Dad Shares Image Of Fallen Soldier Reuniting With Family |

Dad Thinks He's On A Routine Flight Until Pilot Asks Passengers To Stand For Fallen Soldier

Published Sep 21, 2017

Mike Helms was on a routine flight to Oklahoma City when he witnessed one of the most heartbreaking yet unifying moments of his life.

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Shannon Cudd (she/her)
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When the plane landed in Oklahoma City, the pilot came over the PA system to make an important announcement — and what had once felt like a normal flight suddenly took on a whole new meaning.

The pilot explained to the passengers that their flight had also transported a fallen soldier.

This soldier was returning home for the last time — and Mike witnessed the heart-wrenching moment her parents met her casket on the runway.

Despite the heartbreaking nature of the moment, Mike couldn't help but feel stunned at the sense of respect and unity he experienced inside the plane.

When Mike shared this moment on Facebook, he experienced a unity he never expected.

Keep scrolling to learn more about this moment from Mike's point of view, and what we know about the fallen soldier.

Thumbnail Photo: Facebook / Mike Helms


Mike Helms was on a flight to Oklahoma City when he experienced a moment he will never forget.

Facebook / Mike Helms

When the plane landed in Oklahoma City, the pilot came over the PA system to address everyone onboard. He explained that their flight had carried a fallen soldier home for the last time.

Facebook / Mike Helms

The pilot asked that everyone remain on the plane and have a moment of silence to honor the fallen soldier. That's when Mike happened to look out the window and see something heartbreaking — the soldier's parents, grieving over her casket, and members of her unit saluting their fallen comrade.

Facebook / Mike Helms

Mike says he couldn't stop himself from crying, and I don't blame him. Mike was embarrassed at first, but then he noticed something: Nearly everyone else on the plane was also in tears.

Cpl. Fareeza Ali / USMC

Despite the heartbreak of this loss, Mike felt an incredible unity inside the plane.

"I saw Americans paying respect to their countryman," Mike wrote of the experience. "A woman who put her life on the line for me, and you, and your freedoms."

Facebook / Mike Helms

Mike shared this moment on Facebook with his friends and family, but it took off quickly. Soon, over 300,000 strangers had seen the image and taken part in the unity Mike felt on the plane.

Facebook / Mike Helms

The photo even made it back to the fallen soldier's family. According to Daily Mail, her name was Brooke Newton, and she was 25 years old.

Her family wrote:

It was nice to know our baby girl was surrounded by love and kindness on her final flight home. She was an Oklahoma girl that loved her family, friends, fellow shipmates and serving her country. She was a tender and delightful soul that enjoyed watching her favorite sports teams play (Dallas Cowboys & San Antonio Spurs), traveling and new adventures, eating her dad’s home cooked meals, visiting the fire station, fishing with her papa and cousins, shopping, going to concerts and being a friend to all animals and a lover of oldies music.

There will be a forever ache in our hearts, but we know she’s watching us from heaven, and we will see her again someday.

Brooke served in the Air National Guard and the Navy.

Flickr / Official U.S. Navy Page

Even though Brooke's death is heartbreaking, Mike's post is a great reminder of how important it is to have support, love, and unity around you. I'm sure Brooke's legacy will live on through her family, friends, unit members, and now complete strangers who have been touched by her story.

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