Traveler or Traveller: Which Spelling is Right? | Grammar Palette

Grammar Palette

Traveler or Traveller

Traveler or Traveller: Which Spelling is Right?

People often argue about the correct way to spell words, and one common debate is between ‘traveler’ and ‘traveller.’ Both spellings are okay, but which one is more right? Let’s look at the differences and when to use each.

American Way: ‘Traveler’

Spelling Region Key Features
Traveler United States Simpler spelling, one ‘l’

In America, we usually write ‘traveler.’ It’s simpler with just one ‘l.’ This way of spelling came about in the 1800s to make writing easier. So, if you’re in the United States, ‘traveler’ is the way to go.

British Style: ‘Traveller’

Spelling Region Key Features
Traveller United Kingdom Traditional spelling, two ‘l’s

Across the pond in the United Kingdom, they prefer ‘traveller’ with two ‘l’s. The British like to keep things traditional, holding onto how words were spelled in the past.

Where and How to Use

Spelling Context Examples of Usage
Traveler American Publications American books, websites
Traveller British Publications British books, websites

The choice between ‘traveler’ and ‘traveller’ isn’t only about where you are. It also depends on what you’re reading. American books and websites use ‘traveler,’ while British ones use ‘traveller.’ Both are right in their own way.

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Language Changings

Words change over time, and that’s cool. ‘Traveler’ and ‘Traveller’ show how English can be different but still right. Instead of thinking of them as mistakes, see them as part of the language’s rich variety.


Deciding between ‘traveler’ and ‘traveller’ is mostly about where you are and what you’re reading. Neither way is wrong – it’s about keeping things consistent. Whether you like the American ‘traveler’ or the British ‘traveller,’ just stick to one. Language is all about talking to each other, and having different spellings just makes it more interesting.

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