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You don't know anything! I'm... not... the villain! I'm trying to save the world! Your son is the monster!

Angstrom Levy is the main antagonist of Season 2 of Invincible. He was a brilliant human who had the ability to traverse through different dimensions. Seeing all the possible realities the multiverse held, he sought to innovate and save his reality by gaining the knowledge from his alternate selves. His plan would go awry as Invincible intervened, unwittingly and unintentionally disfiguring him, and gaining memories from all his alternate selves. Driven mad, he became obsessed in his quest of vengeance against Invincible and his entire family.


Background Information[]

Angstrom Levy of the main universe was born with the ability to open traversable portals between his own reality and others, making him unique amongst all of his alternate selves across the multiverse. For possibly months or years, he discovered there were different universes in which he existed, he would travel and bring those different versions of him to his universe, and also discovered many realities where Invincible joined forces with his father and took over earth.

Man of Many Talents[]

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Angstrom and the Mauler Twins.

He would eventually track down the Mauler Twins to aid him in transferring the unique knowledge his alternate selves possessed about each of their home dimensions in order to pool medical, technological, and philosophical knowledge for the benefit of all. In his time with the twins he considered himself an ethical person, as well as a pacifist, and somewhat blessed them with the knowledge of different realities, as well as their own designs of powerful devices from these different realities to complete his goal. The Mauler Twins were convinced to help Levy, and in return he would guarantee them a new reality of their choosing.


Angstrom's refuses to let Invincible die.

At night the machine was done, and when they started the process, Invincible (not knowing Levy's goals) tries to stop him. Levy did try to reason with Mark, however his pleas fell on deaf ears, and he was forced to summon more Mauler twins from other universes to help. Upon getting the upper hand, they attempt to bludgeon Invincible to death against Levy's wishes. Levy removes the helmet linking him to the memory transfer device and his alternate selves, stating he "will not build his utopia in blood". This action inadvertently causes the machine to explode spectacularly, killing all of the Maulers and Angstroms that came from different realities within the building, leaving only Invincible alive.

Angstrom's Vendetta[]


The birth of a monster.

However, the Angstrom attached to the machine is shown to have lived upon being unearthed by Mauler who is surprised by his survival. According to the Mauler Twins earlier, if the helmet was removed before the connection was finished, severe brain damage would be the least worrying problem. This proves to be the case, as the premature disconnection also affected his mental state, causing him to be unable to distinguish his own memories from those of his alternate selves, as well as failing to remember his choice to disconnect from the machine and his grand plan to save all of reality. This, along with his disfigurement (a grotesquely enlarged cranium presumably due to holding so many memories) leads him to swearing vengeance against Invincible for the deaths of his alternate selves as well as the deaths of their collective loved ones at Invincible and Omni-Man's hands in their respective alternate dimensions.

At some point he traveled to a dimension where doctors could repair his physical state with his a device implanted on his back to support his spinal area, which made him physically stronger able to combat certain super powered figures, however despite that, his head area was the most unfixable, forcing him to use a cloak to hide his disfigurement.

Angstrom and the GDA

"Make him pay for what he did to your world."

Following this, he decided travel to another reality and met another Invincible to ask him questions about his defeat and capture at the hands of Cecil and the GDA, promising his freedom in return. He told Angstrom of his imprisonment and that his father was killed by quantum bombs, but as different versions of Cecil and Donald arrived, Angstrom left to parts unknown, leaving the Evil Mark Grayson in the hands of the GDA.

Return to his Dimension[]


Angstrom preparing to meet someone.

Much later, Angstrom was seen in a universe being fitted with a three-piece suit by a four-armed tailor. The tailor asks Levy what occasion would call for such a fine suit in which he replies that he's "visiting an old friend". Angstrom crosses through multiple dimensions, including one with zombies, finally reaching his own and proclaiming how good it is to be home.

Angstrom would eventually find the Grayson Family House, taking his mother and brother as hostages to draw him in.

The Grand Plan[]


Angstrom summons a portal.

After his call, Invincible rushes home to see Angstrom, his mother, and brother in the living room. As he tenses up to prepare to fight, Angstrom holds his mother's neck in his hands, ready to kill her and goads Invincible on. Mark, not wanting to provoke Angstrom, relaxes and is hit with a signal jammer by Angstrom, preventing any outside interference from the GDA. Angstrom informs him that half of the realities Invincible is present in, his superhero identity is known. Invincible, unaware of who Angstrom is, begins to warn him only to be cutoff by a shocked and offended Angstrom who recounts that in their previous encounter his visage was not as deformed. Realizing who he is, Mark refers to Angstrom as "that guy", offending him as he declares his name and blames Invincible for turning him into a monster, of which Mark denies and blames his machine that blew up. Angstrom cries out, blaming Invincible and throws Debbie and Oliver to the hardwood floor, causing Oliver to cry.

Mark, still wanting to resolve this as peacefully as possible, offers Levy help in which Angstrom states he had "the best doctors in a dozen dimensions" mend and reconstitute his body, but were unable in fixing his appearance. Oliver's wails begin to agitate Mark, noting this, Angstrom taunts Invincible to attack. As the two ready themselves, Levy charges his power in a defensive move to teleport Invincible to a dimension of sapient talking dinosaurs. The Jurassic predators size up Mark as a rare delicacy and are taken aback at the sapien's ability to speak. Invincible narrowly evades the Jurassic jaws and is brought back to his original dimension.

Angstrom, now with a quiet, uneasy Oliver in his hands, welcomes Mark and comments on his brother's unique pigment, closing with a threat on Oliver's life and how unique he is to this dimension. As Mark begins to threaten Levy, his sentence is finished by Angstrom who states he has no intention of harming the Grayson family, unless that is the only avenue to hurting Invincible. As Angstrom tosses Oliver into the air like a plaything Debbie rushes to catch her stepson, leading head first into the chair. Enraged, Mark dashes to Levy, who sends him to another dimension, but not without the concussive force of Mark's speed pushing him back. Continuing his rage and force, Mark is sent through the portal propelling towards a Prof. Ock, incapacitating him. Agent Spider thanks a bewildered Invincible and tries to explain the dynamic of who's the "good guy".

As Mark's mother tries to console a frightened Oliver, Angstrom berates her for "lying" to her son as she has no true way of knowing the outcome. Debbie, frustrated and angered, says that Levy promised he wouldn't hurt them in which Angstrom corrects her and adds that they are only safe, so long as her son suffers and dies, opening a portal and bringing back Mark, adorned with a web courtesy of Agent Spider. Seeing the irritated Invincible, Angstrom readies a portal underneath the Grayson family, one where it would lead to them falling a considerable height. Mark composes himself and pleads with Levy, stating he's not a killer and apologizes for forgetting him but remembers that he had attempted to save Invincible, blaming the accident leading to his current disposition. Angstrom refuses to believe that he would save someone as evil as Invincible and sends him to another dimension.

With Mark gone, Levy refutes that he would ever save Invincible, leading to a vision of the Mauler Twins (Alternate Universes) beating Invincible and Levy disconnecting himself from the machine causing the explosion; then to a vision of Angstrom standing up to Invincible (Alternate Universe). After, a vision of Angstrom and Angstrom Jr. clutching a red fox named "Chainsaw", as the building begins to shake and crack around them. Angstrom Jr., scared himself, tells his father that Chainsaw is scared. An afraid Angstrom attempts to alleviate his son's worry in a similar manner to Debbie only to be interrupted by Sinister Invincible (Alternate Universe 3) who uses his super speed to kill Angstrom Jr. in front of his father. Angstrom continues relive the lives of Angstroms that suffer through the realities of an Evil Invincible.

Overcome with the grief and pain of living the other Angstrom's realities, he screams out that he's a murderer and a monster and refuses to believe he would ever save him and that he deserves to die, opening a portal to bring back Invincible. Mark, armed with a Dragon's Breath, knocks Levy off his feet and demands he stops, saying that he is done playing in Angstrom's games and offers himself in exchange for his family's safety. The mad scientist, wanting Invincible to pay for what his alternate versions have done, chucks a knife towards Debbie and Oliver, leading to Invincible grabbing it and being sent to another portal.

Monologuing to Debbie, Angstrom ponders which dimension would weaken Mark the most. Debbie uses this distraction to grab a nearby pot and smashes it over the supervillain's head. Barely affected, Angstrom smacks Debbie to the ground who arms herself with a shard of pottery and slashes Angstrom across the chest. As she attempts to flee, Levy brings Invincible back directly into the path of his mother, whom he narrowly evades. Rapidly firing portals and eventually capturing Invincible in one, Debbie begs Angstrom to stop. Angstrom retorts that in several universes, Debbie joins her Viltrumite husband and son in their genocide of humans, declaring the Grayson family legacy one of blood. Debbie adamantly proclaims that she raised the son who defied his father and saved her and chastises Angstrom for being bitter that her son is the hero and he is the villain in this universe. Outraged, Levy throws her into the coffee table and snaps her forearm in half and states his actions will save the world from her Viltrumite son and vowing he will make her family hurt.

Mark, Oliver, Debbie vs Angstrom

Mark witnesses Angstrom's sins..


Freefall battle ensues.

Sending Mark across multiple other universes, Angstrom peers into a portal and is ambushed by Invincible. Peering over to his beaten mother, Invincible becomes infuriated and runs Angstrom into the asphalt outside his home. Levy reveals that the doctors he sought to mend him, enhanced his physical attributes and his plan was to weaken Mark by sending the boy to countless alternate dimensions designed to wear him down for an easy kill. Though his enhancements seem to prove him a match for Mark, Levy's constant threats of violence against Mark's family finally push him over the edge. Mark, unable to hold back anymore, physically and emotionally unloads all of his pent up stress onto Levy, brutally pulverizing the villain's head into red mush, and ending his threat while Mark himself is stranded in another dimension.



Angstrom's plan.

At first, Angstrom Levy of the main universe was more of a pacifist, as he said to the Mauler Twins prior to his disfigurement. His chosen method to save worlds, not just his own, may have been a tad extreme, having gathered alternate versions of himself and then opting to use the Mauler Twins' memory transferal technology to transfer the Angstrom alternates' memories into himself despite one of the Maulers giving the opinion that Levy could simply just ask his duplicates for whatever knowledge he sought.

Angstrom and Mauler Twins!

Angstrom's plan to save reality comes to a dramatic end.

He did not condone destruction and murder, and nearly gave his life and sacrificed his grand plan to save Invincible from dying at the hands of the alternate Mauler Twins. He considered his ability to transport to other realities a gift, and wanted to save the multiverse by using the knowledge from his other selves - one universe, therein, at a time. He would also give the Mauler Twins their own reality as a reward for their service showing his good faith towards people he aligned himself with. Despite that, he is shown to be desperate at times of completing his goals like using the twins, who are certified villains, to build a machine for his "utopia", noting that "no one else" qualifies, then also summoning other villainous Mauler Twins from other realities in hopes of delaying Invincible's destruction of the machine.


You will reap what you sow.

After his disfigurement, Levy's mind became unstable and due to the new memories clouding his mind, he blamed Invincible for the accident. He has countless memories of different Invincible's slaughtering people, no longer being able to tell the difference between the memories from his alternate counterparts and his own. His new goal becomes to destroy Invincible wherever he exists. The new Angstrom is also shown to be deceptive, such as when he traveled to another reality where the Graysons were defeated to meet its Invincible. He negotiated by offering to save him from his predicament with the GDA, speaking in a similar speech pattern to before his accident, but after learning how he was defeated and imprisoned, Angstrom showed his true colors and left the trapped Invincible to his fate. It's interesting to note that prior to the accident, one of the alternate universe Angstroms had despised Invincible and expressed hatred of him and his father as well. His goal was identical to the final Angstrom's, wishing to bring justice down on the Viltrumite "tyrant". This same Angstrom is shown reacting with anger to the main Invincible when he arrives to stop the machine, being unaware that this Mark Grayson is a hero, and somewhat foreshadowing the views of the final amalgamated Angstrom. His personal desire for vengeance against Invincible, paired with his shattered memories, make Angstrom deluded against Invincible and even his family, who he believes will always side with the Viltrum Empire, to such an extent that he took Debbie Grayson as a hostage and almost tore her arm off in a fit of rage when his views on this universe's Invincible were challenged.

Physical Appearance[]

Before his accident, Levy's physical appearance was that of a tall, slender man, who wore a blue button shirt, and black pants, having a black beard and brown eyes. After his accident, most of his hair was burned off, and the entirety of his skull and back had enlarged with a pinkish vein in the middle of his head and spinal area. In the following episode, he was seen wearing a dark cloak with cybernetic enhancements, such as a machine to support his spine and a nasal annular, all of which most likely act as a life support system.

When he returns to see Invincible, Angstrom is wearing a formal black and red suit that he bought from another dimension.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Dimensional Travel: Angstrom was born with the ability to open traversable portals between his own dimension and parallel realities. Angstrom is able to use this to great effect in battle, opening portals to disorient and trap his targets.
  • Enhanced Body: Following the incident that left him disfigured, he had the best doctors from multiple dimensions rebuild his body and improve various factors.
    • Super Strength: His body's strength was above that of a normal human, able to knock around a weakened Invincible, briefly dominating him in a fight.
    • Superhuman Durability: Angstrom is able to briefly survive a beating by an enraged Invincible.


  • Genius-level intelligence: Levy is incredibly intelligent; his intellect is on par with, or perhaps in excess of, most of Earth's brightest minds, including Rudolph Conners. However, admits there are limits to his intellect prompting him to recruit the Maulers.


  • Limited Reach: Despite being able to traverse dimensions, he is unable to open portals with a terminus that leads to the the same dimension that he's currently in.
    • Spatial Limitation: Additionally, Angstrom is only able to open portals to different versions of the space he's occupying, showcased when he broke the Mauler Twins out of prison using a universe where the Global Defense Agency was destroyed.
  • Mental Instability: Due to an incident, Angstrom now has the memories of over one hundred alternate versions of him. This has caused him to think more irrationally, being unable to differentiate what are and are not his own memories.




  • Angstrom Levy was confirmed in season 2, and portrayed as Mark's second major foe in the show, with the first being Omni-Man.
  • Angstrom means a unit of length, equal to one ten-billionth of a meter (10−10 or 0.0000000001 m)
    • It is used to express wavelengths and interatomic distances.
  • Angstrom appears in the first Season 2 trailer, with another Levy who wears a dark sweatshirt and hood to cover his face, this was suppose to
    Angstrom Levy Season 2 Trailer

    Angstrom Levy and another version of himself as seen in a trailer for season 2.

    foreshadow his two appearances in the show.
    • Also in the first Season 2 key trailer poster, three Angstrom Levys can been seen, one next to the Mauler Twins, another with Bulletproof, and the last one with Donald, albeit with different clothing and facial hair.
  • Because of his high intelligence and multiverse like powers, Angstrom Levy can be considered to be based on certain characters who travel across universes such as Kang the Conqueror, the Spot, or America Chavez from Marvel Comics.
  • Angstrom's design, his enlarged brain mass and goatee, resembles that of Marvel Comics character the Leader. Subsequently, both characters gained similar appearances after a freak accident gave them superhuman intellect.
    • Ironically enough, the voice actor Sterling K Brown, actually played a character in Black Panther, N'Jobu, who was the father of Erik Killmonger, Black Panther's lost cousin.
  • Angstrom's design aswell as being a black scientist also is reminiscent of Yakub from the teachings of the Nation of Islam.
  • Due to multiple hints that Season 3 will adapt the Invincible War storyline from the comics, it is most likely that Angstrom actually survived Invincible's brutal attack and will appear in the future.