AFRAID - Traducción al español -
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Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

afraid adjective

volume_up US /əˈfreɪd/volume_up UK /əˈfreɪd/
(predicative) 1. (scared) don't be afraid, he won't bite you no tengas miedo que no te muerde to be afraid of somebody/something/-inghe is afraid of the dark le tiene miedo a la oscuridadhe's afraid of her le tiene miedothere's nothing to be afraid of no tienes nada que temershe's not afraid of anything or anybody no le tiene miedo or no le teme a nada ni a nadiewhat are you afraid of? ¿de qué tienes miedo?I was afraid of falling/missing the train tenía miedo de caerme/perder el trenI'm not afraid of hard work a mí el trabajo no me asustaLiz can't come — I was afraid of that Liz no puede venir — ya me lo temía to be afraid to + infhe's afraid to go into the cellar le da miedo entrar en el sótanonever be afraid to ask for help si necesitas ayuda, no tengas miedo de pedirlato be afraid for something/somebody temer por algo/alguienI'm afraid for this country's future temo por el futuro del paísto be afraid (that) tener miedo de que + subjI was afraid you'd be offended tenía miedo de que te ofendierasI'm afraid (that) he may have left already me temo que puede que ya se haya ido2. (sorry) to be afraid (that)I'm afraid that won't be possible (me) temo que no va a ser posibleshe's not in at the moment, I'm afraid lo siento pero no está en este momentois that all? — I'm afraid so ¿eso es todo? — sí, lo siento

afraid {adjetivo}

This means that, day after day, the people in the region are afraid that they will be attacked again, just as we saw in the past in Sarajevo.
Eso significa que la población de allí, al igual que vimos en el pasado con la situación de Sarajevo, estará angustiada día a día por el temor de ser atacada de nuevo.
afraid (también: panicked, feart)
He was shocked and afraid, but he said, ‘What do you expect us to do?
Estaba conmocionado y asustado, pero dijo: «¿Qué esperas que hagamos?
He was shocked and afraid, but he said, ‘ What do you expect us to do?
Estaba conmocionado y asustado, pero dijo:«¿Qué esperas que hagamos?
afraid (también: fearful, wussy, easily scared, feart)
It is odd that we are so hesitant and so afraid of doing anything about the problem that we confine ourselves to dealing with just two flame retardants.
Es extraño que seamos tan indecisos y miedosos para intentar resolver estos problemas y nos limitemos a dos productos ignífugos.
Generally speaking, good news regarding employment makes the stock exchange nervous, as it makes them afraid of a rise in inflation.
En general las buenas noticias relativas al empleo vuelven a la bolsa miedosa, ya que le hacen creer que la inflación volverá a aumentar.

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "afraid" en Español

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That is not always the case, but I am afraid abuses are rife in the Far East.
Aunque no es siempre así, me temo que los abusos proliferan en el Lejano Oriente.
Are they afraid to hear the views of the different countries on this subject?
¿Acaso existe el temor de dar la palabra a los diferentes países sobre este tema?
It did not do so, though, because not only is it not diligent, it is afraid.
Pero no lo hizo así porque, no solo no es diligente, sino que además tiene miedo.
I am afraid that the compromise achieved is not sufficient in the circumstances.
Me temo que el compromiso alcanzado no sea suficiente en las circunstancias actuales.
I am afraid to say that the Lisbon Treaty is a pale shadow of our Magna Carta.
Me temo que el Tratado de Lisboa es una sombra pálida de nuestra Carta Magna.
I am afraid it is too serious to settle with 'there or thereabouts' compromises.
Me temo que es demasiado seria como para zanjarla con compromisos ambiguos.
I am afraid there are no procedures that would allow us to come back to this issue.
Me temo que no existe ningún procedimiento que nos permita volver sobre este tema.
I am afraid this macho technology drives far too much of French foreign policy.
Me temo que esta tecnología agresiva dice demasiado de la política exterior francesa.
antiquity and legitimacy of these traditions, and were therefore not afraid to
sagradas tradiciones, no tuvieron pues miedo de usar la lengua eslava en la
What we were afraid of in Parliament, therefore, happened in the Council.
Así pues, lo que tanto nos temíamos en el Parlamento, ha sucedido en el Consejo.
We have a real contribution to make and we must not be afraid to make it.
Tenemos una verdadera contribución que aportar y no debemos temer su aportación.
I can only give you one supplementary question and that is it, I am afraid.
Solo puedo conceder una pregunta complementaria y me temo que ya lo he hecho.
They are not even afraid of further development or enlargement of the European Union.
No temen siquiera el desarrollo ulterior o la futura ampliación de la Unión Europea.
However, they cannot complain as they are afraid that they will be sacked and sent home.
Sin embargo, no pueden quejarse por el miedo de ser despedidas y enviadas a casa.
I am afraid that the House has voted and the House is always wise once it has voted.
Me temo que la Asamblea ha votado y que siempre es sabia respecto a lo que ha votado.
I am afraid that some Member States may undermine the purpose of the EU Blue Card.
Me preocupa que algunos Estados miembros puedan socavar el propósito de la tarjeta azul.
Those of us in the new Europe must not, therefore, be afraid of economic freedom.
Nosotros, en la nueva Europa, no debemos temer a la libertad económica.
I wish your report good luck but I am afraid it will not have good luck.
Le deseo que su informe tenga buena suerte; pero me temo que no la va a tener.
The EU has suspended the WTO proceedings because it was afraid of winning.
La UE ha interrumpido el procedimiento ante la OMC pues tiene miedo a ganar.
I am afraid to say, Commissioner, that the Commission is at the root of this confusion.
Lamento decir, señor Comisario, que la Comisión está en el origen de esta confusión.
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English Cómo usar "afraid" en una frase

This behavior can be interpreted as a creature that is afraid of the light and that moves fast to get away from it.
As he becomes increasingly afraid of the desert, the merchant's brutality increases, and he feels terribly alone without police nearby to protect him.
The barber found himself bursting with the secret and couldn't bear to keep the gossip to himself, but was afraid for his life.
The other dragons, with their deformed wings and feeble muscles, are afraid to risk failure and humiliation.
The boy is afraid, because the particular grain is squeezing out of the giant's hand.

English Cómo usar "be afraid" en una frase

In some cases, he may be afraid to answer for fear of reprisals by the enemy.
We need not be afraid of continuing to use the adjective...
I put my hand upon her hand and told her not to be afraid.
I see no reason to be afraid of metaphysics; it has had a great influence on human life and development.
People can sometimes be afraid to express a criticism, or afraid to be criticized.

English Cómo usar "be afraid of" en una frase

Abs are considered to be afraid of humans but will run after them if they are afraid of her.
I see no reason to be afraid of metaphysics; it has had a great influence on human life and development.
Even if you remain in your current position, those near and far will still be afraid of you.
For children, not understanding what really to be afraid of, these dreams portend some pain and disturbance lurking into the landscape.
She tells him that his presence brightens the day considerably and that he shouldn't be afraid of loving her, as he appears to be.

English Cómo usar "tener miedo de" en una frase

Por ejemplo, puede tener miedo de su niñera sin que sus padres lo sepan.
Son personalidades débiles, dependientes, que se dejan engañar, maltratar y castigar y luego perdonan o no reaccionan porque pueden tener miedo de una represalia.
No debe tener miedo de enfrentar nuestra mirada.
Si lo comprendes, si aceptas esta verdad como propia, no volverás a tener miedo de entregarte.
No debes de tener miedo de enfrentarte a ellos en un juzgado.

English Cómo usar "temer a" en una frase

El maestro no debe temer al contar la historia vívidamente.
No debemos temer a los inconversos, ni a lo que nos puedan hacer.
No se debe temer a incorporar esta opción, que simplemente es un método para llegar al target de principal interés para la empresa.
Estas palabras son suficientes para no temer a ninguna circunstancia.
No debes temer a comunicar una crítica a tu jefe.

"desperately afraid of" en español

desperately afraid of
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"little afraid" en español

little afraid
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"mortally afraid of" en español

mortally afraid of
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