The Meaning Behind The Song: Key Largo by Bertie Higgins - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Key Largo by Bertie Higgins


Music has the magical ability to take us to places we’ve never been, evoke emotions we never knew existed, and bring back memories we thought were long forgotten. One such song that has the power to transport us to a tropical paradise is “Key Largo” by Bertie Higgins, a song that has been etched in the hearts of millions of fans for decades. In this article, we will take a closer look at the meaning behind the song, the story of its creation and the impact it has had on people worldwide.

The Inspiration Behind The Song

Bertie Higgins had always been fascinated by the Florida Keys, a chain of islands located off the southern coast of Florida. The area was famous for its turquoise blue waters, palm trees and laid-back lifestyle. It was during one of his trips to Key Largo, the largest and northernmost island in the archipelago, that he found the inspiration for the song that would change his life forever.

As he gazed out at the ocean from his hotel room overlooking the famous Caribbean Club, he was struck by the beauty of the island and the nostalgia it evoked in him. He was reminded of the old black and white movies that he had watched as a child, that featured alluring and glamorous women, and he knew he wanted to create a song that captured the essence of that era. And so the song, “Key Largo” was born.

The Lyric of The Song

The song is a hauntingly beautiful tale of a lost love, and the bittersweet memories that come with it. The lyrics are evocative, painting a vivid picture of a woman who has left the singer behind, as he reminisces about the time they spent together in Key Largo. The song is designed to transport the listener to a nostalgic and romantic world, enveloping them in the languorous and dream-like atmosphere of the tropical paradise.

The opening lines of the song evoke the essence of the tropics:

“Wrapped around each other
Trying so hard to stay warm
That first cold winter together
Lying in each other’s arms
Watching those old movies
Falling in love so desperately
Honey, I was your hero
And you were my leading lady”

The song is sung as if from the perspective of a man who is looking back on a relationship that has now ended. Throughout the song, he reflects on the memories they shared in Key Largo, and how they both knew that their love could not last forever. The chorus goes as follows:

“We had it all
Just like Bogie and Bacall
Starring in our old late, late show
Sailing away to Key Largo”

The lyrics highlight the romantic and nostalgic connection that the man feels to that lost love and the place that brought them together.

The Music and Production

The music of “Key Largo” is as hauntingly beautiful as the lyrics. The song is a fusion of pop, rock, and jazz genres and has a distinctively tropical feel. The saxophone intro played by seasoned saxophonist, Mike Lewis, sets the mood for the rest of the track, giving it a sultry, almost otherworldly, sound.

Some of the other musical features of the song include a steady drum beat, gentle electric guitar strumming, and the beautiful piano riff that recurs throughout the song. The overall effect is a laid-back, lounge-y sound that perfectly encapsulates the relaxed atmosphere of the Florida keys.

The production of the song is also worth mentioning as it was carefully crafted to create just the right ambiance. The song was recorded in a very spacious studio to create a natural-sounding space for the vocals. Many of the instruments were recorded in a single take, creating a live and authentic sound. Overall, the production of “Key Largo” is masterful, leaving the listener with the feeling of being whisked away to that tropical paradise.

The Legacy Of “Key Largo”

“Key Largo” was released in 1981 and quickly shot to the top of the charts in the US, Europe, and Asia. It became Bertie Higgins’s signature song and has been covered by countless artists over the years.

The song’s popularity has shown no signs of waning, and it is now regarded as a classic of its genre. Its timeless quality and universal appeal have ensured that both new and old generations continue to fall in love with the song and the Florida Keys. It has become a symbol of love, loss, and nostalgia, and continues to evoke the same feelings today as it did when it was first released.

In conclusion, “Key Largo” is truly a masterpiece, evoking feelings of nostalgia, romance, and tropical paradise. The song has struck a chord with millions of fans worldwide and continues to be a beloved classic more than three decades after its release. With music and lyrics that are a true work of art, this song is a must-listen for anyone who wants to be transported to another time and place, even if just for a few minutes.

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