Institutional Revolutionary Party summary | Britannica
Institutional Revolutionary Party Article

Institutional Revolutionary Party summary

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Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Institutional Revolutionary Party.

Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Political party that dominated Mexico’s political life for most of the time since its founding in 1929. It was established as a result of a shift of power from political-military chieftains to state party units following the Mexican Revolution (1910–20). Until the late 1990s, nomination to public office by the PRI virtually guaranteed election, but in 1997 Mexico City elected its first non-PRI mayor. At the national level, the president, as leader of the party, typically selected the party’s next presidential candidate—thus effectively choosing his own successor. Pres. Ernesto Zedillo broke from that tradition in 1999, and the following year opposition candidate Vicente Fox won the presidency, although the PRI maintained control of several state governments and regained the presidency in 2012.