Find the cancellation policy for your Experience reservation - Airbnb Help Centre
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Find the cancellation policy for your Experience reservation

Maybe flexibility is on your must-have list when booking an Experience, or perhaps you need to cancel right now. Here’s how to find the cancellation policy for your Experience reservation:

Before you book

You can find cancellation details on the Experience page under Things to know, and during the booking process—before you pay.

After you book

To find the policy and cancellation options for your Experience reservation:

  1. Go to Trips and click your Experience reservation
  2. Click Show details
  3. Go to Reservation details and find the Experiences cancellation policy

If you want to know what your refund will be, start cancelling your reservation and we’ll show you a detailed breakdown.

Extenuating circumstances

Have an emergency and need to cancel? Check out our Extenuating Circumstances Policy to make sure you qualify. A good thing to know: you may need to provide documentation.

Our Extenuating Circumstance Policy does not cover travel disruptions caused by COVID-19. Learn more about coverage for COVID-19 under our Extenuating Circumstances Policy.

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