Category: Professional and Part-time Learning | Durham College

Level Up Your Marketing with Social Media Skills

In the last few years, businesses have been thriving with their online presence, and social media has played a huge role in this transition as it continues to evolve. The Durham College Certificate in Social Media offers a pathway for anyone looking to dive into the world of marketing and communications, with a specialization in social media. This is offered through Durham College’s Professional and Part-Time Learning, and is a online and part-time program designed to help you grow your skills.

Why Choose this Certificate?

  • Industry-Relevant Skills: This program will provide you with practical, industry-relevant skills that employers seek. It covers topics such as developing a social media strategy, monitoring and measuring social media impact, and applying social media initiatives in business. Throughout the program, you will gain insights into best practices for using social media and understanding how to capitalize on the latest trends.
  • Online Learning: Whether you're juggling a full-time job or have other commitments, we don't want them to hinder your progress. Our flexible learning options help you manage your education without putting your life on hold. All courses in this program are offered online and are delivered asynchronously, allowing you to learn at your own pace.
  • Flexible Options: If you're balancing a full-time job or family responsibilities, your schedule might not allow for enrolling in multiple courses simultaneously. With Professional and Part-Time Learning, you have the flexibility to register for one course at a time. This approach is especially beneficial for those with busy schedules, allowing you to manage expectations and progress at your own pace.

Program Highlights

This Social Media Certificate program is designed to cover all essential aspects of social media management, including key topics:

  • Developing a Social Media Strategy: You will learn how to create effective strategies that align with business goals. This course focuses on understanding target audiences, crafting resonant content, and selecting the right platforms for engagement.
  • Monitoring and Measuring Social Media: Understanding that analytics play an integral role in business is important because they allow leadership to create evidence-based strategies. This course guides you through tracking the performance of social media campaigns, measuring ROI, and using insights to refine strategies.
  • Applying Social Media in Business: This course covers the practical application of social media in real-world business scenarios. It includes case studies, industry examples, and hands-on projects that replicate actual business challenges.

Is This Program Right for You?

This program is designed for anyone looking to build their skills in marketing, advertising, or communications, particularly with a focus on social media. This program is ideal for you, if you are seeking to upskill or transition into a digital marketing role, whether you are an experienced professional aiming to keep up with industry trends or someone new to the field. This certificate will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in your career.

How to Get Started

Starting at Durham College’s Professional and Part-Time Learning (PPL) is incredibly simple. Begin by visiting the program page to discover the courses offered, the registration process, and additional program details. This program will open doors of opportunities in digital marketing, advertising, and communications. You will also have the option to take one course at a time, providing you with the flexibility to complete the program over five years. See how you can register for a program here. There’s no better time than now to invest in your future and see your career grow.

DC Professional and Part-time Learning offers a diverse selection of over 50 programs and more than 900 courses designed to help you achieve your career goals. Investing in your career development can lead to promising future opportunities. You can register for many PPL courses either with Monthly Intake Online options, which start every month, or at the beginning of regular semesters such as Fall, Winter, and Spring.

What is Monthly Intake Online? Monthly Intake Online courses are conducted on the OntarioLearn LMS platform and have a unique feature—they start every month, even outside of the regular semester dates. If you need flexibility in your course start date, Monthly Intake Online is an excellent choice.

For financial assistance, please visit the OSAP Eligibility webpage. When you're ready to take the next step, explore your part-time learning options at

How to Specialize as a Mental Health Nurse?

If you are a nurse interested in specializing in mental health, Durham College offers an ideal program through its Professional and Part-Time Learning department. This program is designed to enhance your understanding and skills in mental health nursing, equipping you to provide exceptional care and support to individuals needing mental health services.

About the Program

The Mental Health Nursing RN/RPN (Certificate) is an online, part-time program designed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively assist individuals facing mental health challenges. The curriculum encompasses five core theoretical courses, complemented by a field placement that facilitates the application of learned principles in a real-world setting.

For this program, field placement is a crucial component, it offers students a chance to engage directly with healthcare environments such as hospitals and healthcare centers. This practical experience is invaluable, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and actual patient care, and enabling students to apply classroom-learned strategies to real-life patient scenarios.

Upon completion of the program, graduates will find themselves well-prepared for a variety of roles within the mental health nursing field. Opportunities abound in diverse settings, including hospitals and healthcare centers, where the expertise and advocacy of mental health nurses are crucial to patient care and the advancement of healthcare practices.

Who can apply? 

To start your application, you should be registered as a nurse or practical nurse in Ontario. Make sure you have a current BCLS (Basic Cardiac Life Support) certificate and no criminal record, especially if you are going to work with vulnerable groups. You will need to fill out the Program Application Form and send in the accompanying required documentation. If you want to know more about what you need to apply, you can find all the details at the provided link.

What will you learn? 

Upon completing this program, you will have the skills to: 

  • Provide care that is both personalized and professional, establishing strong connections with your clients.
  • Conduct in-depth assessments of your clients' mental health.
  • Develop and evaluate strategies to improve your clients' well-being.
  • Collaborate with colleagues to navigate complex mental health scenarios effectively.
  • Educate and support your clients as they navigate mental health challenges.
  • Advocate for the highest standards of mental health care, ensuring it is equitable and ethical.
  • Contribute to the enhancement of mental health care practices and policies.

After completing the program, a wide range of opportunities become available to you. You will be eligible to work as a mental health nurse in various settings, including hospitals and healthcare centers, playing a crucial role in patient care and advocacy.

Start Your Specialization Today! 

Enrolling in the Mental Health Nursing RN/RPN (Certificate) program at Durham College could be a significant move in your nursing career, especially if you want to specialize in mental health care.  This comprehensive approach ensures you are fully prepared to face both the challenges and rewards that come with a career in mental health nursing. With your commitment and thorough field placement, you will be poised to make a positive impact in the field.

New Beginnings and Achieving Dreams: Gabriella’s Scholarship Story

Life often demands that we navigate through transitions, some of which can be as challenging as they are transformative. For Gabriella, her move from Ukraine to Canada was more than just a change of location; it was a leap into a whole new life. In Ukraine, she was a university teacher with six years under her belt, passionate about her job and armed with a master's degree that sharpened her mind.

But here in Canada, she faced a fresh set of challenges: a new language and an unfamiliar education system - this did not hold her back; instead, it led her to Durham College and a new calling in social work, where she could still make a meaningful impact. 

As a mother aiming to advance her education, Gabriella needed a program that could adapt to her hectic life. Durham College's Part-Time program was the perfect fit. It offered online courses that she could tackle on her schedule, blending her studies seamlessly into her daily routine.  

Initially doubtful of online learning, she was soon won over by the supportive and high-quality education Durham College provided, challenging her doubts about the effectiveness of virtual classrooms.

The Scholarship Journey 

Gabriella's first attempt at a Durham College scholarship did not go as planned, but she did not give up. Her determination paid off when she applied again and was awarded a scholarship. This was not just a financial win; it was a boost to her morale, showing her that persistence pays off. The scholarship eased her financial strain, covering crucial costs like textbooks and course fees, and added a valuable highlight to her resume, boosting her future job prospects in social work.  

Her story highlights the significant impact scholarships can have. They are more than financial aid; they are stepping stones to achieving one's dreams. Durham College's commitment to providing these scholarships shows its dedication to inclusivity and ensuring every student has the chance to succeed. 

Next Steps for Gabriella 

Now, with her diploma in hand, Gabriella looks forward to a bright future in social work. Her transition from a university teacher in Ukraine to fulfilling her academic and personal ambitions in Canada is a testament to the transformative power of education and support. Gabriella's experience is a source of inspiration, proving that resilience and the right opportunities can guide anyone through change, preparing them to leave a positive mark on the world.

Support Services Available to Part-Time Students at Durham College to Achieve Academic Goals

At Durham College, our mission is to lead together, inspiring learners like you to achieve success for yourselves and your communities through innovative education. With this ethos in mind, we consistently strive to provide you with the best resources to support your academic journey, a commitment that extends to DC Professional and Part-Time Learning (PPL).

PPL caters to the diverse needs of students like you, who balance education with work, family, and other responsibilities. Whether you are a part-time student enrolled in our online courses or attending classes on campus, you will find access to a variety of resources designed to support your career growth. In this blog, we will explore the range of resources available to you as a part-time student, tailored to accommodate your unique schedule and learning style, ensuring you receive the support needed to excel academically and advance in your career.

Student Advisors are the foundation of this support system. They understand the challenges you face and are committed to providing personalized assistance, helping you navigate your studies by customizing academic plans to suit your needs, whether you are seeking guidance in setting short-term or long-term academic goals, needing help developing customized academic plans, or mapping out your educational path.

Additionally, our student advisors can connect you with valuable resources available at Durham College, such as the Student Academic Learning Services (SALS) and the Access and Support Centre (ASC), offering subject-specific tutoring, assistive technology, and accommodations for students with exceptionalities. Furthermore, they can provide insights into pathways to universities or post-graduate programs, helping you make informed decisions about your future academic goals. You can contact them via email or schedule a meeting to discuss your needs and goals in detail by visiting our "Contact Us" page.

The Access and Support Centre (ASC) provides confidential services to students like you who may require accommodation due to temporary challenges or identified exceptionalities. The ASC team works collaboratively with you and faculty to ensure equal access to all aspects of the academic environment through assistive technology and coaching on self-advocacy and success strategies. 

Student Academic Learning Services (SALS) is a comprehensive resource designed to promote active learning. At SALS, the primary goal is to empower students like you to reach their academic goals through personalized support and guidance: 

  • Learning Specialists: experts in various subject areas, including Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics, Accounting, and Learning Strategies, who provide tailored support to enhance learning effectiveness.
  • Online Resources: SALS offers a wealth of online resources through SALS ONLINE units in DC Connect, including learning strategies, academic writing modules, videos, tips sheets, quizzes, and practice tests for math, science, and accounting.
  • Writing and Language Specialists: available to assist with academic writing, English language support, assignment clarification, editing skills, referencing, and English language proficiency.
  • Peer Tutoring: upper-year students trained by SALS, offering support in course material review and study tips, with students entitled to 30 hours of peer tutoring per semester.
  • Workshops: academic writing and learning strategies workshops throughout the semester to enhance academic skills and succeed in studies. 

Professional and Part-Time Learning students enrolled in online courses have access to Durham College’s IT Support Desk, ensuring a smooth transition into the virtual learning environment. The IT support team assists with technical challenges, from troubleshooting login issues to navigating online platforms, fostering a conducive online learning experience. 

Our dedicated team of Program Assistants provides administrative support to students, guiding them through the college website, course registration, program requirements, and offering timely email support, facilitating academic responsibilities with ease. 

With a range of resources and a supportive team behind you, students at PPL feel empowered to overcome challenges and achieve their academic and career goals with confidence, enabling you to begin your academic journey with confidence and accomplish your goals. Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every setback a lesson, and every success a testament to your resilience. Believe in your potential, embrace the journey, and dare to dream big and don’t hesitate to embrace success with Durham College's Professional and Part-Time Learning.

DC Professional and Part-time Learning offers a diverse selection of over 50 programs and more than 900 courses designed to help you achieve your career goals. Investing in your career development can lead to promising future opportunities. You can register for many PPL courses either with Monthly Intake Online options, which start every month, or at the beginning of regular semesters such as Fall, Winter, and Spring.

What is Monthly Intake Online? Monthly Intake Online courses are conducted on the OntarioLearn LMS platform and have a unique feature - they start every month, even outside of the regular semester dates. If you need flexibility in your course start date, Monthly Intake Online is an excellent choice.

For financial assistance, please visit the OSAP Eligibility webpage. When you're ready to take the next step, explore your part-time learning options at

How do you create a positive learning environment for adults?

Teaching adults can be a rewarding yet challenging process. Unlike traditional classroom settings, adult education requires a more tailored approach to accommodate diverse backgrounds, experiences, and learning preferences. This makes creating a positive learning environment for adults a different process, as there are several intricacies that a teacher may need to consider. 

Most adult learners enrol in education programs or training sessions with the goal of acquiring specific new skills or advancing their careers. Understanding these motivations early can be crucial when tailoring the educational experience. 

These learners often bring diverse skills, experiences, and knowledge to the table. Considering all these unique backgrounds and different stages of their careers can be challenging for an instructor. As an instructor, you must acknowledge and design with this diversity in mind. This will ensure that everyone feels included and respected. 

Understanding these crucial differences from the traditional classroom can help you foster a more positive learning environment for adults. Here are some ways to create a positive learning environment for adults:

  1. Encourage Active Participation: Adults learn best when they actively engage with the material. Incorporating interactive activities, discussions, case studies, and real-world applications into your teaching approach can encourage your learners. This creates a sense of collaboration and shared learning.
  1. Conduct a Needs Analysis: Before you design and deliver your training, it is important to understand your learners. By conducting a needs analysis, you will be able to set clear and achievable learning objectives for the course or training. Clearly communicating what is expected from the learners and what they will gain from these learning experiences can keep your learners motivated.
  1. Provide Constructive Feedback: Feedback is an integral part of any learning environment. It helps adult learners gauge their progress and make improvements. As an instructor, you can provide constructive feedback that highlights their strengths and suggests areas for improvement.

Teaching and training adults is a dynamic process that requires an adaptable approach. It is important to consider the individual characteristics of adult learners and nurture a respectful and inclusive atmosphere. The key to fostering a positive learning environment lies in recognizing that adult learners want to achieve their goals and thrive in their education journey, and your guidance can go a long way. 

Durham College’s Professional and Part-Time Learning offers the Teaching and Training Adults Certificate. This certificate program will train you to teach or facilitate adults, and upon graduating, you will be well-equipped to meet the needs of all your adult learners. This certificate is recognized by the Institute for Performance and Learning, making it a valuable credential for those seeking to excel in adult education. 

DC Professional and Part-time Learning offers a diverse selection of over 70 programs and more than 1000 courses designed to help you achieve your career goals. Investing in your career development can lead to promising future opportunities. You can register for many PPL courses either with Monthly Intake Online options, which start every month, or at the beginning of regular semesters such as Fall, Winter, and Spring.

What is Monthly Intake Online? Monthly Intake Online courses are conducted on the OntarioLearn LMS platform and have a unique feature—they start every month, even outside of the regular semester dates. If you need flexibility in your course start date, Monthly Intake Online is an excellent choice.

For financial assistance, please visit the OSAP Eligibility webpage. When you're ready to take the next step, explore your part-time learning options at

How does a Settlement Worker Help Newcomers in Canada?

Canada is a leader in global migration and refugee protection - In 2022, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) processed around 5.2 million applications for permanent and temporary residence, and citizenship. Settlement workers play a vital role in helping newcomers adapt to Canadian society. 

They provide essential guidance in navigating legal and immigration processes, aiding newcomers to overcome challenges and transition smoothly into self-reliant, contributing members of Canadian society.

What is a Settlement Worker? 

A settlement worker is a professional dedicated to assisting immigrants and refugees adjust to life in a new country. These workers are typically employed by government bodies and community organizations including immigrant service agencies, issue-based groups, and educational institutions. 

Their role includes evaluating the impact of immigration and citizenship policies on settlement services. They guide newcomers through legal and bureaucratic processes, help them access essential services like healthcare and education, and offer language training and employment support. 

Settlement workers are instrumental in ensuring that immigrants and refugees receive the necessary support and resources to become active, independent members of their communities, aiding in their effective adaptation to society. 

How to become a Settlement Worker? 

If you are interested in helping people, particularly refugees and immigrants, becoming a settlement worker is an excellent choice. Durham College's 'Settlement Worker - Professional Foundations (Recognition of Achievement)' program is designed for those eager to support people in their settlement process. This program explores the laws and policies affecting immigrant and refugee settlement. 

This program delves into the laws and policies influencing how immigrants and refugees adapt to Canadian society. You can check the admission requirements and all other program related details on the program's webpage. The program consists of three courses: 

  • Foundations of Settlement Workers: Learn about the fundamental roles and responsibilities of settlement workers. 
  • Advocacy and Professionalism: Gain insights into professional ethics and client advocacy. 
  • Case Management and Settlement Counseling: Focus on managing client cases and providing effective settlement counseling. 

DC Professional and Part-time Learning offers a diverse selection of over 70 programs and more than 1000 courses designed to help you achieve your career goals. Investing in your career development can lead to promising future opportunities. You can register for many PPL courses either with Monthly Intake Online options, which start every month, or at the beginning of regular semesters such as Fall, Winter, and Spring.

What is Monthly Intake Online? Monthly Intake Online courses are conducted on the OntarioLearn LMS platform and have a unique feature—they start every month, even outside of the regular semester dates. If you need flexibility in your course start date, Monthly Intake Online is an excellent choice.

For financial assistance, please visit the OSAP Eligibility webpage. When you're ready to take the next step, explore your part-time learning options at

What is the difference between Upskilling and Reskilling?

In this dynamic job market, continuing education is not just beneficial; it is essential. Two key strategies often discussed in professional development are upskilling and reskilling. Although they sound similar, they serve different purposes for both employees and employers in the context of career development and organizational growth. 

Upskilling means building on the skills you already must keep up with the changing needs of your job or industry. It involves deepening your knowledge in familiar areas to enhance your effectiveness in your current role. This is particularly important in industries where technology and best practices are frequently changing. 

Three Benefits of Upskilling: 

  1. Increased Marketability: Acquiring new skills and updating existing ones makes you more valuable to both current and potential employers. Upskilling not only improves your job security but also helps you stand out in a competitive job market. 
  1. Personal Growth and Confidence: Learning new skills can significantly boost your personal confidence. This not only contributes to your professional development but may also lead to greater job satisfaction and a proactive approach to career challenges. 
  1. Future-Proofing Your Career: Continuously upskilling prepares you for future industry demands and technological innovations, ensuring long-term career viability and success. 

Reskilling is about learning new skills that are different from what you know. People usually reskill when they want to change their career or keep up with jobs that are in demand. 

Three Benefits of Reskilling: 

  1. Career Transition: For professionals aiming for a career transition, reskilling is a critical and transformative step. It serves as a gateway to new industries, allowing you to realign your career path with your evolving interests to match the dynamics of the current job market. 
  1. Staying Updated with Industry Evolution: The job market, particularly in technology-driven fields, is constantly evolving, creating new roles. Reskilling is essential for adapting to these major industry shifts, positioning you to meet the demands of emerging roles. 
  1. Personal Development: Beyond the needs of industry, reskilling encourages lifelong learning. It can often be a journey of personal growth as it helps to discover new passions that can lead to a more fulfilling career. 

Durham College’s Professional and Part-Time Learning offers Professional Development (PD) opportunities that are essential for career advancement and professional growth, including both upskilling and reskilling options. These offerings cover a wide range of specialized training, formal education, and advanced professional learning designed to enhance work-related knowledge, competence, skills, and effectiveness.  

Being adaptable and committed to personal development is key to navigating today's complex job market and building a successful career. 

DC Professional and Part-time Learning offers a diverse selection of over 70 programs and more than 1000 courses designed to help you achieve your career goals. Investing in your career development can lead to promising future opportunities. You can register for many PPL courses either with Monthly Intake Online options, which start every month, or at the beginning of regular semesters such as Fall, Winter, and Spring.

What is Monthly Intake Online? Monthly Intake Online courses are conducted on the OntarioLearn LMS platform and have a unique feature—they start every month, even outside of the regular semester dates. If you need flexibility in your course start date, Monthly Intake Online is an excellent choice.

For financial assistance, please visit the OSAP Eligibility webpage. When you're ready to take the next step, explore your part-time learning options at

Empowering Growth Through Learning: Journey with DC’s Professional and Part-Time Learning

Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Campbell, is a Student Advisor at Durham College. Here she shares her experience of taking a course with Professional and Part-Time Learning.

In the wake of the pandemic, as the world came to a standstill, many people found themselves seeking ways to make the most of their time in isolation. While some turned to hobbies and entertainment, Liz, a dedicated Student Advisor at Durham College, was determined not to let this time slip away in a blur of TV shows and idle days. With a spark in her eyes, and inspiration in her mind, she continued her journey of learning.

Liz's path at Durham College began with a certificate in Adult Teaching and Training from DC Professional and Part-Time Learning (PPL), an experience she credits for contributing to her dream job as a Student Advisor. The program had opened doors and honed skills she could apply directly to her career. "I absolutely love it; this is my dream job," Liz said.

“It’s a case of constant growing and finding new paths in life"


PPL, with its 70+ part-time and online programs and over 1000 courses, has always offered a platform that aligns perfectly with busy professionals. PPL’s flexibility allowed Liz to choose her learning schedule and progress at her own pace. "It’s so great to be able to complete courses when I am able to and also choose my time in the week that works best," Liz shared. Professional and Part-Time Learning allows students to learn how they want, and when they want.

She found her match in the Health and Safety in Workplace certificate. "I got into it, and I got so much involved," Liz shared with excitement. The program, which she pursued alongside her role as a Student Advisor, turned out to be more relevant than she had anticipated. It brought safety protocols and practices to the forefront of her daily routines, allowing her to not only enhance her own understanding but also offer practical insights to her son.

Liz's son was in the process of building his dream car workshop, and her newfound knowledge proved invaluable. "This program allowed us to learn many health and safety aspects of business," she revealed. Her ability to guide her son in matters of ventilation systems and safety equipment showcased the practicality of her learning journey. It wasn't just about personal growth; it was about making a tangible impact on those around her.

As we approach the normalcy after the pandemic, Liz is committed to her journey of continuous learning. She wants to set an example for her four sons. "I want to show them that it's not just a case of getting that one certificate, degree, or diploma. It's a case of constantly growing and improving and finding new paths in life," Liz expressed.

Three years later, she finds herself close to finishing her certificate. Looking ahead, her sights are set on the Project Management certificate offered by Professional and Part-Time Learning. The project management certificate teaches skills that are relevant to numerous people and various jobs.

In a world forever changed by the pandemic, Liz's story is one of creating a legacy of growth and learning. Liz is an inspiration and a #DCProud member; her story shows that even in the most challenging times, we can find ways to achieve, evolve, and inspire others along the way.

DC Professional and Part-time Learning offers a diverse selection of over 70 programs and more than 1000 courses designed to help you achieve your career goals. Investing in your career development can lead to promising future opportunities. You can register for many PPL courses either with Monthly Intake Online options, which start every month, or at the beginning of regular semesters such as Fall, Winter, and Spring.

What is Monthly Intake Online? Monthly Intake Online courses are conducted on the OntarioLearn LMS platform and have a unique feature—they start every month, even outside of the regular semester dates. If you need flexibility in your course start date, Monthly Intake Online is an excellent choice.

For financial assistance, please visit the OSAP Eligibility webpage. When you're ready to take the next step, explore your part-time learning options at

3 Unique Programs to Master Your Hobby at Durham College!

"Happy is the man who can make a living by his hobby." - George Bernard Shaw

Hobbies frequently serve as avenues for personal development and creative refinement. Whether you aspire to become a photographer, have a passion for interior decor, or are simply curious about fashion and sewing, Durham College’s Professional and Part-Time Learning offers a variety of carefully crafted programs to help you master your interests. In this blog, we will dive into these unique programs designed to elevate your skills to the next level. 

  1. Photography (Recognition of Achievement): This photography course covers the fundamentals, starting with getting to know your camera. The instructor will take you through the intricate settings of a DSLR camera. During the course, you will master effective planning for photo shoots and improve your photography skills. Additionally, you will gain the knowledge necessary to create a comprehensive business plan for owning and operating a studio, providing you with the resources to succeed as both a photographer and entrepreneur.
  1. Interior Decorating (Certificate): If you have a keen eye for details such as color schemes, textures, furniture placement, and lighting when you enter a café, then interior designing might be your true calling. Durham College offers a certificate program in Interior Decorating that is recognized by the Decorators & Designers Association of Canada (DDA Canada). This program provides hands-on experience and real-life design projects to help you develop professional and creative design skills. You will also learn how to use contemporary technologies to create industry-standard design boards, which can be useful in presenting your ideas to clients.
  1. Sewing (Certificate): Are you enthusiastic about designing and making your own clothes? If so, then Durham College's Sewing certificate program is perfect for you. The program is designed to teach you how to craft a range of tailored garments with impeccable finishing details. You will also learn how to create bespoke patterns and alter commercial ones, ensuring that they fit the specific requirements of each garment. The course is fully led by experienced instructors and involves hands-on training to help you master the essential techniques and industry jargon. Although the college will provide sewing machines during the class, they won't be available for use at home assignments.
Durham College's Professional and Part-Time Learning offers programs that can help you achieve mastery in your hobbies and learn the skills of your craft. By prioritizing excellence and skill development, these PPL programs provide opportunities for personal transformation and open up a world of possibilities.
DC Professional and Part-time Learning provide an extensive range of over 70 programs and 1000 courses to support you in achieving your career objectives. Investing in your career development can yield prosperous outcomes in the future. Many PPL courses are available for registration every month with Monthly Intake Online options or at the start of every regular semester i.e. Fall, Winter and Spring.
What is Monthly Intake Online? It’s an online course that takes place on the OntarioLearn LMS platform. The unique feature of these courses is that they start every month, even outside of the regular semester dates. So, if you’re looking for flexibility in your course start date, Monthly Intake Online is a great option.
If you require financial assistance, please visit the OSAP Eligibility webpage and when you’re prepared to take the next stride, explore your part-time learning options at

The Importance of Fundraising Management: 3 Key Elements to Ensure Success

Fundraising management is the process of planning and developing strategies, including developing a fundraising plan, identifying potential donors, creating marketing materials and organizing events to raise money. Effective fundraising management helps organizations to build relationships with donors and other stakeholders. Also, it supports non-profit organization’s ability to carry out their missions and positively impact the world.

A successful fundraiser requires careful planning and execution, below are three key elements that can help ensure the success of your fundraising efforts:

  • Clear Goal: It is essential to have a specific and achievable goal in mind when planning a fundraiser; it helps you focus your efforts and provides the donors with a clear understanding of their contributions.
  • Identify Potential Donors: Research organizations that share your values and have similar interests in your mission; they may be willing to support the cause. You may also leverage social media platforms to research and connect with potential donors. This could include foundations, corporations, and even individual donors.
  • Engaging Marketing Materials: Creating marketing materials will generate excitement and increase engagement around your campaign. Marketing materials will also help you to communicate your messages effectively, and you may use emails, social media posts, and other promotional materials in your marketing plan.

Accountability and transparency are essential in today’s society, and fundraising management is a vital part of an organizations duty to demonstrate these fundamentals to the public and their donors. It encourages openness on how donations are being used and helps to demonstrate the impact of their work. Also, it allows organizations to build confidence and trust among their donors and the wider community.


Interested in a Career in Fundraising Management? 

The Fundraising Management Certificate program allows you to expand your knowledge of professional fundraising principles and examine various fundraising techniques and strategies, including special events planning, grant writing, and major gift giving. You will also explore the development of donor relationships as an integral part of fundraising.

  • If you are already working in the non-profit sector or are involved in fundraising, learning about fundraising management can help you be more effective in your current role.
  • Many non-profit organizations have fundraising as a crucial part of their operations, and being skilled in fundraising can open up new career opportunities.
  • If you are considering starting a non-profit organization, learning about fundraising management can help you get your organization off the ground.

DC Professional and Part-time Learning provide an extensive range of over 70 programs and 1000 courses to support you in achieving your career objectives. Investing in your career development can yield prosperous outcomes in the future. Many PPL courses are available for registration every month with Monthly Intake Online options or at the start of every regular semester i.e. Fall, Winter and Spring.

What is Monthly Intake Online? It’s an online course that takes place on the OntarioLearn LMS platform. The unique feature of these courses is that they start every month, even outside of the regular semester dates. So, if you’re looking for flexibility in your course start date, Monthly Intake Online is a great option.

If you require financial assistance, please visit the OSAP Eligibility webpage and when you’re prepared to take the next stride, explore your part-time learning options at