Untold Love Story of Rock Hudson and Lee Garlington: Journey into Their Secret 'True Love' - HOME

Untold Love Story of Rock Hudson and Lee Garlington: Journey into Their Secret ‘True Love’

Rock Hudson and Lee Garlington shared a fleeting yet profound love story that remained a secret for many years. Recently, PEOPLE confirmed Garlington’s passing at 86 in December, almost four decades after Hudson succumbed to AIDS at 59 in 1985.

Their romance unfolded from 1962 to 1965, with Hudson later acknowledging Garlington as his “true love” in a posthumously published biography. In a 2015 interview, Garlington revealed his emotional reaction upon discovering Hudson’s sentiments: “I just lost it. He said his mother and I were the only people he ever loved. I had no idea I meant that much to him.”

Rock Hudson Lee Garlington
Image Courtesy: People

Their journey began when a young Garlington, a film extra, first encountered Hudson in 1962. Despite Hudson’s status as a global movie star and rumours surrounding his sexuality, Garlington discreetly observed him outside his Universal lot cottage. A year later, Hudson’s friend facilitated their meeting, suggesting Hudson had checked Garlington out.

Throughout their relationship, maintaining privacy was not a point of discussion; it was an unspoken understanding. In an era where coming out was career suicide, they concealed their connection. Garlington recounted an encounter with Paul Newman and his wife at a movie premiere, where a subtle exchange hinted at Newman’s awareness of their relationship.

Rock Hudson Lee Garlington
Image Courtesy: People

Their need for discretion intensified after a fan broke into Hudson’s home, prompting him to fortify security. Garlington, now a stockbroker, shared that due to the risks, they rarely took photos together. However, he revealed previously unseen pictures from a 1963 trip to Puerto Vallarta, where they enjoyed a carefree existence away from prying eyes.

Reflecting on the only public photo they took, at a New Orleans bar, Garlington disclosed Hudson’s agent’s strict directive against featuring boyfriends in photos. Despite the challenges, their love endured, and Garlington fondly recalled their moments of normalcy: “We were just comfortable being us.”

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Rock Hudson Lee Garlington
Image Courtesy: People

Garlington expressed a wish that Rock Hudson could have lived in a more accepting time, stating he would have been happier and at ease. He lamented the challenges Hudson faced in concealing his true self, emphasizing the impact of societal attitudes during their time.

The couple separated in 1965, with Garlington admitting that one reason for their parting was his desire for a stronger father figure, while Hudson had a gentler personality. They lost contact, and Garlington was shocked by Hudson’s AIDS-related death 20 years later. Garlington acknowledged Hudson’s significant influence on changing attitudes toward AIDS, highlighting his widespread love and appreciation.

– Farheen Ali 
