'Resident Alien' Season 3 Premiere: Sahar Leaving Explained
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Resident Alien Premiere: Alan Tudyk Talks Harry and McCallister’s ‘Tenuous’ Bond: ‘I Don’t Know That They Trust One Another’

Resident Alien Season 3 premiere
Courtesy of Syfy

What will happen when a no-nonsense government general pairs up with an eccentric, juvenile extraterrestrial to take on a formidable pack of aliens hell-bent on destroying the world? We’re about to find out because the wait for Resident Alien‘s third season is officially over!

In Wednesday’s Season 3 premiere, we finally catch our first glimpse of Harry and Gen. McCallister’s unlikely partnership, as they join forces to fight back against the Greys’ surely catastrophic plans. But the ante is upped when our beloved alien learns that Joseph (the Grey played by Dollhouse’s Enver Gjokaj) is posing as a Patience deputy. Just as Harry wants to uncover what the Greys’ ultimate plan is, Joseph is equally as wary of Harry’s presence on planet Earth, and after Harry and the general compare notes, McCallister finally realizes that Joseph is her mole. But will these two polar opposites be able to sustain a working relationship that’s already starting out on thin ice?

“Humans all work together and Harry’s used to working alone because he’s the smartest person on the planet,” Alan Tudyk tells TVLine. “It’s a little difficult for him, but he gets certain things from McCallister throughout the season. He’s got access to government funds, and top secret, alien hardware that they’ve collected over the years. It’s a tenuous relationship. I don’t know that they trust one another.”

While Harry wades in these new governmental waters, a not-so-little-anymore Max and Sahar search for proof as to whether Harry had anything to do with alien tracker Peter Bach’s death. The kids confront him directly, and while Max wants to believe that Harry couldn’t possibly have killed Bach, Sahar swipes the alien tracker’s taser from Harry’s house, which she thinks is proof enough of his guilt.

So what else is in store for Harry and Max’s testy relationship this season?

Max and Sahar Resident Alien

“This is a little spoiler: I don’t kill him!” Tudyk jokes. “Max has to figure out how much he can trust Harry still. They have a new facet of their relationship as he’s getting older. Are they friends? Can they help one another in new ways? There are changes going on in his life and he’s a perfect helper because he can see aliens, and right now there is a problem in Patience of there being more aliens than ever.”

As if that wasn’t enough for the boy to manage, Max also learns that his buddy Sahar will soon be moving to California to join a prestigious academic program for gifted minds. Does that mean this is the last we’ll see of young actress Gracelyn Awad Rinke?

“She’s not gone for good,” creator and executive producer Chris Sheridan assures us. “Behind the scenes, there was a bit of a scheduling issue, which is heartbreaking because she’s so good. But what it did in a great way going into Season 3 was it created a new dynamic where Max has lost Sahar, so he goes out and recruits a couple more alien trackers and has his own little alien club, which is kind of perfect because Max is getting more confidence now that he’s getting older.

“But what’s interesting about it is that Harry, in this new independent state of being a teenager, is similar to where Max is emotionally because they’re both kind of children,” he adds. “Max is also asserting his independence and it gives him a little more strength to, when need be, draw a line and break away from Harry a little bit. It’s a great dynamic because you get the sense that Harry has a love-hate relationship with Max, but he can’t help but like the kid a little bit and would never admit it. When Max goes away or is working against him, Harry notices and doesn’t like the feeling. It’s a great emotional track for both of them.” 

Thoughts on Resident Alien’s Season 3 premiere? Grade the episode below, then light up the comments!

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