Meet Paritosh Anand: The boy who dreamt and conquered - Hindustan Times

Meet Paritosh Anand: The boy who dreamt and conquered

Aug 24, 2020 08:46 PM IST

Since childhood, Paritosh had a knack for filmmaking and music. In his spare time, he would just work on his craft.

Often people talk about their Dreams. Expressing suppressed desires of following the dream they saw; something that made them happy and content, that made them, them. This confession is backed up by expressing how they could not choose their dream as a career due to family and societal pressure.

Paritosh possesses an undying love for his nation, but he realized that he was a cultural misfit in the academy.
Paritosh possesses an undying love for his nation, but he realized that he was a cultural misfit in the academy.

Similar to these people, a young boy from Dehradun saw a dream too. A boy always cheerful and high spirited; acting and dancing around - an entertainer for every person around him. This boy, today, is known as Paritosh Anand, aka ‘The Same Old Kid With A Dream’, all over the world.

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Since childhood, Paritosh had a knack for filmmaking and music. In his spare time, he would just work on his craft. Hence it doesn’t come as a shocker that by the age of just six, Paritosh mastered playing multiple instruments.

It is a wrongly conceived notion that people who are into arts lag academically. Paritosh proved this common saying- false. This sharp minded individual gave equal importance to his studies as well as his talent; resulting in him scoring 95% in his intermediate examination. It was a proud yet decisive moment of his life. While he wanted to chase his dreams, a path not easy to pursue, his parents wanted him to settle with a more common but promising career. He put up a strong fight to pursue his dream but ultimately he had to give in and settle with his family’s aspirations. The choice was not easy for him. He didn’t realize that the real fights are yet to be fought. After being recommended by the SSB Thrice with All India Ranks of 6, 88 and 240, he joined the Armed Forces in July’17.

The journey for him had just begun. He hustled to serve in the army and give it all to the services but how can a man give his everything after leaving a huge piece of his existence in past?

Paritosh possesses an undying love for his nation, but he realized that he was a cultural misfit in the academy. After 22 days he decided to stop making others beliefs his own, and leave; the toughest and most challenging decision of his life.

People thought he had failed, lost all hope. He was aware of the hate and isolation he got from everyone around him. Words like “Disgrace”, “Loser” became a part of his existence. He was living a war within himself, questioning his decision. But, he couldn’t allow emotions to take a toll on him, and he didn’t stop striving to make his dream a reality. He strived, taking one step at a time- Paritosh rose from the ashes like a Phoenix.

Today he has given numerous keynote speeches including the prestigious TEDx Talk, he also co-hosts a Top Ranking Podcast - Two Peas In a Pod, with his brother Raghav Anand who himself is an Entrepreneur and Creator.

An author in the making, his first book titled “The Importance of Dreams” which is soon to be out, Paritosh holds two businesses of We Smile Media and Dream of the Defence, to his name just at the age of 21, while catering to his 130,000+ audience: he makes them believe in themselves, their dreams and inspires the youth of today.

This journey of a boy who was ready to risk it all may sound easy but it is not. It takes courage and valor to go against everyone, defying the societal norms only to chase your truest sense of existence. As Paritosh Anand rightly preaches-

“It’s true, if you Believe.”

Disclaimer: This is a company press release. No HT journalist is involved in creation of this content.

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