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鮨とかみ · Sushi Tokami讓您體驗傳統江戶前壽司,欣賞日籍料理人的精湛技巧。每日嚴選最新鮮的當令食材,讓客人品嚐最高級的正宗日本料理。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2017-19)
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食評 (73)
Sushi Tokami這是絕,不可錯過的一間Omakase Sushi Tokami📍Sushi Tokami (尖沙咀)尖沙咀廣東道5號海港城海洋中心2樓216A號舖香港的OMAKASE廚師發板這家餐廳就是位於海洋中心的Sushi Tokami在尖沙咀海港城一家令人驚艷的日本料理餐廳,一進入餐廳 我立刻感受到了它獨特的氛圍。它獨有的木質裝潢,營造出寧靜舒適的環境。餐廳內的燈光柔和而溫馨,走進小門,日式擺設餐盤隨處可見,入到店內第一眼感受到日本師傅的熱情接待 恍如真的身處日本凍番茄,鮟鱇魚肝,白只,這個前菜配搭相當之開胃,我的胃位置已經準備好了:要開始好好品嘗 這裏選用最頂級的海鮮 鯛魚,藍鯨吞拿魚及池魚等並以精湛的刀工製作壽司。拖羅,一入口就會輕輕溶化千層海膽,在口中飽滿的感覺,從未試過如此滿足!簡直要用幸福來表達套餐的12貫手握壽司是必試的二用上等的米搭配新鮮的漁産,每件壽司都保留原材既鮮美和口感他們的海膽壽司,是高質的北海道海膽,師傅毫不吝嗇排上滿滿的兩列海膽!我特別鍾意食它們池魚和藍鯨吞拿!我們坐在寬敞的吧台前,可以近距離觀察到師傅們的精湛手藝,他們用純熟的動作鬼斧神工將新鮮的食材轉化成精緻的佳餚藝術品众食完今餐恨不得快點再來!#今天的故事今天发# #米其林餐厅探店# #蓝鳍金枪鱼# #餐厅推荐# #宝藏餐厅分享# #氛围感餐厅# #料理# #用美食表达浪漫# 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Nestled discreetly on the second floor of Ocean Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui, Sushi Tokami extends an invitation to embark on an exquisite culinary journey. Sushi Tokami in Hong Kong embodies a legacy of excellence. The restaurant's commitment to sourcing the finest ingredients is evident in its boast of exceptional tuna and rice from Niigata prefecture, renowned for producing Japan's finest rice. Chef Taga Satoshi, a master of the Edo-mae sushi tradition, adds his expertise, using red vinegar fermented with sake yeast to infuse a unique aroma into the meticulously prepared rice.The Hong Kong outpost, an 18-seat sanctuary, offers an intimate escape into the world of high-end sushi. Divided into two dining rooms, each adorned with a sushi bar, the serene ambiance, marked by straight wooden edges, warm pooled lighting, and subtle handicraft accents, sets the stage for an unparalleled culinary experience at Sushi Tokami.刺身 - Sashimi:1. 牡丹蝦 (ボタンエビ Botan Ebi):The Botan Ebi set the tone for the sashimi course with its sweet and succulent flavor. A promising start that hinted at the culinary delights to come.2. 石鯛、 象拔蚌、瀨尿蝦 (石鯛Ishidai, ミルガイ Mirugai, シャコMantis Shrimp):The 石鯛 Ishidai, or Striped Beakfish, presented a delicate and mildly sweet flavor. Its firm yet tender texture showcased the freshness of the fish. The chef's precision in slicing the Ishidai highlighted the intricate marbling, and the resulting sashimi offered a subtle taste of the ocean, setting a refined tone for the entire dish.ミルガイ Mirugai, the geoduck clam, added a distinctive touch to the sashimi trio. Renowned for its sweet and crunchy texture, Mirugai provided a delightful contrast, enhancing the overall complexity of the dish. The chef's careful preparation preserved the inherent sweetness of the Mirugai, offering a unique and memorable element to the palate.シャコ Shako - this particular crustacean introduced a bold and savory note to the sashimi composition. The Shako's meaty texture and rich flavor profile added depth to the dish. The intricacies of the Mantis Shrimp, both in taste and appearance, showcased the chef's expertise in working with diverse and challenging seafood.3. 白子、香箱蟹(白子Shirako, セコガニ Seko-gani):The Shirako and Seko-gani showcased the chef's commitment to using premium ingredients. The creamy richness of Shirako and the sweet, delicate taste of hairy crab demonstrated an artful balance of flavors.4.  喜知次 (キチジ Kichiji):This particular fish introduced a robust and succulent flavor to the sashimi combination. Kichiji is known for its tender meat and rich taste, with a hint of sweetness. The chef's skill in working with this distinctive fish showcased a commitment to providing a diverse and memorable dining experience.握り - Nigiri:1. 平目 (ヒラメHirame):The Hirame nigiri showcased the delicate and clean taste of flounder. A refreshing and well-executed palate cleanser before diving into the richer flavors ahead.2. 墨烏賊 (すみ烏賊Sumi Ika):Sumi Ika, or ink squid, provided a unique textural experience. The subtle brininess and firm texture added depth to the nigiri selection.3. 小肌 (Kohada):Kohada is celebrated for its complex taste that dances on the palate. The initial bite reveals a burst of brininess, a characteristic note of the herring family to which gizzard shad belongs. The vinegar-marinated rice complements this briny essence, creating a harmonious balance.4. 北海道 赤身 (Hokkaido Akami):The Hokkaido Akami showcased the region's high-quality tuna. Its lean and clean taste highlighted the freshness and precision in sourcing.5. 北海道 中拖羅(中トロ Hokkaido Chu-toro):Moving up the flavor spectrum, the Hokkaido Chu-toro introduces a luxurious and velvety flavor to the lineup. The sushi showcases the richness of the medium fatty tuna, delivering a mouthful of indulgence. The texture of Hokkaido Chu-toro is buttery and tender, with a luscious melt-in-the-mouth quality. The well-marbled tuna creates a silky sensation that lingers on the palate.6. 北海道 大拖羅 ( 大トロ Hokkaido Otoro):The chef lavished us with the Hokkaido Otoro right after,  indulgence to its peak, offering a sumptuous and mouthwatering experience. The sushi presents the pinnacle of fatty tuna, delivering an unparalleled richness.The marbling of Hokkaido Otoro is a visual masterpiece, showcasing the highest quality fatty tuna. The chef's precise cut ensures an optimal balance between the fatty layers and the accompanying rice.7. 平貝(タイラギ Tairagi):Tairagi, or Pen Shell, provided a refreshing break with its sweet and slightly crunchy texture. A palate-cleansing nigiri that prepared the taste buds for the delights ahead.8. 車海老 (Kuruma Ebi):Kuruma Ebi showcased the sweetness and firmness characteristic of this prawn variety. The nigiri celebrated the natural flavors of the sea.9. 剝皮魚 (皮剥 Kawahagi):Kawahagi, the thread-sail filefish, takes on a new dimension in this preparation. The texture of Kawahagi in this presentation is both tender and slightly chewy, creating a dynamic and enjoyable mouthfeel. Each bite, enriched with the savory sesame and the freshness of spring onions, offers a well-rounded textural experience. The fragrance of natural oils, is a key element in this dish. The inherent richness of the filefish is further emphasized, creating an aromatic delight that adds depth to the dish.10. 海膽 (雲丹 Uni):The Uni tood out as another absolute masterpiece. The type of Sea Urchin used was Bafun Uni from Hokkaido.The creamy, briny goodness of the sea urchin elevated this nigiri to a culinary gem. The texture of this premium Uni is exceptionally velvety, offering a luxurious and melt-in-the-mouth experience. Each bite is a journey into the essence of the sea,11. 赤鯥 (アカムツ Akamutsu):Akamutsu was equally impressive with its bold and robust flavor. The perfect balance of fat and flesh made it an extraordinary nigiri that left a lasting impression. 12. 穴子(Anago):Anago concludes the nigiri selection on a high note. The texture of Anago is tender and delicate, with a pleasing chewiness that adds depth to each bite. The eel is perfectly grilled, enhancing its succulence and creating a memorable textural experience. The sushi features meticulously prepared sea eel with sweet and savory notes that bring a satisfying and comforting end to the culinary journey.In conclusion, this dining experience was a journey through the finest flavors of the sea, with each dish presenting a masterful blend of ingredients and culinary skill! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-01-01
487 瀏覽
#sushi tokami 年尾食餐好嘅慶祝自己又度過一年呢間omakase係海港城嘅一個小角落的店 座位唔係好多 成個裝修都好靚 細節睇得出全部都係用日本餐具·Lunch set 13貫 ($1000)雖然師傅有講解過係咩魚但我已經忘記晒🥹所以淨係講吓我比較印象深刻前菜嘅魚 非常肥美 而且有海帶整嘅汁同啫喱 再吊起番魚嘅鮮味·全餐飯最中意嘅係鰆魚 佢係用昆布壓住舊魚醃漬 所以有淡淡昆布香味 超好食·沙甸魚都係非常出色 好肥美而且冇腥味 睇得出材料非常新鮮·佢嘅招牌吞拿魚突先手卷 係用吞拿魚頸部嘅肉去整 魚味非常濃郁 .另外都有大家最鍾意嘅赤身 中拖同埋蛇腹·Ending有玉子燒 魚湯 同埋大大粒士多啤梨收尾🥹 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-09-25
827 瀏覽
On my resent visit to the restaurant on past few day.The waitress who served us was not attentive and lousy. She only focused about the local customers and kept chatting with the regulars I suppose. When we asked for a split bill, she was confused and messed up the whole thing! Fortunately, the manage came up and sorted out the issue. In short, the dining experience wasn't very pleasant despite the food quality offered by the restaurant. Don't think I will visit this restaurant again for a while! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
🇭🇰最近在尖沙咀海港城探索了一家令人驚艷的日本料理餐廳,讓我大開眼界!這家餐廳就是位於海洋中心的「Sushi Tokami🍣」一進入餐廳🪑我立刻感受到了它獨特的氛圍。木質的裝潢營造出寧靜舒適的環境⭐️餐廳內的燈光柔和而溫馨。坐在寬敞的吧台前🤍可以近距離觀察到壽司師傅們的精湛手藝,他們用敏捷的動作將新鮮的食材轉化成精緻的壽司藝術品🫶🏻Sushi Tokami的料理以傳統的日本壽司為主🐟每一道菜都展現了師傅們的匠心和對食材的敬重。他們選用最頂級的海鮮,例如鯛魚,藍鯨吞拿魚及池魚等🤍並以精湛的刀工將其製作成精美的壽司。每一口都帶給我美味和滿足感,徬佛在舌尖上綻放出一朵朵美味花朵🌸套餐的12貫手握壽司是必試的🍣用上等的米搭配新鮮的漁獲,每件壽司都散髮著獨特的風味和口感🤤他們的海膽壽司,用上高質的北海道海膽,師傅毫不吝嗇獻上兩列海膽搭成兩層的海膽壽司🥰那種奢華的滋味簡直令人陶醉!此外,他們的海鰻和池魚也非常好吃的!無論你是日本料理的愛好者還是想要嘗試高品質的美食,Sushi Tokami都是一個絕佳的選擇🍱他們的食材新鮮,菜品精心製作,服務態度也非常周到。讓我在這裡度過的美食之旅留下了深刻的印象🧡如果你想要品嘗正宗的日本廚師發辦料理,不妨來一趟Sushi Tokami的美食之旅吧!相信你定會被他們的美食所征服!🌙🍣【商家資訊】Sushi Tokami📍 地址:香港尖沙咀海港城海洋中心216A鋪 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)