Flag of Afghanistan | Flagpedia.net

Flag of Afghanistan

Flag of Afghanistan

Note: This flag represents Afghanistan internationally in the United Nations, reflecting its recognition as the Islamic Republic despite the Taliban's rule since 2021.

Country information

Sovereign State Yes
Country codes AF, AFG (ISO 3166-1)
Official name Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Capital city Kabul
Continent Asia
Member of United Nations, Collective Security Treaty Organization, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
Population 32 225 560 (2019)
Total area 652 230 km2
Highest point Noshaq (7 492 m, 24 580 ft)
Lowest point Amu Darya (258 m, 846 ft)
GDP per capita $ 521 (World Bank, 2018)
Currency Afghan afghani (؋, AFN)
Calling code +93
Internet TLD .af

Flags of neighboring countries

Country location