“Generation Gaps” by Clancy O’Brien. It’s completely dated of course; people whose greatest ambition in life is to remain continually high don’t change the world, and the burnout of high drug use was starting to become obvious even then. But I recently realized something when rereading it: This is why, beginning with the Nixon administration in the early 1970s, “The Establishment” as it was then called began its merciless persecution of drugs and drug users. Because some people at the time really were afraid that society was decaying into a generation of lotus eaters, and that as the great enabler of the Counter-Culture drugs had to be put down, hard. IOW, the “War On Drugs” was really a War On Druggies.

The Establishment always wants the workers to be working. Now they fear UBI or basement dwelling gamer lamers.

Of course it was about people, not stuff. Unproductive people have always been the Establishment’s greatest fear. Exceeded only by fear of organized unproductive people.

Straight from the mouth of H. R. Haldeman, it was a vulnerable spot in both the Anti-war and Black Power movements. “ we could disrupt those communities”

Animal Farm

Vis-à-vis what?

Reading the title of this thread reminded me of a movie where a hippie leader took over the United States. I cannot recall the name, but I remember two bits from the movie. First was the leader managed to get all people over a certain age placed in facilities where they were drugged into obliviousness and the second bit was a short interaction between the leader and his very young son:

Son: How are old are you, Daddy?
Leader: Thirty-five.
Son: Wow. That’s old!

I wish I could remember the name of the movie.

That would be Wild in the Streets, @Monty :

@Spoons Thanks!

My friends and I loved that theme song, though, and it holds up:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbzpCCN-1T4

Firesign Theatre’s “Le Trente-Huit Cunegonde” on their Waiting for the Electrician album is their comedic take on life after the Revolution where the hippies take over.

I hadn’t heard that song in decades, but I recalled it as soon as I saw the title. I agree, it holds up pretty well!

Previous discussion on the board

They are not that keen on organized productive ones either, unless they are the ones doing the organizing.

But yeah, anything that does not lead to the population dutifully and obediently staying in their God-given place and saying “yes sir” when told to take their spot in the crop field/assembly line/mineshaft/platoon/back of the bus all the while being thankful and respectful to their betters, is something to worry about…

There was a live-action TV show in the 1990s called Sliders about a group of people who slide from one parallel universe to another. In one of the first few episodes they reach a parallel universe called Summer of Love where it’s 1995 but the hippie movement in San Francisco never ended so now the hippies run the world.

Horrible stereo mix though, and even worse on the album (yes, some people actually bought the debut album of Max Frost and the Troopers).