The Meaning Behind The Song: Rebel Rebel by David Bowie - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Rebel Rebel by David Bowie

Title: Rebel Rebel by David Bowie – An Exploration of Its Hidden Meanings


One of the most iconic songs by legendary musician David Bowie, “Rebel Rebel,” has stood the test of time and remained a favorite among fans. The song’s catchy tune and infectious lyrics have been the soundtrack of many rebellious souls over the years. Although the song’s message may seem straightforward, there is hidden profundity in the lyrics that tell a story of chaos, rebellion, and self-discovery. This article will examine the story behind “Rebel Rebel” and explore the deeper meanings that have made the song a timeless classic.

The Inspiration Behind the Song

“Rebel Rebel” was released in 1974 and became an instant hit. David Bowie has always been known for his rebellious spirit, and the song was inspired by his love for rock and roll and the underground subculture that came with it. Bowie was exploring his gender identity and sexuality around the time of the song’s release, and the lyrics reflect his struggle to find his place in society.

The Lyrics

The chorus of “Rebel Rebel” is catchy and straightforward, but the verses tell a more complex story. The lyrics are a call to arms for anyone who feels misunderstood by society:

“You’ve got your mother in a whirl
She’s not sure if you’re a boy or a girl”

These lines refer to Bowie’s own gender ambiguity, but they also express the frustration of being judged by society for being different. The chorus, “Rebel rebel, you’ve torn your dress,” is a nod to the glam rock movement of the time and the idea that breaking gender norms was a form of rebellion. The line “hot tramp, I love you so” is also significant, as it celebrates the freedom to love whoever you want regardless of societal norms.

A Song of Rebellion

“Rebel Rebel” is a song about rebellion, but not in the typical sense. It’s a call to break free from the limitations that society places on people and to embrace individuality. In his book Rebel Rebel: All the Songs of David Bowie from ’64 to ’76, author Chris O’Leary states, “Bowie realized early on that rebellion was an industry, and in ‘Rebel Rebel’ he was building bridges between himself and the audience that he knew would follow him.”

Bowie was aware of the importance of fashion and image in his art, and “Rebel Rebel” shows that he was using these elements to break down barriers and challenge the status quo. The song’s success is proof that his message resonated with audiences, and that people were hungry for change.

A Song of Self-Discovery

Bowie’s search for identity is a recurring theme throughout his music, and “Rebel Rebel” is no exception. The lyrics express his struggle to find his place in the world and the desire to break free from the limitations that society placed on him. The line, “you’ve got your perfume and your makeup on,” is a reference to Bowie’s own experimentation with gender identity and personal style.

The song’s message of self-discovery remains relevant today, and the LGBTQ+ community has embraced “Rebel Rebel” as a symbol of individuality and breaking down barriers.

The Legacy of “Rebel Rebel”

More than 45 years after its release, “Rebel Rebel” remains a beloved classic. The song has been covered by numerous artists, including Joan Jett, Rickie Lee Jones, and Duran Duran. The song’s message of individuality and rebellion continues to inspire new generations of fans, demonstrating the enduring power of David Bowie’s message.


“Rebel Rebel” by David Bowie is more than just a catchy tune with a fun chorus. The song’s lyrics tell a story of rebellion, self-discovery, and breaking down barriers. Bowie’s message speaks to anyone who has ever felt misunderstood by society and encourages individuality and freedom of expression. The song’s lasting legacy is a testament to the importance of breaking down societal barriers and embracing diversity.

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