mintiendo - Traducci�n al ingl�s – Linguee

Diccionario espa�ol-ingl�s

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Los ni�os pueden seguir participando a escondidas en
[...] actividades prohibidas, mintiendo a sus padres.
Children may continue to engage secretly in
[...] forbidden activities but lie to their parents.
La Uni�n Europea est�
[...] tergiversando y mintiendo sobre la situaci�n [...]
con sus propios fines pol�ticos siniestros.
The European Union
[...] was distorting and lying about the situation [...]
for its own sinister political purposes.
En 1986, la autora descubri� que Harper Grey Easton le
[...] hab�a estado mintiendo y no hab�a cumplido [...]
su deber de llevar adelante de manera
profesional y diligente su demanda civil contra la Sra. Stevenson.
In 1986, the author discovered that Harper Grey
[...] Easton had been lying to her and had [...]
failed in its duty to prosecute her civil
claim against Ms Stevenson in a professional and diligent manner.
Lamentablemente, el Caso de Anderson ha sido tan enfangado y
enredado por el propio Ministerio P�blico, que se hace casi imposible saber si
[...] Contreras est mintiendo o diciendo la verdad.
Unfortunately, the Anderson affair has been so bogged down and
complicated by the Public Prosecutor's Office that it is impossible to know whether
[...] Contreras is lying or telling the truth.
La UA no puede esperar ser tomada en serio a nivel internacional
[...] cuando contina mintiendo y postergando [...]
las cosas.
The AU cannot expect to be taken seriously internationally while it
[...] continues to prevaricate and procrastinate.
No est� claro si estaban mintiendo o si estaban confusos.
It is not clear
[...] whether they were lying or whether they were [...]
En suma, el reporte CAD prob� que el
[...] oficial estaba mintiendo.
In short, the CAD report proved
[...] that the officer was lying.
�C�mo podr�a la
[...] gente continuar mintiendo mientras aprende [...]
sobre la grandeza del Cosmos?
How can people continue to lie while learning about [...]
the grandeur of Cosmos?
�Estn mintiendo el Gobierno de [...]
Alemania y todos los gobiernos alemanes?
Are the German Government and
[...] all German Governments lying?
La gente que lo llama a usted ofreci�ndole estos "grandes negocios" son
[...] muy, muy buenos mintiendo.
The people who call you offering these "great deals" are
[...] very, very good at lying.
Cre�amos que era
[...] probable que estuviese mintiendo sobre todos los hechos.
We thought it
[...] likely that he was lying about the whole thing.
Cuando enfrentamos a un
[...] ni�o que est mintiendo, es importante [...]
recordar primero la edad y etapa de desarrollo del ni�o.
When confronted
[...] with a child who is lying, it is important [...]
to first remember the child's age and developmental stage.
Mintiendo sobre su edad, fue [...]
reclutado en el ej�rcito belga durante la Primera Guerra Mundial y pas� dos a�os como prisionero de guerra.
Lying about his age, he was [...]
accepted into the Belgian Army during World War One, and consequently spent two years as a German prisoner of war.
Quer�a que pudieran mirarme a los ojos y juzgar si estaba
[...] diciendo la verdad o mintiendo.
I wanted them to be able to look me in the eye and judge whether I was
[...] telling the truth or telling a lie.
El tema dominante en las actuales t�cnicas de
investigaci�n es la suposici�n de que las
[...] v�ctimas estn mintiendo y el trabajo inicial [...]
de los investigadores es exponer esto.
The dominant theme in current investigative techniques is the presumption
[...] that victims are lying and the initial [...]
job of the investigators is to expose it.
Lightman es el especialista en mendacidad m�s importante del mundo, un cient�fico capaz de
[...] saber no s�lo si uno est mintiendo sino por qu�.
Lightman is the most acclaimed mendacity specialist in the world, a scientist capable
[...] of knowing if one is lying and the reason why.
Pens� que quiz�s
[...] estaba bromeando o mintiendo, pero la gente que [...]
se encontraba a su alrededor tambi�n encontraba la pregunta extra�a.
I thought
[...] perhaps he was joking or lying but the people around [...]
him also found the question strange.
Fue realmente un golpe devastador, devastador a la negaci�n del Holocausto, demostrando c�mo es -- que no es una cuesti�n de
opini�n, que no es una cuesti�n de dos bandos, sino una
[...] cuesti�n de personas mintiendo descaradamente acerca [...]
de la historia.
It really was a devastating, devastating blow to Holocaust denial, demonstrating how there's-this is
not a matter of opinion, that this is not a matter of two sides, but a
[...] matter of people outright lying about the history.
Ellos no entienden que al mentir son ellos los
[...] que primeramente se estn mintiendo.
They do not
[...] understand that in lying they primarily [...]
deceive themselves.
Pero est� alerta de que algunos vendedores
[...] telef�nicos seguirn mintiendo no importa cuantas [...]
preguntas usted les haga.
But be aware that some telemarketers
[...] will continue to lie to you, no matter [...]
how many questions you ask them.
Lo que me impresion� durante esta investigaci�n -quiz�s yo era y sigo siendo
a�n demasiado ingenuo- es hasta qu� punto los
[...] gobiernos europeos mintieron y siguen mintiendo, activamente o por omisi�n.
What really impressed me during this investigation - perhaps I was too
naive and still am - was to what degree European
[...] governments lied, either actively or by omission and continued to lie.
Pues bien, si las acciones son m�s
[...] claras que las palabras, la AP esta mintiendo a los palestinos y a las masas �rabes [...]
de todo el mundo.
Well, if actions speak louder than
[...] words, the PA is lying to the Palestinians and the Arab-Muslim masses around the world.
Cuando alguien se encoge de hombros, rota la mano o levanta el labio inferior,
[...] Lightman sabe que est mintiendo.
When someone shrugs their shoulders, rotates their hand or lifts their lower lip,
[...] Lightman knows they're lying.
Mintiendo en la cama que [...]
mira con ce�o a noticias malas de hoy, yo no pod�a menos a pensando en otra rutina de ma�ana que
encontr� en un juego de libro ficticio en un convento ingl�s.
Lying in bed frowning at [...]
today's bad news, I couldn't help but thinking of another morning routine I encountered in a fictional
book set in an English convent.
Muchos de los l�deres jud�os, religiosos de esos d�as, creyeron
[...] que Jes�s estaba mintiendo y ninguno odi� m�s [...]
sus ense�anzas que los fariseos.
But many of the Jewish religious leaders of the day
[...] believed that Jesus was lying and none hated his [...]
teachings more than the Pharisees.
Las personas que maltratan logran su objetivo interfiriendo con las relaciones que proporcionan apoyo a la v�ctima, creando barreras que impidan el desarrollo de actividades, como llevarse las
llaves del autom�vil o encerrar a la
[...] v�ctima en su casa, y mintiendo o distorsionando [...]
la realidad para obtener control psicol�gico.
Abusers may accomplish this through interfering with supportive relationships, creating barriers to normal activities, such as taking
away the car keys or locking the victim
[...] in the home, and lying or distorting what [...]
is real to gain psychological control.
�Una nota m�s sobre mi aplicaci�n: un caso de memoria selectiva o
[...] simplemente est mintiendo?
One more note on my application: A case of selective
[...] memory or just plain lying?
�Muchas gracias!
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