards for moms may sound old-school, but they never fail to melt someone’s heart.

Make your mom some DIY Mother’s Day cards using Canva’s ready-made templates. The good thing about using our intuitive platform is that design skills are not a make-or-break factor to create stylish or funny Mother’s Day card layouts. All you have to do is drag and drop the design elements you need into your free Mother’s Day card template.

Simply browse our collection of printable Mother’s Day cards, then pick a design that catches your attention. We’ve got classic, fancy, flowery, funky, and cute Mother’s Day card ideas you can take inspiration from. Add a “mom and me” photo for a more touching Mother’s Day card design. Write your heartwarming message and choose a font or two from our library. If you want to add more elements, go to your design dashboard and pick the graphic ingredients you want to put into your custom Mother’s Day card template. From icons and illustrations to vectors, you’ll never run out of things to symbolize or depict your mama. Want to make it more unique? Instead of the usual printed happy Mother’s Day card, animate your layout and give your mom a digital Mother’s Day card.

Once you finish customizing your online Mother’s Day card, save your template and download it in high-resolution JPEG, PDF, GIF, or MP4 files. Send it to your mom online straight from Canva or have it printed using Canva Print to bring out the best colors of your card in exquisite finishes, and we’ll deliver it to your doorstep, so mom’s in for a surprise.