‘My Siddique was a man with a unique personality’: Fazil | Onmanorama

‘My Siddique was a man with a unique personality’: Fazil

Fazil, Siddique
Fazil, Siddique. Photo: IMDb

My Siddique was a man with a unique personality. A lot many people are familiar with the popular film director Siddique. But only a few got to know the broad-minded person in him. He was a pure soul and a good human being. He had experienced many setbacks because of this. He had touched the lives of numerous people, but always wanted to keep the benevolent acts a secret. Naturally, others did not know of the unique personality of his. It was actor Mammootty who first told me about Siddique and Lal. In fact, the very first frame they might have shot with the camera was that of Mammootty.

In those days, Mammootty used to visit my house while passing through Alappuzha. On one such occasion, he told me about Siddique and Lal. He invited me to watch a stage programme. If my memory is correct, it was in Alappuzha Carmel Hall. Siddique and Lal were performing mimicry on stage. When the programme ended, Mammootty introduced them to me. It was the first time I saw Siddique and Lal.

On a later occasion, Kalabhavan Ansar told me: ‘Siddique-Lal duo has got a good story with them.’ I replied to Ansar to ask the two to come to my house. They came and narrated the story. A full-length comedy script. But I was not interested to do comedy films at that time. I invited the duo to the sets where I was working then. They didn’t ask for any chance, rather I was extending the invitation! One day, I was leaving the set of ‘Poovinu Puthiya Poonthennal’. It was around 3 pm. Then suddenly news came that my father was unwell. Mammootty will reach the set at sharp 7. I took ‘Bappa’ to the hospital while entrusting Siddique and Lal with the set. Their first frame might be the face of Mammootty. The shooting might have lasted one or two hours. My Bappa had breathed his last by then.

Siddique had done minor roles in ‘Noketta Doorathu Kannum Nattu’ and ‘Varsham 16’. When they narrated the story of ‘Ramji Rao Speaking’, I sent them back, advising both to do the film by themselves. Their maiden film turned into a super hit. I last met Siddique during the engagement function of my brother Khais’s daughter. His face had abnormal dark patches. It appeared to me that he was having soreness. Though I wondered what had happened to him, I couldn’t ask him then. We just looked at each other and smiled. While returning, I was asking myself why I didn’t speak to him. Did Siddique have the intuition that it was our last meeting?

Siddique was hospitalized the same day. I was terribly pained when doctors explained that he was suffering from ‘Non-Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis’ illness. After all, he was a pure-hearted man with no vices. Siddique recovered from the disease to some extent. But he had a heart attack the other night, that dashed all our hopes. I’m somebody who managed to withstand the separation of my gurus but can’t bear the demise of my beloved disciple.

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